Episode 10

Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:46:03 am

Well I see you guys are off to a swimming start. Why was that vote so unsettled?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:46:16 pm

Katie wrote:I could quote the PM for you if you wanted

Don't do this please. Paraphrase all you need but no screencaps or direct quote/pastes from anywhere that person hasn't got access to.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Katie » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:58:06 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:
Katie wrote:I could quote the PM for you if you wanted

Don't do this please. Paraphrase all you need but no screencaps or direct quote/pastes from anywhere that person hasn't got access to.

I was never actually going to. If she'd said "yes please, do that" I would have told her I just reread the rules and realised I can't but

Here's the gist in my own words

She didn't call my bluff though.

Proper update in next post now
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Katie » Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:52:57 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:Well I see you guys are off to a swimming start. Why was that vote so unsettled?

That was a hot mess. In linear order, here is what went down from my point of view:

    - Chad arrives on Refuge - does not trust Sarah and reminds me of that fact on the daily
    - Jane and I begin talking more and more and I find her to be a very easy going, pleasant and enjoyable person to socialise with
    - In order to calm Chad's nerves and give Jane a reason to trust me along with assurances that she won"t be the first target, i tell them both (individually) that I have the Nuka Hiva immunity idol. Chad knows I told Jane, but Jane does not know I've told anyone but her.
    - To further attempt to make Chad feel more comfortable, I suggest he and I consider forming a four-person alliance with Jolanda and Kristina. He agrees and I immediately go about setting this up.
    - I log in on Friday and the first 2 PMs I get to are from Kristina and Jolanda, essentially all but sewing up the four person alliance.
    - Next PM is from Chad
    Sarah has gotten Mia to agree to vote off Kristina and I like this plan

    - I'm like "WTF? Why is Sarah planning with Mia and why would it help Mia to turn on her old tribemates, especially given she essentially forced however she brought up to Refuge to bring Jolanda for her?"
    - Chad isn't sure, reinforces his distrust of Sarah, leading me to consider using the idol on Jane so we can blindside Sarah, a plan which Chad agrees would be a good move.
    - I don't understand why Chad let me go to all the effort of setting up the new alliance with Kristina and Jolanda just to ditch it immediately
    - I speak to Jane, giving her my word that I would do everything I could to suss out what is going on and make sure she doesn't end up going home.
    - Sarah shows up and decides to finally tell me the plan. I promptly start to fire a million questions at her about the plan as, at this point, I am certain we are being walked into a trap.
    - Sarah loses her cool with me and tells me to ask Chad about all of this (a detail I didn't pick up on until much, much later)
    - I tell Sarah to cool it, if it means that much to her I'll vote however
    - Mia finally pops up says her reason for wanting Kristina gone is essentially
    Jolanda and Ken have replaced me with her in our alliance

    - I still don't understand why this is such a big deal to Mia but it seems genuine so I shrug my shoulders and say "I guess this is a thing?"
    - We lost horribly at the challenge so the Kristina vote is on.
    - I am the only person under the impression that the smart thing to do is keep the vote under wraps apparently.
    - Jolanda tells me she heard Chad and I want Kristina out
    - I proceed to immediately lose my mind at this and set the record straight,
    - PMs are cut off and we go to Tribal
    - I get shitty at Sarah for pointing out how honest she was in the lead-up to the vote since I feel like she isn't being 100% truthful about the fact that is was her decision and that she is casting shade on me for having chosen to lie to Jolanda about who I was voting for.
    - The rest of the Tribal is a meltdown and I close my browser window immediately to take a break and get some perspective.

I have since learned, from discussions with Sarah, that it was not Sarah and Mia who concocted the plan to out Kristina, but Sarah and Chad who originally hatched the plan. So when I explained to Sarah that Chad did not tell either Jane or myself that this was the case a lot of my behaviour seemed to make a lot more sense to Sarah and I think I've done enough to patch that relationship up.

The upcoming double round is frightening. I have a question about it actually - if one tribe goes to Tribal after losing both challenges, they will be voting two people out in the one Tribal Council, right? So, if an idol is played at that one Tribal, does it essentially cover the person who plays it for both votes?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:51:40 am

Gotta admit - this hasn't been much fun at all. In fact, I would probably say this is the most awful I've ever been made to feel in one of these games. I'm not doing a very good job of it really, but I also don't know enough to know what to do differently so I'm just... stuck.
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