Episode 13

Episode 13

Postby Yul Kwon » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:01:39 am

Well, another tribal council - another idol and another tie vote. Congratulations on surviving to the final ten; it's no easy feat this season. Seriously.

Are you starting to see a pecking order be established? Or is it too crazy to predict? Where do you fall in it?

What do the last two votes tell you about your position in the tribe? What does it tell you about your tribemates?

How does everyone stack up in the challenges?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Carter » Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:21:06 am

Alright, I need to start doing these...

I think there was a pecking order that was trying to be established, but with how much of a clusterfuck these last two tribals have been, there's no use in trying to establish any strategy other than one vote at a time, at least for the next vote or two. I have no clue where I fall in this game, I thought I was same last night, and then the backlash from the voting happened, and I really don't know what to think anymore. I'm on shaky ground for now, but hopefully I've talked my way out of it with Ashley and Sarah, mostly the latter.

It tells me that I've at the very least got a solid alliance for now, although all that could change with the drop of a hat with how few people are left. It's nice how much agreement there was between everyone, but with the split last night, that consensus is sure to disappear if it hasn't already, and I've just got to do everything I can to set myself up as a small or even non-existent target when things kick-off, whenever that may be,

Challenges are sort of a crap shoot at this point with how little skill they've needed at this point. I think I'm in the middle-to-bottom tier of performers. Mia, Ashley, and Debb are certainly above me, Ralph is below me, and I really don't know where Chad, Jo, Sarah, or Ken stack up.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Carter » Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:07:40 am

I'm so out of it right now, it's not even funny

And I think I just undid all the repair work from last night in the process...
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Carter » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:28:44 am

All of me just hurts right now...

that was horrifying...and physically painful...I need this break, man, I need it bad, and I need to put this plan of mine into action now or else the best I'll get is 4th fucking place again
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