Well I would love to answer your questions, but right now I gotta just make sure that the vote doesn't fall on me. Shocker, I'm a target, for like the 100th time in Stranded history. I don't know what I do to piss these people off so much, and apparently this is coming from Lisa, of all people. Lisa, my little Lisa. Why must you do this to me? Sure I wanted to completely blindside everyone in your alliance when we were on Hiva Oa, but this is just hurtful!
No she has every reason to want some sort of revenge, I guess. Although honestly I was coming in here not wanting to go after her at all. I actually wanted to mend fences and get the band back together. She and I would make a great team. The thing is, Katie is out of her effing mind, and so she is going to just side with Katie. Because reasons! I can' really understand her motives right now, but apparently crazy loves company. Lisa is just sort of targeting Debb, apparently. Why would you do that
I am pretty sure Debb would have been on her side. I heard they were close or something. Lisa is such a sweetheart, but a really misguided one in this game