Voted Out 6-4-1


Postby Lisa » Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:42:14 pm

Hey you guys, it’s everyone’s favorite boring person/person who everyone wants gone. But that’s besides the point. Congratulations to all of you on making the Final Tribal Council, and you Cochran especially on making your second FTC of Stranded. If only you could’ve done it in Namibia too, right? But I digress, let’s talk about my opinions on this game, because they totally matter. Also, super stoked that no one from refuge is winning :]

Carter, let’s start with you. I’m happy for you. the fact that you can get to the Final 4 in Nepal and be favorite to win, and then make it all the way to the Final 3 here really means something. Coming from someone who’s played in both seasons you’ve played, we’ve had a pretty cool relationship. I really had a blast with you in Nepal, even if we did get split up and then I was voted out… but this game was different. We got have a REALLY cool round blindsiding Vytas ad that was great, but then at the merge you completely abandoned me. It’s a shame that we couldn’t have had a similar relationship to one we had in Nepal in this game. To me, you just felt kind of there, and when you and Debb flipped on me, it was pretty clear to me that you were never going to make a legitimate move in this game, aside from our Vytas vote. My question for you is, Do you feel that you’re actually an all-star in this game and Stranded in general? Like, you’re allowed to talk about Nepal, but please focus on this game, and be sure to explain why you feel the way you do. Honesty will be rewarded.

Ralph. I have no words. You are so lucky right now. I think like, legit I’m just dumbfounded. The fact that you’re a serious jury threat astounds me since half the time you were having dinner. I guess my question for you is: What was your favorite thing you ate while you missed playing Stranded?

Cochran, I have even less to say to you. Instead I want to listen to you talk. A few a lot questions for you. Do them well enough and you have my vote, but if not, you might as well kiss my vote goodbye.

First things first. Were you ever at all considering a F3 other than Chad you and Ralph?
Second of all, where was your highest and lowest points in this?
Third, what was your reaction to Vytas’ boot?
Fourth, since it’s already obvious I’m not going easy on you here, what was the hardest part of All-stars?
Fifth, we were never going to be allies in this, that was obvious, but in a different world, do you think it would’ve been possible?
Sixth, and this may have been already answered, but how do you feel about the people people on this jury. Like, I want your personal explanation of how you feel about every single person that went to Ponderosa.
Seventh, when this is all over and you look back on your participation in Stranded, will you have any moments where you look back and cringe?
Eighthly, How has this game made an impact on you as an ORG player and you as a person?
Ninthly, have you at all impacted this game? Be real with this, and provide specific examples.
And finally, number 10, Give me your entire game in a single 24 word sentence. It may not be shorter than 24 words, nor longer. EXACTLY 24 words (because we're on season 24 after all).

And I expect at least a paragraph for all answers unless otherwise specified. I’m making you work for this win because it really doesn’t seem like you had to work much otherwise.

Here’s what it is right now for me. Carter, don’t expect my vote unless your FTC is earth shatteringly good. Ralph and Cochran, I can’t believe I’m saying this,but if there were ever a good person to win Stranded’s 6th cycle of all-stars it’s one of you. You two have sort of been the faces of Stranded for a while, and at the end of the day, be proud.

Thanks, and see you all on the flip side.
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Postby Lisa » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:44:52 am

Hey you guys, it’s everyone’s favorite boring person/person who everyone wants gone. But that’s besides the point. Congratulations to all of you on making the Final Tribal Council, and you Cochran especially on making your second FTC of Stranded. If only you could’ve done it in Namibia too, right? But I digress, let’s talk about my opinions on this game, because they totally matter. Also, super stoked that no one from refuge is winning :]

Carter, let’s start with you. I’m happy for you. the fact that you can get to the Final 4 in Nepal and be favorite to win, and then make it all the way to the Final 3 here really means something. Coming from someone who’s played in both seasons you’ve played, we’ve had a pretty cool relationship. I really had a blast with you in Nepal, even if we did get split up and then I was voted out… but this game was different. We got have a REALLY cool round blindsiding Vytas ad that was great, but then at the merge you completely abandoned me. It’s a shame that we couldn’t have had a similar relationship to one we had in Nepal in this game. To me, you just felt kind of there, and when you and Debb flipped on me, it was pretty clear to me that you were never going to make a legitimate move in this game, aside from our Vytas vote. My question for you is, Do you feel that you’re actually an all-star in this game and Stranded in general? Like, you’re allowed to talk about Nepal, but please focus on this game, and be sure to explain why you feel the way you do. Honesty will be rewarded.

Ralph. I have no words. You are so lucky right now. I think like, legit I’m just dumbfounded. The fact that you’re a serious jury threat astounds me since half the time you were having dinner. I guess my question for you is: What was your favorite thing you ate while you missed playing Stranded?

Cochran, I have even less to say to you. Instead I want to listen to you talk. A few a lot questions for you. Do them well enough and you have my vote, but if not, you might as well kiss my vote goodbye.

First things first. Were you ever at all considering a F3 other than Chad you and Ralph? If yes, explain who, if not, explain why.
Second of all, where was your highest and lowest points in this? I want details too, extreme details.
Third, what was your reaction to Vytas’ boot? How did it affect your game?
Fourth, since it’s already obvious I’m not going easy on you here, what was the hardest part of All-stars?
Fifth, we were never going to be allies in this, that was obvious, but in a different world, do you think it would’ve been possible? Had we ended up on Nuku Hiva together, would it have been possible?
Sixth, and this may have been already answered, but how do you feel about the people people on this jury. Like, I want your personal explanation of how you feel about every single person that went to Ponderosa.
Seventh, when this is all over and you look back on your participation in Stranded, will you have any moments where you look back and cringe?
Eighthly, How has this game made an impact on you as an ORG player and you as a person?
Ninthly, have you at all impacted this game? Be real with this, and provide specific examples.
And finally, number 10, Give me your entire game in a single 24 word sentence. It may not be shorter than 24 words, nor longer. EXACTLY 24 words (because we're on season 24 after all).

And I expect at least a paragraph for all answers unless otherwise specified. I’m making you work for this win because it really doesn’t seem like you had to work much otherwise.

Here’s what it is right now for me. Carter, don’t expect my vote unless your FTC is earth shatteringly good. Ralph and Cochran, I can’t believe I’m saying this,but if there were ever a good person to win Stranded’s 6th cycle of all-stars it’s one of you. You two have sort of been the faces of Stranded for a while, and at the end of the day, be proud.

Thanks, and see you all on the flip side.
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