Pre-Season Survey

Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:43:58 pm


Stranded in Portugal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

Float like a social butterfly, sting like a strategic bee. Act like Switzerland but think like America - neutral appearance with world domination on my mind. If I have to play Beta to an Alpha then I'll do so with a smile on my face and a knife in my hand. Turn your back on me for too long and it's your funeral.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

My biggest mistake was undoubtedly getting caught up in that ID scandal that saw me ejected from the game. It wasn't my only mistake, but it was my biggest by far.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

My game will be different. I'll be more willing to deceive, more confident to get among it within my tribe and less hesitant socially. I want to play a cut-throat game but dress it in pink and put a pretty smile on its face.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

I think there will be some friendly faces, for sure. As for definite friends, I think they will be more of a burden than a blessing in a game like this, especially given the way I plan on coming in.

Players like Cohran, Ralph, Vytas from Portugal would be welcome sights - from any other seasons I would honestly probably have to look up who is playing when I get there to know where they and I might sit.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Well, I guess it's no secret that Caryn would be a player who wouldn't be too happy to see me but, apart from her, I think I would sit pretty neutral with every one else cast. Maybe if Ashley were to play that would complicate things because she would probably have some major trust issues with me given recent events dating back to (Almost) Stranded but I can't really think of anyone I out and out hate, no.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Without knowing who is even potentially cast I can't say. I'm just not as familiar with the Stranded reps as I am with other casts but I am sure that, once I see the line-up, there will almost certainly be players who I get a buzz out of seeing.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

The Girl Who (Almost) Won Stranded, Won (Almost) Stranded, & Finally Won Stranded.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I'm definitely going to be a contender. I've got the time to dedicate to this game so there is no reason why I shouldn't do well. My challenge game has improved and I'm coming in focussed and ready.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

There are always twists in Stranded and predicting them is fun but, ultimately, kinda pointless. Seeing as it is an All-Star season though I think toying with the idea of being an All-Star or who is the biggest "star" or something would be kinda fun.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

So much that I'm already readjusting my body clock. You'll hear no complaints about time-zone from me. :)
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:40:49 am


Stranded in Namibia * Stranded in Nepal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

Be the fucking star that this season needs and deserves. You owe me one Jeff Probst.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Being too kind and trustworthy to others, being too compassionate towards others. What has it gotten me? Nothing but battle scars all over my fucking back. How many knife wounds must I endure?

I've been nothing but nice, loving, kind, caring. Those are words many would use to describe me who know me personally. But the little keyboard warriors who go on this website treat me otherwise. I won't stand for the abuse I've taken at the hands of others. No more trust, no more little games. Everyone will die to Papa Bear.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

Of course it will be different, it's different every single time I play. I'm a man of many personalities. I drink summer wine out in my personal vineyard, did I mention that last season? There is much of myself that I keep hidden. Many people have asked me "Ah, Papa Bear you say that you are so good at Stranded, why haven't you won yet?" do you want to know why I've never won? It's because I've never tried to win, it's that simple. Of course, now that I'm here in a season deemed 'All-Stars' there is no better platform for me to win. My strategy in All-Stars versus my previous seasons? All I simply need to do is try, and I will win.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

My investments in companies have reached an all time high. People don't realize this about me but I'm actually incredibly wealthy. I feel as though I've ascended at this point and time. No longer on the plane the mortal filth and scum who walk my city streets, but something much more. A young millionaire, I drive expensive cars, fuck the prettiest girls, no object is out of my reach.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Anyone from Namibia.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Anyone from Nepal.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Ralph, of course. DOOMSQUAD.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

The best and most entertaining person to ever play this game, but only in the eyes of my boy Jeff Probst. Nobody else matters in my eyes.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

First fucking place baby.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

I wish there was no twists and it was just vanilla Survivor. But of course knowing me I will be subjected to something inevitable to fuck up my game, once again. Let me guess this time, poison is going to seep through my computer monitor and kill me as soon as I make the merge?

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I prefer to not answer that question. You can thank me for filling this form out right on time though. As always I'm glad to be fashionably late to this nerd party.

Regards, Papa 'Millionaire' Bear.
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:53:26 pm


★ DEBB ★
Stranded in Nepal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

To be as awful as possible and see if my reputation can carry me along far enough to where I could actually make a move to take over the game.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Not getting Chris/Carter to target Tina when I was booted.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

I won't be as serious.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I haven't really.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Anyone from my season I will work with. I don't really have bad history with anyone. Jeff better be there.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Not really. Stacey? Ramona? I backstabbed them. oops.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Nope. I don't even know who has been in Stranded.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

The wild one.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I'll either be booted first or I will win. Because that's my strategy.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

The twist is that the game will be extremely simple, old school Survivor with no twists and no idols and no swaps or anything like that. I can only hope.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

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Jeff Probst
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