Episode 11

Voted Out 9-1

Episode 11

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:29:58 am

Welcome to the Merge!!!!

icon_chaos Congrats! icon_mml

How are you feeling about your chances here?

Are you confident in your alliances/friendships or are you exploring other options?

Who are the big threats and are they early merge boots or is it easier to go after group/big targets first?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:23:30 pm

Jane wrote:Can i ask you an honest question do you think I'm leaving

I'm sorry Jane. I really didn't see this PM until it was too late. If I could do that over I would have played the idol on you and voted Sarah but I buckled under the pressure. It was an absolute blast meeting you and I want to thank you for showing me such kindness and genuine warmth,

Right, so I think it's pretty clear that there is no sense in me staying on the path I was on, right? Playing with Sarah was doing my freaking head in today so I want to distance myself from the Refuge trio as much as I can and see who out there is looking to pick up on a sure thing. If anyone wants my vote for a few rounds, all they have to do is ask, I'm going straight past the Sandra strategy of "as long as it's not me", and going right into "as long as it's one of them".
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:27:41 pm

Does that mean you are hooking up with Hiva Oa, or just the Refuge non-trio people? Gimme a trust ranking of the merge tribe, from who you believe will have your back the most to who will be actively out to get you.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Katie » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:11:13 am

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Re: Episode 11

Postby Katie » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:11:54 am

Oh shit, my new avatar is amazing!

Still full of vengeful rage, but so pretty too!!
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Katie » Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:22:53 am

So, apparently I play better when I'm not around because goofing up the schedule and missing the IC yesterday appears to be all I needed to do to get a lot of the heat off my back...?? Like, if you just shut up then apparently someone else will just talk themselves into the hole you're in and then you can just climb right over the top of them to get back out.... Amazing.

So, I don't know how long this Debb v Lisa thing has been brewing and I really don't need to. All I know is that it boiled over at the exact time I needed it to and this is something I can definitely use to my advantage and squeak through tonight. Hopefully the fallout will give me a round or two to lay low and pick my spot and then I might actually be in an ok position.,,,??

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