Episode 13

Voted Out 4-3

Episode 13

Postby Yul Kwon » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:01:46 am

Well, another tribal council - another idol and another tie vote. Congratulations on surviving to the final ten; it's no easy feat this season. Seriously.

Are you starting to see a pecking order be established? Or is it too crazy to predict? Where do you fall in it?

What do the last two votes tell you about your position in the tribe? What does it tell you about your tribemates?

How does everyone stack up in the challenges?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Chad » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:44:37 am

Why do all these people think Debb is the one that told me what they were trying to do today with flipping the vote onto Ralphie and they're making it seem like it was a no big deal thing and Debb is lying?

Jolanda is the one who told me exactly what was going on, as it was going on. And I'm pretty damn sure she wasn't lying to me about it. icon_lol
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Chad » Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:33:56 pm

OK. So... This whole thing is getting blown into this big emotional OMG everyone's sad and hurt and pissed and trust and don't trust and blah fucking blah.

Mia and Ken were trying to make a move yesterday. They were trying to blindside me with said move. So I made a counter-move to ensure the failure of their move.

It's nothing more than that. I don't get all this drama. And it also seems like I shouldn't really have to explain that too much in depth. It's pretty obvious in my mind why shit went down the way it did last night.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Chad » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:29:26 pm

I fucked up last night. Cochran wanted to tell Sarah about the plan and I told him that was a bad idea because I didn't trust her.

That was probably the wrong call, and now she's all upset. Oops.

But she's totally blaming the whole thing on Cochran and not me. icon_lol

Anyone looking forward to rocks tonight?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Chad » Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:29:01 pm

So all these people that didn't think it was necessary to tell me they were trying to flip the vote to get Ralph out think that they should have been notified that we were flipping the vote to Mia.

Makes sense. icon_wacko
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Chad » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:27:51 am

So just posting this here to prove I'm not fucking insane and I'm not acting like Katie and I was in fact being lied to last night:

7:07 PM
Jolanda wrote:Alright, for the vote tonight. I WANT Lisa to go home tonight. I really do. But Mia and Ken are trying to sell to me that it might be abetter idea to get rid of Carter or Debb (or even Ralph?) tonight and use Ashley/Lisa to vote with us. Honestly, I'm not really a fan of this because I don't trust Lisa or Ashley at all.

7:17 PM
Mia wrote:Lol yeah I've been online some but haven't PMed except for what I sent out this lol.

Yeah I think Cochran is definitely out for blood. I would honestly prefer Lisa goes too. I don't want her to be scooped up as an extra vote, and I think some people are thinking about doing that. It would be so much easier for her to sell her vote like that because she has nothing to lose. You're right there, and it just makes the most sense here. Jolanda told me you and her are doing a pretty good job of snowballing Cochran? Good work haha. I'll ask her to see if anything official was made because I haven't heard anything on that front.

Anyways, assuming it's still Lisa tonight, I think we should get the jump on what to do afterwards.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Chad » Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:14:39 am

Actually going to rocks tonight might be good for me if they vote for me.

Ugh. What a night.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Chad » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:04:50 am

OK. So just a quick update because I've been sucking at updating my confessionals.

My whole game plan was to ride the middle and play both sides (Cochran/Ralph and Ken/Jo) and get rid of all the extraneous people until it was was down to that group plus maybe a couple more. I was trying to force them together into an alliance. And I hadn't really picked a side yet. I didn't want to have to pick a side yet I was just trying to keep them all in the game. But then Mia decided to go flip that vote and not tell me yesterday. She is full of shit. It was intentional. So I felt like I was forced to choose and I figured I'd rather roll with the ragtag group of Nuku Hivas than Mia and co especially while people like Ashley and Sarah were still in the game.

Looks like it worked out though.
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