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Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:13:06 am
by Mia
Kind of banking on it being the question challenge. Taking notes here.

Re: Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:23:15 am
by Mia
Immunity Challenge # 1 - team puzzle
Immunity Challenge # 2 - counting
Immunity Challenge # 3 - 10 word scramble
Immunity Challenge # 4 - trivia/speed
Immunity Challenge # 5 - mastermind colors
Immunity Challenge # 6 - Hot tamale
Immunity Challenge # 7 - Refuge list
Immunity Challenge # 8 - Prisoner's Dilemma
Immunity Challenge # 9 - Word Search
Immunity Challenge # 10 - 70 Piece puzzle/numbers from Marquesas images
Immunity Challenge # 11 - Counting/endurance
Immunity Challenge # 12 - Numbers
Immunity Challenge # 13 - Bidding War
Immunity Challenge # 14 - Hidden Images
Immunity Challenge # 15 - Survey Challenge
Immunity Challenge # 16 - Rosetta
Immunity Challenge # 17 - Maze

Re: Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:32:31 am
by Mia
Hosts: 13
Private messages: around 6037

Vote for everyone at the merge:
Mia: 20
Debb: 7
Ken: 4
Chad: 4
Jolanda: 5
Ashley: 6
Carter: 2
Ralph: 10
Lisa: 20
Cochran: 2
Katie: 10

Players voted out:
Premerge: 11
Merge: 7
Total: 18

Idols played:

Re: Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:42:24 am
by Mia
Challenge 1
four 4x5 puzzles... 20 pieces each, 80 individual pieces.

Challenge 2
Count to 64
Hiva Oa messed up at 48/49 while Nuku Hiva is at 52/53

Challenge 3

Challenge 4
5 for each tribe...
9 rounds total

Challenge 5 mastermind
9 rounds total

Challenge 6 hot tamale

Challenge 7
Nuku Hiva: 1. Chad 2. Cochran 3. Carter 4. Ralph 5. Debb
Hiva Oa: 1. Ashley 2. Vitinho 3. Ramona 4. Ted 5. Lisa

Re: Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:43:22 am
by Mia
Nuku Hiva however submitted their puzzle 1 minute and 30 seconds earlier than Hiva Oa. BUT upon submission they forgot to submit their final solved phrase "Refuge Awaits"

2: Fatu Hiva
7 vahenava
9 atuho

Re: Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:49:09 am
by Mia
Challenge 8 prisoners dilemma

Challenge 9 word search

20 works total

11 nuku 5 hiva

fatu hiva
henua enana
pepe iu
hiva oa
nuku hiva
french polynesia
tavana hau
ua huka
motu one
mount oave

Challenge 10
70 piece puzzle
posted at 10:10:21 solved at 10:26:55
solved in 16 mins 34 seconds

marquesas images:

1. How many buffs are visible in photo #3?

2. How many paddles are visible in photo #4?

3. How many Buffs are visible in photo #1?

4. How many crabs are visible in photo #5

5. How many colored ladder pegs are visible in photo #6?

6. How many colored posts (stops) are visible in photo #7?

7. How many men are visible combined (include duplicates) in photos 1, 2 and 3?

total 61

Challenge 11 counting
stopped at 201

Re: Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:57:24 am
by Mia
Immunity Challenge # 13 - Bidding War

Immunity Challenge # 14 - Hidden Images

Immunity Challenge # 15 - Survey Challenge
1. Who would you trust with your life? Ken, Ralph or Cochran
2. Who's the most annoying? Mia
3. Who is out of their league? Ralph
4. Who'd make the best relationship material? Jolanda
5. Who deserves to win the most? Chad
6. Who is the biggest threat to win the game? Chad, Cochran and Jolanda
7. Who would be the best goat to take to the finals? Ralph
8. Who is the biggest challenge threat? Mia or Jolanda
9. Who is not all-stars material? Carter and Ken
10. Who is playing up to the jury? Carter and Mia

Totals for each:
Mia: 3
Ken: 2
Jolanda: 2
Chad: 1
Cochran: 2
Carter: 2
Debb: 0
Ralph: 3

Immunity Challenge # 16 - Rosetta
9 numbers total
triangle diamond moon square heart star circle octagon butterfly

Immunity Challenge # 17 - Maze
solved 20 minutes 12 seconds

Re: Notes for Immunity Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:00:13 am
by Mia
PMs at 6042

14,000 estimate for whole game