One of my crazier nights was out at Zip's Diner with my girlfriends. I showed them how a real woman behaved in front of a man by stuffing french fries up my cunt and massaging my gigantic cooter lips with ketchup. My girls cheered as I started screaming in pleasure, attracting the attention of a man named Roddy sitting nearby. Bitches, I snared a studmuffin! I walked over to his table with my pants still down by my ankles, sat down right next to him, and sucked on my pussy-drenched fingers. Like backup dancers my girlfriends also pulled their own pants down and rubbed mustard all over their clits with rythem. "Want Mama Debb to suck you off? She's got experience with little boys like you." And he said "Sorry girls, I suck dick." Bitch was gonna think I'd take no for an answer? Hell fucking no! I stood up on the chair and thrusted my condiment-stained vagina into his face. Like that bitch? Do you bitch? DO YOU?!?!?! And I blew my load all over his face and he fainted with his head fallen down into his unfinished grilled chicken sandwich plate. Like criminals me and my girls ran back to the car and drove off, leaving Roddy unconscious back in the restauarant.
Love always,