FTC Commentary

Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:22:23 am

Chad wrote:Since when is a couple of hours an unacceptable response time? icon_unsure

In Refuge it was sometimes days.

It's not that it was a couple of hours. It's that you were almost always online and just not responding icon_lol
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Chad » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:24:40 am

Jolanda wrote:Also can someone settle this, was I "inactive" on refuge cuz I really don't think so alol

No. Not you. You and Sarah would come on a lot. I know that week was busy for Mia but the whole experience was really weird for me because I was playing hard the whole time on Nuku Hiva, especially with Caryn there, and I went to Refuge and it was just a completely different world.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Chad » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:27:28 am

Mia wrote:
Chad wrote:Since when is a couple of hours an unacceptable response time? icon_unsure

In Refuge it was sometimes days.

It's not that it was a couple of hours. It's that you were almost always online and just not responding icon_lol

Well I didn't want to talk to you. icon_razz

Honestly I was pretending I didn't know what was going on because I didn't want to give you enough time to react to anything but then I'd tell you at the last minute what was happening just to keep you in my court.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:30:07 am

Chad wrote:
Mia wrote:
Chad wrote:Since when is a couple of hours an unacceptable response time? icon_unsure

In Refuge it was sometimes days.

It's not that it was a couple of hours. It's that you were almost always online and just not responding icon_lol

Well I didn't want to talk to you. icon_razz

Honestly I was pretending I didn't know what was going on because I didn't want to give you enough time to react to anything but then I'd tell you at the last minute what was happening just to keep you in my court.

I know. You were not subtle at all lol. And it cost you at the Final 7 because you were the only one not talking to me icon_laughing
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Chad » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:40:45 am

That was the round we were fighting for like 4 hours. icon_unsure.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:41:22 am

Chad wrote:That was the round we were fighting for like 4 hours. icon_unsure.

Do you blame me? I had to do something to get you to talk icon_laughing
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Jolanda » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:44:13 am

did cochran died.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:53:40 am

Chad wrote:OK. Real talk. I saw that shit on Sucks. Why is Ashley thinking everyone associated with the Stranded community is to blame? Honestly you guys are way nicer to her than the rest of the ORG world out there. And the fact that the post was focused on a very prominent ORGY poster makes me think it was someone from that world.

Yeah, it's more an ORGY thing and I think she is just not differentiating between the two. In all honesty, I haven't had a chance to check in with her about any of this because I've been really busy but, knowing her, she would be taking this very hard. Couple that with the fact that there are a couple of people in the Aus community who seem intent on giving her grief at every available opportunity and I can understand why she is probably feeling a tad fragile.

I came into this game having had a really fractured recent personal history with Ashley, but I feel really badly for her at the moment. She tries to stick to her own and doesn't go looking for trouble but people have a real issue with her being so opinionated and I would have thought that, after over a year, we'd all be at a stage where we just accepted her for who she is. Plenty of people on ORGY/Sucks etc have far more irritating personalities/personas than she does and she cops a lot of shit just for being herself while they all get a free pass because "popularity".
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:58:20 am

Mia wrote:It's not like the Final 3 of the game would be impossible information to come from. I can't believe she's so paranoid to think that it was someone from this series.

She hasn't been doing anything that should upset anyone else in the community so I can understand her suspicions but she should be a bit more cautious and do some vetting before throwing accusations around.

Seriously, she just won some other ORG, her first ever win, created a thread on the Aus board and meticulous copy-pasted every game update the host had written into the thread only to have some dickhead come in and start posting mean shit about her. All she would have wanted was a little recognition and a chance to finally shine because she does give her entire heart to these games and all people had to do was say "well done!" but this spiteful little turd decided to rain on her parade.

She cops a lot of shit that I don't see anyone else having to deal with and I struggle now to see what she does to encourage it?
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:59:01 am

Also top 2 ranking in 2 of the final 3 jury rankings hollaaaaaa
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Jolanda » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:00:44 am

I think she's a really nice person tbh and I've never had a problem with her.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:02:30 am

Katie wrote:Also top 2 ranking in 2 of the final 3 jury rankings hollaaaaaa

lol icon_laughing

But were those rankings, or were they "FUCK YOU MIA!" lists? icon_ha
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:03:51 am

Katie wrote:
Mia wrote:It's not like the Final 3 of the game would be impossible information to come from. I can't believe she's so paranoid to think that it was someone from this series.

She hasn't been doing anything that should upset anyone else in the community so I can understand her suspicions but she should be a bit more cautious and do some vetting before throwing accusations around.

Seriously, she just won some other ORG, her first ever win, created a thread on the Aus board and meticulous copy-pasted every game update the host had written into the thread only to have some dickhead come in and start posting mean shit about her. All she would have wanted was a little recognition and a chance to finally shine because she does give her entire heart to these games and all people had to do was say "well done!" but this spiteful little turd decided to rain on her parade.

She cops a lot of shit that I don't see anyone else having to deal with and I struggle now to see what she does to encourage it?

Yeah the whole thing is a shame. I really thought we had a good relationship in this game and worked through a lot of our confrontations, and then the round she was booted she obviously left feeling like shit about me, but I really did try with her in this game. I hate that she's probably going to just shut everything anyone tries to say to her about this down.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Jolanda » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:13:13 am

Mia wrote:
Katie wrote:Also top 2 ranking in 2 of the final 3 jury rankings hollaaaaaa

lol icon_laughing

But were those rankings, or were they "FUCK YOU MIA!" lists? icon_ha

I got fourth or fifth in all of them I'd say they were pretty accurate icon_ha
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:34:41 pm

Mia wrote:
Katie wrote:
Mia wrote:It's not like the Final 3 of the game would be impossible information to come from. I can't believe she's so paranoid to think that it was someone from this series.

She hasn't been doing anything that should upset anyone else in the community so I can understand her suspicions but she should be a bit more cautious and do some vetting before throwing accusations around.

Seriously, she just won some other ORG, her first ever win, created a thread on the Aus board and meticulous copy-pasted every game update the host had written into the thread only to have some dickhead come in and start posting mean shit about her. All she would have wanted was a little recognition and a chance to finally shine because she does give her entire heart to these games and all people had to do was say "well done!" but this spiteful little turd decided to rain on her parade.

She cops a lot of shit that I don't see anyone else having to deal with and I struggle now to see what she does to encourage it?

Yeah the whole thing is a shame. I really thought we had a good relationship in this game and worked through a lot of our confrontations, and then the round she was booted she obviously left feeling like shit about me, but I really did try with her in this game. I hate that she's probably going to just shut everything anyone tries to say to her about this down.

For the record, the person abusing her on sucks and parties involved with it did come to me and tell them who they are. I'm not a snitch so I won't say who it is, but I did tell that person that they are taking the cowards way out and that they need to square the fuck up with Ashley head on (apply directly to the forehead). I can take on multiple people by myself and would never gang up on anyone because it's cowardly. They are from ORGY, not from Stranded. I'm just really not down with bullying.

So I told this person all this even AFTER Ashley acted like a complete twat to me for no fucking reason so... there.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Sarah » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:47:04 pm

Mia wrote:
Katie wrote:Also top 2 ranking in 2 of the final 3 jury rankings hollaaaaaa

lol icon_laughing

But were those rankings, or were they "FUCK YOU MIA!" lists? icon_ha

Honestly, anyone can tell that they were attempts to get the obvious swing votes. Keep in mind they are politicians now, guys.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Chad » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:49:05 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:So I told this person all this even AFTER Ashley acted like a complete twat to me for no fucking reason so... there.

Unpossible. There's always an elaborate completely justifiable excuse.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Chad » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:49:56 pm

Sarah wrote:
Mia wrote:
Katie wrote:Also top 2 ranking in 2 of the final 3 jury rankings hollaaaaaa

lol icon_laughing

But were those rankings, or were they "FUCK YOU MIA!" lists? icon_ha

Honestly, anyone can tell that they were attempts to get the obvious swing votes. Keep in mind they are politicians now, guys.

Oh definitely. Especially Ralph's.
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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Jolanda » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:02:24 pm

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Re: FTC Commentary

Postby Teresa Cooper » Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:03:13 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:
Mia wrote:
Katie wrote:
Mia wrote:It's not like the Final 3 of the game would be impossible information to come from. I can't believe she's so paranoid to think that it was someone from this series.

She hasn't been doing anything that should upset anyone else in the community so I can understand her suspicions but she should be a bit more cautious and do some vetting before throwing accusations around.

Seriously, she just won some other ORG, her first ever win, created a thread on the Aus board and meticulous copy-pasted every game update the host had written into the thread only to have some dickhead come in and start posting mean shit about her. All she would have wanted was a little recognition and a chance to finally shine because she does give her entire heart to these games and all people had to do was say "well done!" but this spiteful little turd decided to rain on her parade.

She cops a lot of shit that I don't see anyone else having to deal with and I struggle now to see what she does to encourage it?

Yeah the whole thing is a shame. I really thought we had a good relationship in this game and worked through a lot of our confrontations, and then the round she was booted she obviously left feeling like shit about me, but I really did try with her in this game. I hate that she's probably going to just shut everything anyone tries to say to her about this down.

For the record, the person abusing her on sucks and parties involved with it did come to me and tell them who they are. I'm not a snitch so I won't say who it is, but I did tell that person that they are taking the cowards way out and that they need to square the fuck up with Ashley head on (apply directly to the forehead). I can take on multiple people by myself and would never gang up on anyone because it's cowardly. They are from ORGY, not from Stranded. I'm just really not down with bullying.

So I told this person all this even AFTER Ashley acted like a complete twat to me for no fucking reason so... there.

Can you confirm it wasn't me so my name stops appearing on Sucks? icon_lol
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