Episode 13

Voted Out 3-1

Episode 13

Postby Yul Kwon » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:02:05 am

Well, another tribal council - another idol and another tie vote. Congratulations on surviving to the final ten; it's no easy feat this season. Seriously.

Are you starting to see a pecking order be established? Or is it too crazy to predict? Where do you fall in it?

What do the last two votes tell you about your position in the tribe? What does it tell you about your tribemates?

How does everyone stack up in the challenges?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ken » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:37:02 am

I was SO close to playing that on Mia. My gut is never wrong when something shady is going down. I just knew something was up, so that was not paranoia. You play enough of these games and you learn how to tell when something is going down. I am just glad Mia didn't leave. I would have felt like shit if she did and I played that all wrong.

I finally catch a break and find my very first idol in a game ever, and I use it up within an hour. Good job me. I bet my parents will be proud when they learn I fail at online Survivor. But I was 50/50 on that shit, and now that Mia is still alive, we are gonna break a bitch in half. She and I will not just sit here and give up. I think it was Debb who saved her ass tonight.

We have been trying to flip Debb all day, so I hope now she actually is receptive to what we want to do. She said she did not fully trust Lisa at all. Well now with Lisa gone, I got a foursome which is Mia, Ashley, Jo Jo and I. Of course I do. I mean I put so much effort into trying to get Ashley voted out, that failed, but now she is with me again. Even though all my plans have failed hard, that is kind of the same thing that happened in Patagonia, and yet I still fell ass backwards into final 3. So being a failure has always been my forte. It's when I start playing well that bitches turn on me and everything goes to Hell. So I can only hope that I keep on sucking at this game like I have been.

Basically what happened with this vote is Ralph/Cochran/Chad had their jimmies rustled about being pegged as a threesome. So to prove that they are not a threesome, they concoct a super secret plan together and only let Debb and Carter in at last minute. Totally not a threesome tho! I think that what it boils down to is that they are going to try and have it be original Nuku Hiva VS original Hiva Oa. Mia and I basically came to this realization earlier today and have been trying to get that to change. So I guess that tells you what you want to know about the pecking order. Those bitches want a pagonging. I will do what I can to prevent this from happening.

As far as challenges go, it's hard to say, really. The first 2 we had were an endurance challenge, and one semi luck based challenge. Nothing really all that skill intensive. What I do know is that I most likely will not be winning any, which is why I opted for the clue.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:49:05 am

So Ken, you're someone who we've not heard a lot from this season. So far you've just been other players' number. Thats' not the Ken that I'm used to seeing. The Ken in patagonia was literally orchestrating the entire game, backstabbing everyone and scheming his way into the final 3 only to be voted against in the final 3 from a bitter jury that he ripped to shreds in the game. Obviously that didn't work for you then, but I havent' seen the former All-star come out yet. I'm not seeing the Ken that has a read one veryone and his finger on the pulse of the tribe, his hand in every pocket just waiting to cut his next victim... I'm seeing an alliance's "number".
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ken » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:01:25 am

I came in here trying to play differently, because I took a lot of heat for the way I played last time. I wanted to try and actually build a lot of different relationships and use those to get to the end and play more UTR this time around. However, all of that went out the window in this round. New Ken didn't really work out. At all. So I have to revert back to the way I was before and really make an impact now. I hardly think it is too late. I think I can get a potential alliance of 6 going which would be Ashley, Mia, Jo Jo and I, and then pull in Debb and Carter. I am gonna work those 2 as hard as I can. They were told about the plan to vote out Mia right at the last minute. They were told that plan by the same threesome that are denying that they are a threesome, so if I can get them to go against Ralph, Chad and Cochran, I can get back into this game in a big way.

My UTR streak is basically done for. I gotta go OTT if I want to actually accomplish anything right now. I was way too relaxed and way too concerned about turning over a new leaf, so yeah, if you want to see that Patagonia Ken again, he's coming back.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ken » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:13:04 pm

So I think I have a pretty good chance at getting a nice rebellion going here against the three of Cochran/Ralph/Chad. Sarah was left out of their super secret get Mia out plan. Sarah is someone you simply do not fuck with. If she feels like you crossed her, she will flip her shit and get revenge. Have they just never played Stranded with her before? I guess not. But all I gotta do is keep up that doubt with her and I think I can save Mia from getting booted here tonight. It might be a 5-5 tie and go to rocks. That would be so beautiful. I am in that position where I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If I can't get people on my side, then I am gone soon anyways. So for that reason, I am not scared of not damn rocks.
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