Episode 12

Voted Out 6-4-1

Episode 12

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:05:00 am

Well, that was an eventful council...

Are you concerned about your position in the tribe? Do you feel as though you are in a position to make any kind of impact on the game or are you biding your time waiting for the right moment?
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Lisa » Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:34:03 pm

WEll, that was fun. I lived ith a 1-1-10 vote and I'm feeling on top of the world. Of course, I'm not in any better position, bu tI think I can mange something here. My main goal with al of this was to be come the swing vote that feels on the outs that people will want. BEcause I think I can position myself to be the swing vote and sort of do things. Of course, f that doens't work, then I can still fall ack on whatever Ashley is doing. Realy though, in order to GUARANTEE my safety in this I have to win immunity tonight. Like, idols won't save me forever, I'm not Russell HAntz or anything like that. I think I can do it though. At least make top 10. I'd love that so much. That would make this game for me.

I'm not sure how else everyone stands on me. All I know is that Ashley is on my side, and that's about it. I think Mia would be on my side too, if I convinced her of the thing I wanted to do. But if not then that's a problem. Ken and Jo don't really like me since Ken still believes that I was behind pushing his name when that was actually Katie. And then Sarah. I thik Sarah's probably the most dangerous person in the game right now and I'drather she leave next before anyone else. I love targeting people, isn't it so much fun?

But uh, I just have to make sure that I'm not going to be the target again tnight since all that work would be wasted, and it's like, I'm not about to live a life where I just waste my time. So I'll see where people's heads are at and then see if I can find a niche and just keep on keeping on in this.

And for the record, I am SUPER lucky. SUPER DUPER LUCKY
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Lisa » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:04:46 am

So much for maybe staying around, lol.
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Lisa » Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:39:33 am

What even.
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