Episode 14

Voted Out 3-2

Episode 14

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:29:34 am

Impressive TC, to have people go to rocks for you.

Where do you go next?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:30:02 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:Impressive TC, to have people go to rocks for you.

Where do you go next?

I'm gonna suck some dick until I'm back on top.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:37:55 am

You're gonna have to be more specific than that. Who's dick(s)?

Do you regret your handling of Cochran at this point?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:40:03 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:You're gonna have to be more specific than that. Who's dick(s)?

Do you regret your handling of Cochran at this point?

Chad's first, and I'll continue to suck Debb's. Maybe Carter's. But mostly Chad's. It sucks because I was NEVER against him, and now I'm fucking clawing my way through this. I knew I was always going to have to do that, but not for such a stupid reason.

Do I regret my handling of Cochran? Not at all. He's a delusional piece of shit. My game is miles from flawless, but lol he really does think he's a mastermind. Every fucking time he plays, too.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:53:44 am

I've never been the cockroach before. I mean, it's not like I could have hidden in the shadows in this game anyways. This is different, and fun.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:02:36 am

Brb, gonna go heartfuck Ralph just for the hell of it

the piece of shit LITERALLY said "yeah I'm just here to beat as many people as I can, I don't want to win"

seriously what the HELL. literally a piece of shit.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:10:41 am

I do need to wake the fuck up though, because Ken is doing the same thing, for the most part. But he's nowhere near as bad as Ralph.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:47:22 pm

Do you feel as though this game is moving at a pace that is one step ahead of the obvious? I was just considering that with the Lisa vote off, it seemed as though there was a blindside to prevent another blindside (that wasn't even happening). Do you expect more players to act ahead of an obvious move and if so, what's the next obvious move that you see in the future, and what would acting ahead of that be?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:38:25 pm

I think that Ralph is an interesting presence in this game. A fucking stupid presence and a waste of space, but interesting none the same. SERIOUSLY though, I'm praying to god that there's more substance to him in this game beyond the "yeah I just want to get past 9th and I'm gonna stick with Cochran even though he's a goat and I'm a goat and I'm not strategically smart so I can't be good at this" because that is fucking GROSS.

BUT, right now I'm doing about as much heartfucking as I can with him. I think Ralph could be potentially easy to get things out of, and I KNOW that Cochran probably tells him things that he expects Ralph to hold close, so I'm going to exploit that. Ralph is like a kid. I mean he actually is pretty young, right? Does this make me sound creepy? Probably but fuck it. Anyways his maturity is so low that all I need to do is butter him up, appeal to him emotionally and as a ~FRIEND~ and then get him to chat some, and when he continues with his typical stupid ass "gameplan" that I mentioned about, I berate him and make him feel shitty. Will it work? Maybe not, but it's worked for me in the past. Heartfucking 101, taught to me by Ken icon_wub
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:45:35 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:Do you feel as though this game is moving at a pace that is one step ahead of the obvious? I was just considering that with the Lisa vote off, it seemed as though there was a blindside to prevent another blindside (that wasn't even happening). Do you expect more players to act ahead of an obvious move and if so, what's the next obvious move that you see in the future, and what would acting ahead of that be?

If it's moving 1 step ahead of the obvious, then they would be fucking stupid to vote me off. I think that Lisa's idol play set an interesting precedent of paranoia. Clearly, in that situation, Debb sold me out as going after Cochran, so then Final 11 and a strike on me happens, which I luckily survived. Last night was just a line in the sand, and it was AMAZING to see that Cochran really didn't expect it to tie. Seriously though, I'm so wet from that.

I expect them to act ahead of obvious moves, because this is all stars. I'm going to be disappointed if they don't, but with people like Debb in the game, having a little bit of power, and CONTINUALLY pandering to a potential plan only to be like "it's not the right time I'm going wait and play it safe so it doesn't come crashing down on me!" is fucking lame.She's like... Tina from last season. Always teasing at this big move to make things interesting and that she'll CONSIDER IT, but at this point I don't expect her to. I can only hope that she doesn't actually get to go all the way to the end, because like I said, Carter and Debb are going to be slimy in this. Not threats enough to be voted out, but one of them could win. In a final three of like, Debb/Carter and ANYONE else, even Cochran or Ralph, my vote probably would go to anyone but Debb and Carter. No respect for teasing big moves and always pussying out.

The next obvious move is voting me out, and seriously, if this question was asked to everyone and it makes everyone chicken out about doing something to keep me in, I'll be pissed lol. If I do go next, I'll be disappointed, but I'll be more disappointed that people are being so dumb and NOT making statements with big moves. This is All Stars, and it deserves that style of play. People who refuse to do it aren't going to get any respect from me. Like, at least Cochran is putting everything out there like I am, even if he is a completely delusional and pathetic piece of shit about it.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:33:57 pm

Before I forget, I need to talk about Ashley in here.

Obviously before this game, we were at each others' throats like nobody's business. It was crazy and hot and it was seriously one of those situations where if I wanted her gone, I would have had the resources to do that. But I came into this game just planning on playing however necessary, NOT with a hit list, so after some thought, landing on a tribe with her (seriously though that pick'em STILL cracks me up) and then in a power alliance was FINE with me.

Lisa wanted Ashley in Refuge to keep her safe and calm her paranoia, which was fine with me, but after a few days of that power alliance, I just wasn't feeling it, as evidenced from my plans to overthrow the Threesome. I want to make things clear- those plans were more out of my uneasiness for me/Jolanda/Ken than as against any of them. Ashley was a little too MOR for my liking, and I don't typically align with people like that, and Ted and Lisa were pretty controlling and never really heard out what I said for the most part. So moving myself/Ken/Jolanda to Refuge and then setting up that coup on the Threesome was nothing personal for any of them, but I was just uneasy about the way they went about things and that I didn't have much control. Is anyone surprised that I needed to be a control freak there?

I'm glad they survived, though. But poor Ted. It was stupid to steer Jolanda/Ken against them because it really shaped this game against us and let Cochran get the upper hand (gag) so whatever. I made my bed and now I'll sleep in it.

But I've genuinely felt like Ashley and I can be friends again in this. I'm glad I didn't target her, and her voting to save me over Lisa and then going to rocks for me meant SO much. But now I'm like... stuck, because I'll feel SO shitty if I turn on her now. Chad is like my best hope, and Chad is NOT feeling either Ashley or Ken, so if he somehow manages to keep me safe tonight, it'll fall on one of them. I can't even pick because Ken and I have been tight since BEFORE day one, Ashley and were great friends previously and have rekindled that in this game, so her going to rocks means all the more to me.

So this is VERY shitty for me. (if I end up staying tonight lol). Basically, if I vote for either of them, it'll be out of me putting my love for this series above BOTH friendships, which will feel shitty, but it's all I have to keep pushing myself through this game.

Shit just got ~REAL~ up in here with Mia. icon_cry
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:23:10 pm

There's a chance I stay tonight, but without one of Ashley, Jolanda, or Ken leaving. :/
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:36:09 am

I can't be bothered to deal with Carter and Debb "I'M DEFINITELY CONSIDERING IT" Eaton. I just can't. I. want. them. gone.

Meanwhile, ideal outcome tonight? This is slowly sliding onto Ashley, as far as I'm aware. But if she has the idol, Ken/Jolanda vote for Carter, and boom, this gets really hot.
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