Anyways, my vote is 100% live for any of the three of you. I have no problem giving it to any of you at this point. From what I can tell, this jury is very divided, and no, you do NOT have a guaranteed win here Cochran. So I hope all three of you can follow the guidelines I'm giving you to make this a healthy competition for my vote.
Carter: WHY? Seriously, why? I almost just don't fucking care, that's how insulting it is for you to be sitting up there. WHY agree to play if you aren't here to play hard, to make moves, to do something worthy of your all star spot? I think you mentioned that you didn't think you deserved to come back in the first place. So if you truly believe that, WHY the hell WOULD you come back? Save room for people that DO think they should be here and DO want to play hard. I mean, it's cute that you're here to make friends, but fuck, there's ways to do that and STILL play hard in a way that deserves to be recognized. Some of my BEST friends in the ORG world are sitting here with me on the jury, and some are sitting in the Loser's Lodge. I always play as hard as I fucking can, and I still made friends. So whatever excuse it was that you gave me feels like total bullshit.
And then, the other night, when I asked you just to give me the CHANCE to fight for this and let me go to the Final 4. I hated being reduced to begging, but whatever, I was going to do anything I could to stay in the game. You told me that night that you sympathized with me and whatever, but you were going to still vote me out because you thought you had at least a small chance to win. So I'm getting conflicting stories here. And because of that, I'm going to need you to pick between one of two pre-constructed Mia answers. Don't give me any other bullshit because I don't want to see it. Here are your choices:
Choice A: "I really was just here to make friends. I didn't deserve to return, an therefore, I don't deserve to win. Please don't vote for me tonight.
Choice B: "I actually kind of DID want this. I DID want to win, and I tried. Except, I completely failed because I played horribly and would not make a very good winner. But, I still made it to the Final 3, so you should consider voting for me.
There you have it. Pick one. Post it as a response. And don't say anything else, or you'll lose a shot at my vote.
Ralph: When I was on Refuge, I had the "luxury" of hearing about both tribes, first when I was able to talk to everyone myself, and second, when other Refugees began to slowly join the tribe. And what I heard about you was really just not great at all. Continually, I heard that you were boring, weak, and that you were a wallflower. And I didn't even NEED to hear from people to know that you were blindly following Cochran around without a care in the world. However, when we finally met up at the merge, and after we landed on different sides of the numbers, we were able to start talking again and "open up." I honestly think you completely mistook our conversation. You called it "The Queen's Speech," and I think that's true. The only problem is that you thought you were the king, when in reality, you would have been lucky to have been called the court jester in that analogy. I told you to step it the fuck up and to start playing for yourself. You call that your "inspiration" to really get your head in the game. It's honestly laughable to me because you didn't chance one fucking bit after that, and you really seem to think that you did. You just flat out didn't. Everyone ran circles around you CONSISTENTLY. It was a joke.
Now, I consider you a friend, but you were so similar to Carter here that it's not even funny.The difference between you and Carter here is that you acted like you deserved to be here, which I appreciate. But it wasn't enough. So I'm going to give you the EXACT same choices as Carter gets. Same rules apply. Pick one choice, and don't say anything else.
Choice A: "I really was just here to make friends. I didn't deserve to return, an therefore, I don't deserve to win. Please don't vote for me tonight.
Choice B: "I actually kind of DID want this. I DID want to win, and I tried. Except, I completely failed because I played horribly and would not make a very good winner. But, I still made it to the Final 3, so you should consider voting for me.
Cochran: I'm going to stand by my assessment of you as a player. Pathetic, delusional, and entitled. "But hey! That sounds an awful lot like you, Mia!" you might say. I guess I can agree with tat, but the big difference here is that I fucking OWN it. You just really have this air about you where you walk around here and act like things that don't directly benefit you in this game are completely preposterous and alien and don't make any fucking sense, as if someone could DARE to try and take your win away from you! Unfortunately, I was reduced to a position in this game where I ALSO had to act like that. Hell, it seemed to be working for you, so maybe it would keep me in the game long enough to get myself closer to the end. And hey, it worked for me as well. It's disheartening and frustrating to see that this is the kind of mentality that works in this game, but the worst part is that you're just unaware of it all and you really feel like you were some big, important mastermind. Nope, you weren't.
So here's where we're at. We had a lot of conversations about how regardless of win or lose, you shaped a big part of this season. That was just me trying to stroke your ego to stay in the game (well, okay, maybe it was...) but yes, it's true. Just not for the reasons you think it is. You had a huge influence on this game, just in such a weak and pathetic way that it wasn't even funny. You chose weak allies. Consistently went the safe route. You took no risks. And I guess it worked because you made it to the end. I don't know what else to say. Your gameplay was just weak and horribly uninspiring, as evidenced by the two people you're sitting next to here at the Final 3.
Unlike Ralph and Carter, you don't get a choice here. You have one option if you want my vote. If you choose to take it, you'll get my vote. If not, it's going to either Ralph or Carter. And again, this jury is VERY close to voting against you. VERY close. So I urge you not to ignore any opportunity for a vote tonight. Anyways, this is what I want. In LARGE, BOLD, CAPITAL LETTERS, I want you to declare the following:
"I was too scared to sit in the Final 3 with Mia. Instead, I decided to follow a weak strategy of taking two of the biggest goats in the game to the end so I could get an easy win. If I win this game, it is only because of this pathetic strategy.
There you have it. I've given all of you some pretty cut and dry options here. Like I said, my vote is LIVE for any of the three of you, but the only way to get it is to do what I've asked. The last thing I'm going to ask you all to do is to rank all 9 jurors, from best to worst. I don't want any reasoning or justification, I just want a list. Put some thought into it, because this could all come down to these lists. Again, follow my rules or lose my vote.
For the last time, Mia out.