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Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:48:43 am
by Jeff Probst
So surely there have to be some cracks about to open up icon_ha The question is, who will beat everyone else to the punch?

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:50:14 am
by Mia
Just happy to still be here.

I HOPE Cochran, Debb, and Carter are at each others' throats. I'd like nothing more than to have the opportunity to send ALL THREE home. If Ken/Jolanda/me could flip this, I'd DIE of happiness.

And thank fuck, I tied my Costa Rica placement. Anything that happens now is just a blessing. I love this game so much.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:59:17 am
by Mia
Saving Jolanda's plan here so I can decide if this will actually work:

Jolanda wrote:Here's what I want to happen.

Debb and Carter come to us with the thoughts of getting rid of one of the three of them, we all stonewall them and say Cochran or nothing. After that we get rid of Ralph or Chad, only one of them.

From there we take the remaining dude and get rid of one of Debb/Carter

Bam. Final 5 with the three of us still there. No matter what we make the final four and depending on who wins final immunity we are all in the final three.

Let's hope that happens icon_lol

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:58:13 pm
by Mia
Getting the silent treatment from everyone but Ken and Jolanda lol.

On one hand, it's smart of them because letting us three slip into the Final 7 in tact is dangerous for them for sure.

On the other hand, it's dangerous for a lot of them NOT to make a move on each other right now, too.

Them backing themselves into that corner by voting out Ashley is great, though. Her going last night was honestly bad for them, good for us.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:07:58 pm
by Stephanie Valencia
So proud of you girl. <3 Beat that Costa Rica placement! :D

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:22:23 pm
by Mia
seriously lol if I ACTUALLY managed to bully Ralph into my court? I would fucking die

He thinks Ken has the idol. Idk why and that's a weird variable for me to work with, but I'll do it. I just need to keep being like "lol I'll turn on Ken to stay in the game!" and hope that they believe it.

For now I'm going to continue playing up to Ralph the Carter stuff. He clearly doesn't trust Carter a ton and letting him know that Carter wanted to make a move, and is now backing off? Yeah, it takes away some of the urgency, but I think that maybe that helps our case because it'll be more like he's DECIDING ON HIS OWN to make the move, rather than being forced into it by me/Jolanda/Ken. And with Jolanda working the angle from the other side? This better work lol.

Honestly I'm done with Debb and Carter. You don't pussy out that much in this game and get my respect. I'll vote for anyone but them. Mark my words. And I'll make sure to verbally eviscerate them in the jury and FTC if they make it there. And we ALL know how convincing of a juror I am. I'll find a way.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:22:56 pm
by Mia
Stephanie Valencia wrote:So proud of you girl. <3 Beat that Costa Rica placement! :D

Thnx gurl <3 I NEED your inspiration and support. I can ~DO~ this! I AM winning it for you!

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:24:13 pm
by Mia
I haven't been able to vote for the person going home ONCE this merge lol. Lisa doesn't count because I didn't vote on that revote lol. YOLO

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:57:09 pm
by Mia
This is the biggest fucking joke ever. I'm dying. icon_rolleyes

Debb wrote:Ok. I believe you and I think this could finally be it. I'm on my phone so it's hard to send longer detail messages. Don't feel like I'm blowing you off with a short message haha.

But we can definitely talk more later. As far as Ralph he did push Ashley but then again so we're there other 2.

If we did make a move this round it would have to be done post challenge pre tribal. It's nice to have a plan but when you map things out too early they tend to backfire.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:12:14 pm
by Mia
Even Chad has been resorting to the "Yeah I'll let you know but there's no plan yet so..."

What the fuck people? Isn't the point to MAKE YOUR OWN PLAN? Wtf, nobody wants to own shit. Pussies. All of them.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:13:15 pm
by Jeff Probst
Mia wrote:Even Chad has been resorting to the "Yeah I'll let you know but there's no plan yet so..."

What the fuck people? Isn't the point to MAKE YOUR OWN PLAN? Wtf, nobody wants to own shit. Pussies. All of them.

If you believe that people are waiting until f7 or later to make a move, have you pressured people into beating other players to the punch?

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:15:55 pm
by Mia
Jeff Probst wrote:
Mia wrote:Even Chad has been resorting to the "Yeah I'll let you know but there's no plan yet so..."

What the fuck people? Isn't the point to MAKE YOUR OWN PLAN? Wtf, nobody wants to own shit. Pussies. All of them.

If you believe that people are waiting until f7 or later to make a move, have you pressured people into beating other players to the punch?

That's been my whole angle. I'm trying to make them think it's essential that they do it now. Like, with Debb, I'll nudge her my way by saying, hey, ~I~ will go your way, but if I go tonight, there's no guarantee that Ken and Jolanda won't pick Cochran next round.

I'm doing the same thing with Ralph, but obviously I'm pandering to how he needs to be talked to a lot more. Debb is just... fake.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:21:52 pm
by Mia
Licking Cochran's asshole right now. It's my only hope.

He read my PM so let's hope he's receptive.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:30:53 pm
by Mia
Getting ready to go NUCLEAR. Fuck everyone.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:52:04 pm
by Teresa Cooper
Lick mine instead.

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:52:34 pm
by Mia
Teresa Cooper wrote:Lick mine instead.

Ew no, what am I? Gay?



Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:55:09 pm
by Teresa Cooper

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:59:27 am
by Mia
Hearing I might be safe again lol. Wtf is this?

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:56:40 am
by Mia
Having to turn on Jolanda and or Ken is fucking BRUTAL. WHY. WHYYYYY.

Fuck you Debb!