by Jeff Probst » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:14:22 am
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:16:10 am
Jeff Probst wrote:Well... it's a new game and a race to the final. How do you plan to get there and what was your reaction to council tonight?
by Brenda Lowe » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:24:27 am
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:24:26 am
Brenda Lowe wrote:That's called an erection. And now I am picturing "Mia" staring amazedly at her pants
So what next? Will you and your new allies / co-voters sweep to the end from here? Is that a glimmer of FTC and even possibly a win on the horizon? Who even flipped and why?
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:25:07 am
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:16:52 am
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:37:49 pm
Mia wrote:Cochran wrote:
It's so funny because you guys said it would happen, and I half expected it too but it didn't. I pulled a Vytas though and told everyone I was going to play my Idol at tribal and then didn't, I don't know if my name was ever on the table but yeah. I don't know if you knew I had it? But now you do lol. I'm happy that I'm safe tonight at least, and not gonna lie I might take it a little easy PMwise just for that. Or not, fuck idk.
I heard about Ralph trying to work it, and that really just shows how far Carter is up Debb's ass as far as this game goes. I gave the guy more respect from that but he really isn't showing it.
I don't know how I can justify not voting for you if you don't win immunity to be honest, but I've been saying that for a while and we've managed to work things out before so it's always a possibility to make something happen. I definitely don't want them blindsiding me to go with out any repercussions, but I have today at work to think everything over and figure out my best play and shit so we definitely will keep talking going forward because we both have a lot to gain here.
Haha yes, I said it was gonna happen and you guys should act! Like I said, Debb had been promising that she was going to make her move at SOME POINT, she just wasn't sure when. She started in on that at the Final 12 with me, presumably when she ratted me out for bringing you up as a target way back when haha. Even though she kept putting it off, I knew she'd be dumb to promise it and not do at some point.
Anyways, last round two things happened. Debb and Carter drag their feet as usual, so to me, that confirms that they'll probably make their move at the Final 7. And what I told you was true- Jolanda was playing all angles. You, Chad, and Debb. All three. So when I offered you to swing to your side at the Final 7, and Jolanda goes, I meant it. But then you and Chad decided to sit there, and when Debb finally came to me to make it happen, and when it was clear that things weren't going to happen with, Chad, or Ralph, Ken and I had to take the offer and see if it worked. And thankfuly it did![]()
But here's the thing, and I know you won't get this until after work, but PLEASE consider it. I believe you that you have the idol, but I'm not sure that everyone else does. Debb was definitely wary of you or Chad having it, and obviously *I* don't have any proof, so I'm going to assume that you don't have it until its played. But let's think about this for a minute- Debb/Carter still push for you to go tonight, and you have the idol and play it, and boom, you're safe, and you send me home. Easy as that. Or, she calls your bluff because she has nothing to lose (since you'll probably vote for me or Ken if I'm immune) and if you DON'T have it, you're fucked. Now like I said, Debb has nothing to lose from targeting you right now, especially if you're still against me.
So let's say you DO have the idol, and you're safe, and I go home. Then what? Ken is going to side with the pair that voted WITH him to keep him. He's made it clear to me that he wants to go with Debb if she'll take us, and he thinks he can beat at least Carter (I think anyone can. The jury fucking LOVES Ralph, if you didn't notice last night. I think they hate the rest of us)
So you go to the FInal 5 with Debb/Carter/Ken/Ralph. Ralph is a likeable threat (probably) and you're the next big target after me. So even with your idol, if you really have it, you're playing a game that you have to muscle your way to the end in. Now, my odds of getting to the end are STILL slim to none, but I really believe that without Chad now, yours are too. Not with me around, willing to go there with you.
You'll probably think this is crazy, but win or lose, I just REALLY want this game to be good. And right now, at the Final 6, there are 3 tight pairs: You/Ralph, Debb/Carter, Me/Ken. 3 threats each with their goat, although I'd argue that Carter is the biggest goat, then Ken, and Ralph may even be able to clean up some votes. If Debb and Carter get the upper hand tonight, that suddenly becomes 2 of the 3 final 3 spots filled up, with everyone else competing for them.
Just think about it, please haha. I'd even so as far as to suggest a final 3 of you, me, and Debb. The three big threats duking it out in the epic finish this season deserves. Do I think I can win? Yes, I do. But I think you and Debb both can, too. But you have to be able to get there, and I don't think you have a good chance at that if I go home next.
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:41:48 pm
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:44:20 pm
by Brenda Lowe » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:19:32 pm
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:56:01 pm
Brenda Lowe wrote:Woah woah, Cochran might have an idol? How do plans change with that information?
by Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:17:48 pm
by Mia » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:43:56 am