#JOLANDOMINATIONSo I’m being really smart and typing this out on something other than the post reply box because I don’t want to write something for literally a half hour only for it to get deleted and me get frustrated and lose a good confessional. But never fear, because this one WON’T be deleted (obviously since you are seeing it) and it’s going to be amazing.
"I hope everyone is ready for some #Jolandomination"So, I have made the merge, thank JESUS! Going into this game, I honestly thought I was going to be too busy for it, I was going to not make really good social connections because I’ve been out of the Stranded loop for so long now, and I would be booted somewhat early. It’s a nice thing to see that’s not happening. Of course, i’m still busy a lot of the time, which sucks because I love being here but real life comes first. But, when it comes to the social connections I was so afraid of making, I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job.
I made it through refuge with relative ease. I mean, there were some times that my name was brought up as a possibility, but nothing ever really came of it because of my connections with people, and I never got a vote against me! And now here i am in the merge, and I actually think I already have somewhat of a plan of how I want to see things go. Is that actually how things are going to go? Probably not, but it’s nice to hope and dream for my future. Some people in this game are 50 shades of fucked up, so lord knows that everything is going to change at the literal last minute all the time (Kristina :’( ) so all I can do now is make connections and loose plans to get me further, one round at a time. As long as it’s not me, then I’ll be fine, I can make social connections to get me further, but if I get voted out then obviously I can’t lol.
Jeff's QuestionsHow are you feeling about your chances here?
I’m feeling alright about my chances here, but I’m not feeling too comfortable, because if I feel too comfortable then lol it’s bye bye Jolanda. Early in the merge, I think i’m going to be alright. There are some definite targets that people will want to take out over me. People like Ashley, Lisa, Debb, Cochran, Katie, and Sarah are all much higher profile threats than I am, and people hopefully want them out over me. Since I’m trying to play a nice little UTR game here, I should be fine for a little while. It’s when the end is in sight that I’m feeling a little anxious about my chances. People will want to bring someone who they think they can beat in the end of the game, and they might think I have too many connections, or they might just get greedy and backstab a friend. However, that’s a long time from now and I won’t need to worry about that until much later in the future, of course hoping that I actually get that far…
Are you confident in your alliances/friendships or are you exploring other options?
I’m going to say yes to BOTH questions. Of course Mia and Ken are my number one and two in this game, and I really don’t see anything changing that anytime soon. Chad is also pretty close to me, although I’m weary of him. So the three of those people I’m confident will keep me safe for a little while. However, when it comes to Katie and Sarah, who are my other “Friendships” I really don’t want too much to do with them. They are both WAAAY to big of drama llamas for me to want to keep around, and honestly if they left really soon I wouldn’t mind it. At least one of them should go this week, I hope, but I don’t really care.
I’m also exploring other options, because you can never be too safe in a game like this. I’m trying to get close to the 3 pairs of Nuku Hiva Oa (I’m forever calling that tribe that hate it if you will I really don’t care) who are Debb/Carter, Lisa/Ashley (who are likely the weakest connection of the pairs tbh) and Ralph/Cochran. If I can get myself in with one of them, I can just get rid of two people from the other pairs with them, and then move on with or without them. I just need to be sure that I’m close with them so they wouldn’t want me, someone that they don’t know to well, to leave the game over someone like Katie or Sarah.
Who are the big threats and are they early merge boots or is it easier to go after group/big targets first?
I would much rather go and get rid of some individuals first, because getting people against individuals is much easier than getting them against a big group. And really, I don’t see this game as one huge group at this point, i just see everyone as kind of different smaller groups, Mia/Ken/Jo, Debb/Carter, Lisa/Ashley, Ralph/Cochran, with Katie and Sarah just kind of fighting off to the side and Chad looking for a group (that hopefully I’m doing a good job of fulfilling?). So as long as I don’t talk about targeting people to their “group” member, then everything should be alright.
So that’s the end of answering questions with Jeff, thanks for the questions.
Tahuata RankingNow I’m going to attempt to rank everyone on the tribe from 1-11 based off of what experience I’ve had with them in the game so far. Hopefully this turns out well.
Overall, I think that this is a very strong and social group. There is nobody that I really think is bad at this game, everyone here is good and that’s the reason we are the final 12 of an all stars game, so it’s going to be really hard to work my way through these people to get to the very top, but hopefully I can do it.
I’m also using OLD avatars because the new ones have yet to arrive yet so it’s going to look a little weird.
#1 KenKen is my rock in this game, and even though we have no conversations outside of the one with Mia, I really trust him and I really think that the two of us will go far together. Honestly, he’s playing a really good UTR game, as I don’t hear too much either negative OR positive about him, so that’s a good thing. If I had my choice right now, he would be sitting next to me when it comes to the finals because I think I could beat him. But there is still a lot of game to play between now and then, so maybe I’m thinking a little too far into the future. He was targeted last round, and I honestly don’t even know why really, but it’s a good thing that nobody really went along with it. Ken is the ONLY person in this game that I trust 100% and because of that i totally should get a little chat with him going lol.
#2 MiaAh Mia. Obviously, her Ken and I are my main priority in this game, however is it hers? As of this moment, I trust her a lot and she’s been making some good decisions and social connections to get her, and us, where we are in the game right now. Of course, she can get a little paranoid sometimes, which is a bit of a downer and one of the reasons she ranks below Ken in this, but overall I like her and trust her. However, I do not trust her 100% because people have come to me and been talking about how she planned on doing other things that I wasn’t aware of, and I didn’t even get an explanation for it. Like when she came out and said the Kristina vote was her idea at the last tribal. One, I didn’t know it was her idea, two, why didn’t you tell Ken and I, your closest allies that you were beind all of it, three, if that’s not true then why did you take a bullet for someone, and four why would you want to vote out Kristina in the first place? So some of the things that Mia does kind of makes me worried about her, and maybe I don’t want her to last as long as I do in this game, because she is a threat and she could totally be off doing her own thing without even telling Ken and I.
#3 ChadHe has been steadily crawling up these rankings in the last couple of rounds. I feel like when he came over to refuge, he didn’t really have too many connections over here (especially since he was the last one here and by far the most reluctant to be there) but I think that he and I really hit it off in the last couple of rounds of the game. I want to work with him, and he seems really genuine about working with me. He also is very pivitol in me making connections with people like Ralph and Cochran. If he trusts me and wants to work with me as much as he is telling me he does, he will go to his old friends Ralph and Cochran and say how good I am to them, leading them to trust me even more. I need this because I don’t really have too many solid connections over on Nuku Hiva Oa going into the merge, so Chad could be really useful for me in these beginning rounds of the merge. However, I know that Chad is really good at making people feel like he’s their best friend, and hell maybe I’m falling under that spell right now. So, because of that i don’t trust him as much as I let on. He’s a snake, I know that, but it’s good to be on the good side of a snake before you chop it’s head off.
#4 RalphI’ve always liked Ralph, and I know we aren’t supposed to talk about past games, but it’s my confessional and I can do what I want. Ralph and I played some games together and he seemed to really like me in them, so i’m hoping to capitalize on that friendship that we’ve made in the past (without saying anything of course) and getting him to work with me a couple of rounds. He said that Vytas and him were really tight, and I feel like he needs to fill that Vytas spot with someone that he likes and trusts, and that’s me. He’s also really pissed at Debb and Carter for flipping over to the girls in the last triba; that they went to. For that reason, I’m trying to get him, and Cochran against Debb and Carter so that i can have an easy vote off this round. Ralph is someone that I can see myself going a long way with, I just need to continue building up that connection because honestly I don’t want to see him go anytime soon, and he could be a good ally because I actually trust him.
#5 CochranI have mixed feelings about Cochran. On one hand, I feel like he’s a really nice guy who just wants to make friends in this game. On the other hand, I feel like he’s VERY overbearing sometimes, and people also say that he is a bit of a drama stirrer and an overplayer. When we first met, in literally his first message to me, he said that he really liked me and wanted to work with me now that Vytas is gone. Like alright I really like that you want me, but we hardly know each other and I don’t even know really who you are or how you play the game yet, and you already want to work with me? Chad also says that he has plans to take over the game, which is a little scary because obviously I want to be the one in control of this game. Anyways, he and I have had some pretty good conversations in the past, and I do like him. However, I don’t think that I’ll be able to trust him to too long. For a couple of rounds at the beginning of the merge to help me get out people I don’t really want around? Yeah that’s totally fine with me, but for later rounds when people start to get greedy and just want to win? No, that’s when he leaves. That, and if he leaves then Ralph will be much closer to me, since he would have nobody.
#6 CarterCarter I don’t really know too well to place high or low on this ranking, so I really don’t know what to say about him. I really honestly don’t see myself working with him too much in the near future, because he is really close to Debb who is actually my main target right now. So if he and I get too close he’d get pissed at me for voting off his best friend, and that’s not something I’d want. He said that I was his favorite refuge though, so that’s an in if I ever need one with him.
#7 DebbDebb is a lot like Carter, in where I really don’t know her too well. I know that her and Carter flipped over to Ashley and Lisa last tribal to get rid of Vytas, so that is something I can use to make friends of Ralph and Cochran who were on the wrong side of that vote. People were already spreading her name as someone to leave first, I know that Lisa told Mia that, and I’m sure that Cochran and Ralph will bring it up to me DIRECTLY some time soon. I’m going to keep her a little far away from me now, though, because I know that she’s not going to me much use to me, and because of that I really don’t want her to last.
#8 AshleyI like Ashley, I just don’t know if I can trust her. I know that we had the little differences back when I was on Hiva Oa, but I said that I was willing to put that all behind us and just move forward. She didn’t say anything about it in her next message, which is sort of a red flag to me, so if she doesn’t want to put that behind her then I know she’ll be gunning for Ken and I, making her a big threat to me in the long run. She’s really good socially though, and she’s one of the threats that I would rather see leave sooner rather than later.
#9 LisaAgain, meh. Lisa isn’t anybody that I really want to see myself work with in this game, and technically she’s only here because Ted used his idol on her. Had Ted not done that, she would not be here anymore and Ted might even be here still, but that’s not what happened. I know I was against Lisa for a long time because she didn’t want me in her core or whatever, but I’m over that now. I don’t really have much desire to work with her like at all, so if she were to leave soon I wouldn’t be too sad about it.
#10 KatieGod what is there to say about Katie that hasn’t already been said? She basically self destructed since the aftermath of the Kristina vote, and she hasn’t been able to recover. Honestly, when it comes to what she says about her being the victim to Sarah, I believe it and I know what it feels like for people to simply not believe you when you are right. I feel like she is right about that. However, she has lied to me so many times, told different people different stories, and basically has gone crazy in the last couple of rounds. For that reason she WILL draw attention to herself sometime in the next couple of rounds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she got herself booted because of her actions. But, for now I THINK that she might like me, because I’ve been very nice to her, and her main targets are Sarah, Mia, and Chad, so I can live with that for now. Worse case scenario she actually gets her way and I’m close with her, i can just ride her for a while until people see how crazy she is and vote her out.
#11 SarahMeh. Coming into this game I thought I would have a connection with Sarah, but I really don’t. I feel like she is definitely starting a lot of the shit between herself and Katie, and Katie is taking a lot of the blame for it. She even wanted to try to get out Ken and myself at the last tribal, and even though she regrets it, it is a red flag to me. Honestly, if I had my way I’d see her out the door before Katie. She also doesn’t really talk to me much and it’s very clear that the two of aren’t as close as we pretend to be.
VERY Optimistic View of the FutureI know that this isn’t going to happen, but this is what I would LIKE to see happen in my dream scenario of the merge.
12: Debb is voted off by the hands of me, Mia, Ken, Ralph, Cochran, Chad, Lisa, and Ashley (and maybe others but idc). Carter is now all alone in this game.
11: We swoop up Carter to work with us, and blindside Ashley for being a sneaker mcsneakerson. Lisa is now alone in this game.
10: Sarah’s actions finally bite her in the ass and she gets voted off very unanimously.
9: Katie is sent home in an easy vote
8: People get worried about Cochran, and everyone blindsides him by a vote of 6-2.
7: Lisa goes un excitingly.
6: Carter leaves.
5: Final 5 of me, Mia, Ken, Ralph, and Chad. We all vote off Chad for being too much of a threat.
4: Me, Ralph, and Ken decide that Mia is too much of a threat and get rid of her right before the FTC.
3: Jolanda wins in a 9-0-0 vote against Ken and Ralph and becomes the best winner of Stranded ever.
Now, I’m almost 100% sure that all of this is not going to happen, and of course things will change round by round around here. But if they do then I will literally laugh my ass off. But whatever. This round is going according to my plan so far, so who knows what will happen from here on out.
I’m really excited to still be in this game, and I can’t wait to see what else happens from here <3
I finshed this and nothing deleted itself omg. Tell me if you have any questions or if I missed anything because I'll be happy to answer them. Off to drag my ass to PMing people