Episode 11

Voted Out 3-2

Episode 11

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:30:33 am

Welcome to the Merge!!!!

icon_chaos Congrats! icon_mml

How are you feeling about your chances here?

Are you confident in your alliances/friendships or are you exploring other options?

Who are the big threats and are they early merge boots or is it easier to go after group/big targets first?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:07:52 am

Finally lol.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:17:16 am

Brb, sliding into the merge to whip bitches into shape.

Right now I'm like.. Katie is completely irrelevant to me after that shit she pulled. She's here by the grace of god.

Jolanda and Ken are STILL salivating over voting out Lisa apparently. Trying to push that on to someone random... like Debb?

Also I just have to beat Ashley back into acting like a puppydog follower. Really glad to have reconnected with her in this game, I'm very legit there, but from what I can tell, she's not playing that hard, and that makes her the very exact MOR "threat" type player that she wants to target herself. Lol.

Ralph and Cochran? They are running to my arms. Hopefully they mean it. And I can't wait to build a false sense of security for them so I can slit their throats. Still LIVID about the Sean shit, and they'll pay for it.

I am going to cautiously rule this merge with an iron fist. I'm watching my back and don't expect to win, but it's been 6 seasons since Stranded has seen Mia own shit at the merge, so it's time again. These plebians will pay.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:19:47 am

Can't fucking believe I actually did that challenge... I guess I just need to show how bad I want this for once. I've never participated in a challenge that long. I hate long challenges.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:35:57 am

omg thank fuck lol

never thought I would win that challenge in a million years lol. no merge boot for Mia! <3
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:03:31 am


what a fucking amazing avatar i'm in shock <3

I left to go bang my bf and nobody messaged me back in the meantime icon_rolleyes

Time to push like... ONE of the following names:


If somebody outside of that list leaves this round, I consider the round a failure on my part. I've got immunity, so it's time to play a little bit ballsy.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:00:20 am

There are so many bottom bitches in this season.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:19:15 am

Jeff Probst wrote:How are you feeling about your chances here?

I have such a small chance of winning that it's not even funny. Debb and Carter are literally the ONLY people at the merge that I don't have some sort of super tight friendship or extreme fued with, so that's lovely. But because my chances are so small, I'm just NOT going to be a bitch and pussyfoot around everything like so many other players are doing.

But right now my biggest problem is keeping conflicting friendships at bay. Like, Lisa vs. Ken/Jolanda? It's too early for that storyline to climax when there are psycho filthbags like Katie still in the game, so yeah. We'll see.

[quote"Jeff Probst"]Are you confident in your alliances/friendships or are you exploring other options?[/quote]

I have a LOT of options. So all I have to do is keep myself in the game, make some demands here and there, and then I'm not making my demands or plans happen, I'll just let the cards fall where they do and get myself in good with the people that are around. I would guess that the only person that acticely hates me at the merge is Katie, so that's nice, but I'm not naive enough to beleive that that will continue. Things are going to get D I R T Y for me in the coming rounds, assuming I survive.

Here are my options:

Chad (with Ken/Jolanda too)
Sarah (with potentially ALL of them)
Lisa (maybe Ashley but I think she probably hates me)

and working on Debb/Carter.

Fuck Katie. She's a great person outside of this game and I'm never going to hate her, but I'm going to hate her in THIS game.

[quote"Jeff Probst"]Who are the big threats and are they early merge boots or is it easier to go after group/big targets first?[/quote]

I don't fucking know. I know that Katie and Ken aren't winning this. There's no way. To me the big threats are people like Debb and Carter who are going to silently work their way through this mess of conflicting friendships and nobody will see it coming. Mark my words, if a move isn't made on them, one of them will slip through enough to either get close to the end or actually fucking win it all. Not gonna let that happen.

I don't let silent threats slip by. No way in hell.

Now ask me more questions, bitches!
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:19:35 am

Ew someone fix those tags. Gag.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:22:03 am

Final update before I go to bed:

I literally just sent messages to everyone in the game pandering to what they want to hear, telling them I'm with them, etc. I'm so fucking stupid but whatever lol. I guess I'm throwing everything up against the wall hoping that something will stick.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:25:38 am

I'm gone all day and I hear that it's coming down to Ken vs. Lisa. Refuge targeting Lisa, Hiva Oa targeting Ken.

I don't want EITHER going, so what does Mia do? Try to make a backup plan.

I'm telling Lisa that Cochran and Ralph are playing both sides here. They are. So when people play both sides, neutralize them. Making a push for Cochran to go (because Ralph can't play without Cochran and won't be a threat). If it works, it keeps Lisa's name off the parchment and SHOULD keep Ken safe.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:38:55 am

Lol cochran found out but I'm still gonna push for this lol
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:52:04 am

Lol whoops, lesson learned. Get more of the full story before you pull the trigger. Now I need to make sure I'm not attached to the remnants of the Cochran plan, which is like impossible, but I'm voting for Lisa now. This sucks, but damn, she was sloppy here.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:19:51 am

The one plus of this whole thing is that now it's very clear that Cochran is super paranoid. Lol. I take great joy in this.
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