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Episode 10

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:46:30 am
by Brenda Lowe
Tell me about the lead up to that vote and the expected fallout.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:06:56 am
by Chad
Did I post somewhere earlier today that Katie was level-headed?

Yea. Scratch that.

How do you expect me to explain that. It should have been a fucking straightforward no questions unanimous Jane vote. But fucking Katie and Sarah have this whole paranoid delusion in their heads that we needed to get "numbers" on "our side" and evidently Jane is one of those numbers. So Sarah gets Mia to vote out Kristina instead. And then Katie hears about it and throws a shit fit. And throws me under the bus to Sarah because I was telling Katie that I didn't 100% trust Sarah. Then Katie agrees to it and thinks it's a good idea after one PM from Mia. Until other people find out that we are switching (like how would they not find out and sorry I'm not fucking lying to people's faces when i don't need to) and then she throws another shit fit. And throws Sarah and Mia under the bus to Jolanda. And then throws Sarah under the bus to everyone in public at TC. And then acts like she didn't want to vote out Kristina. When this whole fucking thing came to be because of her in the first fucking place.

We should have just voted Jane out and shut the fuck up. Katie wouldn't do that. And then she turned the entire alternative into a Barnum and Bailey's side show.

That's the story in a nutshell.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:53:25 pm
by Chad
So that alliance that was brewing with Kristina, Katie, Jolanda, and me last night.... Apparently that whole thing was Katie's idea? Yet me, Katie, Sarah, and Jane absolutely had to stick together and we could not vote out Jane last night?

What the fuck exactly were we supposed to do then?

Good lord.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:57:32 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Sounds like you have this tribe all wrapped up and smooth sailing from here on out then y/y? icon_laughing

What does come next though, do you get back on track with a Jane push or have things changed now that you've seen yourselves in a scramble?

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:03:52 pm
by Chad
I'm taking over this shit now, Brenda. No more.

Jane will be one of the boots on Sunday. I want Sarah to be the other one (if we lose twice and with as much of a mess we are, we probably will). I would say Katie, but i know she has an idol. Katie is a walking disaster and she's making Sarah look like regular old mellow hippy right now.

They may come after me because of my Cochran/Ralph connection. I'm working on convincing them I'm not running back to that, which I'm probably not. And Katie said she would give me her idol if I'm in trouble. But I think I can maneuver my way out of it without that being necessary.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:01:41 pm
by Chad
Katie is certifiably insane and if I go home Sunday, it is 100% because of her.

I've never experienced anything like this in an ORG before. It's completely fucking nuts.

I'm about to send her a PM saying she needs to get my name out of her mouth and not say it anymore.

I had nothing to fucking do with all that drama on Thursday. I was fine voting out Jane. I was fine voting out Kristina. I agreed to vote out Kristina because Katie kept telling me she wouldn't vote Jane out. Then she fucking flips the fuck out when we made it so that she didn't have to vote Jane out. Apparently because she put me in an alliance with Kristina? Thanks for fucking telling me that. Last I talked to her she wanted to stick with Sarah and Jane. But perhaps if she logged on more often than once every two days everyone wouldn't have to jump inside her head and make sure we were doing the correct thing or watch out.

She's literally crazy. Like worse than any of the OTT drama queens I have seen in games.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:23:10 pm
by Brenda Lowe

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:17:08 am
by Chad
Katie is a fucking prick and if I get screwed over tonight because of her mental instability I'm going to be so pissed off.

Unfortunately I don't know how to handle tonight. I know Katie has an idol and I'm the only one who knows this. They want to target Jane and Katie tonight, which I'm actually thrilled with, but that damn idol.

I don't know what to do. Do I switch the target to Sarah? Do I just play along and hope Katie doesn't use the idol by pretending I'll vote out Ken? Do I suck up to Katie (a little late for that) and just let her idol out Ken or Mia?

Ugh. And Mia is fucking high right now so I'm sure we are going to do simply awesome in the challenge.

I don't think I've hated any game as much as I do this one. It is literally zero fun. I don't know why people agreed to come back if they aren't even going to play.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:40:26 am
by Chad
Katie is not talking to me. If she idols me out tonight I am going to be livid.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:09:44 am
by Chad
The majority of us should be voting Jane tonight. I doubt Katie will waste her idol on Jane. Please Stranded gods do not let Katie waste her idol on Jane.

Apparently Katie flipped out on Sarah AGAIN tonight when she finally came online like 5 minutes before the challenge. I have literally never seen anyone self destruct like this before. And I've seen some real nutcases in these games. If she uses the idol on Jane to idol me out, I literally might hurt a small animal or something.

This is completely ludicrous. She has some sort of anger management problem or something.