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Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:02:00 am
by Yul Kwon
Well, another tribal council - another idol and another tie vote. Congratulations on surviving to the final ten; it's no easy feat this season. Seriously.

Are you starting to see a pecking order be established? Or is it too crazy to predict? Where do you fall in it?

What do the last two votes tell you about your position in the tribe? What does it tell you about your tribemates?

How does everyone stack up in the challenges?

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:46:55 am
by Jolanda
That tribal was gross, so I'm going to talk through my side of things for a little bit then answer questions. (ps no host has posted in here in QUITE some time besides the opening threads, I'm beginning to think I'm the only one who actually reads my confessionals anymore :( )

So going into the vote, I was almost positive that it was going to go against Lisa. I know that Mia and Ken had some dumb plan about getting rid of someone like Ralph, but I was never into it, and I told people (Chad) that i wasn't into the idea when it was presented to me.

After I told this information to Chad, he freaked out because he didn't know about it and Ken and Mia were apparently lying to him about it and they were saying Lisa all the way. Little does Chad know that i knew about all of this, and I was just sent to basically test the waters with him and see his reaction to see if we should go through the plan or not. Honestly, I don't think I ever would have gone with the plan, and I STILL would have voted Lisa if it came down to it, but that doesn't matter.

Chad freaked out, and told Cochran and Ralph about it, so they freaked out too. During the challenge, Cochran saw Lisa in the idol forum, and did what Cochran does best: freak out. So he told everyone and appanretly a vote against Mia was formed so that those three would be safe in the event of ANOTHER idol play by Lisa.

When the votes came in, me, Ken, Mia, Ashley, and Sarah all voted for Lisa, while Chad, Ralph, Cochran, Debb, and Carter (both of who were told at the last minute) voted for Mia, with Lisa voting for Ralph. So, from there Debb switched her vote and THANKFULLY Mia was saved and Lisa was sent home, just like the original plan had stated would happen.

So now I don't know what to do honestly. I'm just trying to get in the middle, and see what everybody is thinking. I'm really close to both Mia and Ken, and I don't think people realize that I'm as close to them as i am because i've been downplaying our relationship ever since we got to refuge together. At the same time, however, I'm not as loyal to them (as much as I do love them) as they think, so I'm willing to do anything that will save me here at this point. Luckily, it looks like the target will be off of me for a little bit unless anything crazy happens, which is perfect and exactly what I want.

My plan now is to rebuild my relationship with Cochran and Chad (and Ralph too) so that they will at least inform me of what's going on. My only worry is that sides have formed, which are Me/Mia/Ken/Ashley/Sarah vs. Ralph/Cochran/Chad/Debb/Carter So I'm just trying to get close to the other side, so that they wouldn't want to vote me out, or even if I could sway one of them to vote with me. It's going to be hard, but maybe it can happen. I just don't want to be in the final six with the other five, because I feel like there is no other way than me getting screwed over, so I gotta play my cards right.

These groups AREN'T going to last forever, and I know that. But for THIS round, I think they might have some impact on the vote, and I just hope i'm not on the wrong side of things.

I'll answer the questions tomorrow, maybe.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:56:07 am
by Jolanda
I really think that in going to be inbetween a rock and a hard place this round.

Mia wants out Cochran, because she thinks he's trying to take control of the game. He is but he thinks I'm in his back pocket for it.

Cochran wants out Mia, because she was trying to take him and his friends out last round. Mia is literally one of my colsest allies, even if she's kind of making a fool of herself by not being able to sit still.

So I'm gonna have to make a choice, and honestly I feel like id rather see Cochran go. I know I can trust Mia 100% and I don't know if I can trust Cochran 100%. So, Cochran needs to go. Also with Cochran gone, I'll be free to make the moves I want without worrying about another power player. After that, Chad goes and I scoop up Ralph and maybe even have my dream final 4 that I hoped for in episode 11?

Right now the goal is to flip Debb and Carter over to our side, and play up the fact that Chad/Cochran are sneaky and will do whatever to save themselves. I'm also trying to force C&C to say Debb and Carter's names as potential targets so we can use that against them.

Basically, you fuck with my friend Mia and try to vote her out, you're no good to me anymore b

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:26:39 pm
by Jolanda
An alliance of me, Ashley, Ken, Mia, and Sarah has been formed. We call ourselves the fan favorites + Ken, and our goal is to take down Cochran and his minions.

We have a group message, so it's official and I don't think that anybody would spill....

The goal right now is to get rid of Cochran via someone flipping (Debb or Carter) or by getting rid of one of them through rocks, which is honestly a little bit scary for me. I'm not a fan of rocks because I could be going home because of it, but it might just happen tonight and it could determine the rest of the game, which blah.....

Cochran and Chad are both totally down to get rid of Mia tonight, which really fucking sucks because I don't want to see Mia leave because that will put me at a huge disadvantage, but it might happen tonight if people aren't loyal.

I don't know, it's a lot to think about and tonight is really scary.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:42:12 pm
by Jolanda
I feel like I've been trying too hard to flip Debb and Carter at this point, and have already done too much by solidifying the alliance of the FF and Ken, so it feels like now would be a good time to just stop messaging for a couple of hours. I did a lot but I want to remain UTR so lol bye. If i keep talking I could get myself in trouble, and EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER better fucking know i don't want to leave in 10th place......

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:42:31 pm
by Jolanda
10th place is the worst. I can suck my non existent dick cuz I'm a LADY.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:42:56 pm
by Jolanda
I don't like this round already. I think that something will go wrong and I'll be fucked somehow. Maybe not this round but idk how much longer my time will be after this....

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:26:27 am
by Jolanda
God now Mia is trying to vote Ralph out. Why must the plan change every minute. Now I look like a liar to Chad cuz I told him I was hearing Cochran, CIA that's what I thought the final plan was.

Ugh what happens if I just vote out Mia is what I'm wondering.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:13:05 am
by Jolanda
I might just have to swallow my pride and vote Mia tonight :'(

I'm fucked lol bye Stranded it's been fun... at east I have a nice weekend.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:15:46 am
by Jolanda
can't believe i'm actually voting ralph. this is a HUGE fucking risk....

tenth place is NOT for me, but I've been ready for rocks all day so let's bring it.

just gotta believe in ashley and sarah here

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:43:14 am
by Jolanda
Things i never thought I would willingly do: go to rocks

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:45:32 am
by Jolanda
literally pooping my pants rn

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:46:16 am
by Jolanda

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:46:22 am
by Yul Kwon
Literally? Ew.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:46:51 am
by Jolanda
Yul Kwon wrote:Literally? Ew.

One time a kid at camp did that and i told him that it happens to everyone don't worry Yul I'm experienced.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:51:35 am
by Jolanda

I hate this so much. Please let me not be in tenth....

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:57:44 am
by Jolanda

Just Ken and Sarah need to get through it now...

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:58:18 am
by Jolanda
final 9 and the weekend tho icon_mml

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:59:42 am
by Jolanda
Sarah or Carter is about to get fucked

please be Carter....

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:01:01 am
by Jolanda

welp, hello 9th-6th nice to meet ya