by Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:23:19 am
★ JOLANDA ★Stranded in Costa Rica * Stranded in Patagonia 1. What is your game-plan going into this season?
My gameplay going into the season is to make as MANY friends as possible, because the more friends that I have the more chance that people will want to take me further. However, I'm not going to try to be all in your face about how many friends I have. Like I don't want people going around telling everyone that Jo is their favorite in the tribe (which, let's be real, will happen) because then everyone will be like "oh shit Jo is really well liked we should do something about it" and then poor me is eliminated far too early.
But really, all I want is ONE person to stick by my side, and be a secret ally. I don't really care who it is or how they are, I just want someone by my side sticking up for me no matter what happens, if i have one person telling everyone they don't want me gone, then I should be safe.
Also, my plan is to just do well haha. I'm not really big on pre game planning because you don't really know what the hell is going to happen until you actually see who you are going to be playing with.
2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?
Costa Rice- Oh my god, there are too many darn mistakes in that. First one I came off as too big of a challenge threat in the ONE pre merge challenge a tribe that I was on won, so they got rid of me. And I was also annoying as fuck and was like "OMG I'M GONNA VOTE YOU OUT CUZ YOU AREN'T ON MY TRIBE LOL" like damn I was ballsy good thing they voted me off when they did because Jo needed a freakin wake up call.
Patagonia- This game i did much better in, and I don't think i have as many regrets. I would say that I was too much of a threat in the end here too, and I just got unlucky with the numbers BECAUSE I was a threat.
So overall, coming off as too much of a threat is something that has been a problem of mine, in here as well as in other games.
3. Will your game be different this time? How?
Do I want my game to be different? Yes. I don't want to come off as threatening in challenges or socially or whatever. Do I ~think~ I will actually change and my game will be different? Lol nope. I'm just going to do the same thing I do every game and just get game eyes, and not see all the options around me and not notice how much of a threat I'm coming off. But, if I try not to be a threat and tone it down in games, I suck and am boring/bored as hell. So, I'd rather go in and have fun and entertain people rather than toning myself down. So it probably won't be different and I'm hoping for a spot at least in the jury, that would be nice :)
4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?
I feel like I've gotten a lot more game-botty to be honest. After playing in Stranded I played in a lot of different games, and those games were all about "who can be the biggest gambot" and like that's cool, but I eventually fell into that trap and forgot about having fun with it. But, since then I've been learning about how to have more and more fun with games rather than just letting them stress me out and only thinking about winning. I'd rather have fun with these things than anything else, so as long as i have fun I'll be good. I'm not sure if that really answered the question but like yolo.
5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?
Ibe- We were BEST friends in Costa Rica, and we still keep in touch sometimes. I haven't played with JJ/Ibe since Costa Rica, but Ibe DID go on to win which made me SO happy when I noticed that, so I'm really hoping that Ibe will be in this game because he was my first ever friend in an ORG :')
Mia- Mia and I weren't really good friends in Costa Rica, but after the game ended we connected really well. We haven't actually been able to connect as ~perfectly~ as I would like for us to, but if we know who we are going into it, I think that we can get something going and I hope she is in this. If not then she's probably a co host in which case hi Mia!
Holly- Holly was literally the best ally i could have ever asked for in Patagonia. She was a beast in the challenges, so I could easily hide behind her, and she was great to talk to strategically. If JoJo HoHo could come back together i would be the happiest person ever.
They are the three that I would LOVE to see come in here, but hopefully I'd be able to work with anybody.
6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?
I wouldn't say that I have any stranded enemies. I mean people like Tom and Ken have done me wrong in the past Stranded games, but I've even gotten to know them better since then and played in games with them and everything has basically been forgotten about, so I don't think I have any enemies. I mean, i did somehow make it to the top 30 of ORGYvivor of like 170 or something, and I didn't strategize or anything, so people don't know me enough to hate me :p
7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?
i didn't really follow too many stranded seasons since I've stopped (sorry but I always happened to be in another game while I should've been lurking D: ) but from the limited I've seen from other seasons, I would like to see Sarah and Lindsay (from season 19) in the game, and I would also like to see Jeff from the most recent season, because he is someone I can see myself working with.
8. How would you like to be remembered this season?
I'd like to be remembered as that bitch who just kept on trucking no matter what happened. I REALLY would like to win Stranded one day, so if I could go down as the greatest winner of the greatest season in Stranded history, that would be pretty cool. But as long as people remember me positivley and see that i have fought for my life in all scenarios, then that's all I want.
9. How well do you think you will do and why?
I think I will do okay. To be honest, this season came during a really busy semester for me, so I don't know if i'll be able to give this my all like I did with my other two seasons of stranded (back when I was in high school lol omg that was so many years ago) but I've always somehow been able to manage ORGs, social life, and schoolwork in the past here at college, so I'm hoping that it won't be a problem here. And if we are going for an honest placement, if I can put my all into it i'll probably end up in 6th-10th, because that's how I normally do in these games. And if I suck then I'd expect me out pre merge. I've only sucked and not gave my all in one game ever, though, and that's because I was playing two other games at the exact same time, so I DOUBT that will happen here.
10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?
I'm expecting a huge twist that I've never seen before, and I'm really excited and scared for it. I'm sure it's going to be something to do with past relationships or something. Or this game could have the new modern twist of having no twists at all! Wouldn't that be something?!
* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?
I'm looking forward to this so much, I've bee signed up for this since god knows when and I've been wanting to play my favorite series, Stranded, ever since I was booted in Patagonia <3