Episode 13

Episode 13

Postby Yul Kwon » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:01:51 am

Well, another tribal council - another idol and another tie vote. Congratulations on surviving to the final ten; it's no easy feat this season. Seriously.

Are you starting to see a pecking order be established? Or is it too crazy to predict? Where do you fall in it?

What do the last two votes tell you about your position in the tribe? What does it tell you about your tribemates?

How does everyone stack up in the challenges?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:20:40 am

I'm getting voted out tomorrow

Mia is a self-righteous cunt and I can't stand her. I hope to fucking GOD I can vote her out tomorrow, and I won't settle for anything less.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:54:22 pm

Yul Kwon wrote:Well, another tribal council - another idol and another tie vote. Congratulations on surviving to the final ten; it's no easy feat this season. Seriously.

Yeah, but Yul did you ever really doubt that I'd be here?? icon_ha

Are you starting to see a pecking order be established? Or is it too crazy to predict? Where do you fall in it?

It's a little bit too all over the place. I tried to put something in to place that I would try and go by for the rest of the game, but at this point I feel like you can really only plan everything one day at a time, and look only as far as the next round for how it will affect you. I think that some people want to go down the line just voting out the refuge people but that is fucking stupid, and I'm obviously not going to let that happen. But yeah, it's really all over the place, and I'm either going home tonight or I'll be very long for this game.

What do the last two votes tell you about your position in the tribe? What does it tell you about your tribemates?

They tell me that I am public enemy #1 for about half of the game, especially Mia who is the most outward person as far as her opinions go. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually sticks around tonight and gets her way, but I will do everything I possibly can to get her voted out of here. she really needs to go home. But uh, yeah, Ralph and I both got that one straggler vote on both of the councils, and that's just not good. People are starting to realize that I am smack in the middle, or I was before last night, and that Chad is really firmly with the two of us, which just isn't good. We need to get more votes in and we can take over from there. We're so fucking close. I don't think I can win this honestly, because Mia is probably the most bitter bitch I've ever seen in my entire life and she will just jerk herself all over the jury house, but I want to set it up in a way where whoever wins is someone that I would be willing to vote for in the end, so that even if I don't win, the jury doesn't get to cream all over the thought of one of their allies taking this.

How does everyone stack up in the challenges?

Everyone is GREAT outside of Ralph and myself. This is a very challenge-ly inclined group, which sucks for me because it doesn't really make anyone stick out, so me being pretty fucking awful in challenges is doing me no favors at all as far as keeping a target off of my back.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:58:14 pm

By the way, Mia's PM title, as well as the pictures of the cats she sent me as well as some other shit is in reference to the last game that we played together also, so if I am getting in trouble for any of that crap because she is trying to get me in trouble, she should be having the same amount of shit.

I just think that's kind of low of her, right? I mean, I am barely even referencing the game at all, especially when I talked to her the first time, when Kristina called me a name referencing something in a PM and there has been some other references to things, especially when we were building that whole Caryn/Katie alliance back on old Nuku, I mean with 100% open ID It's gonna happen and I'm sure it's happened with her also, but the fact that she is trying to get me in trouble for something I am legitimately doing my best to avoid is just so fucking shitty in my opinion.

I am not saying she SHOULD get in trouble for anything she said because I would obviously be a hypocrite for all of this but it was just an observation.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:06:44 pm

Last night REALLY fucked up mine and Sarah's relationshit. She doesn't trust me and you can just tell by the way the she is talking. I feel like this will be a problem for Carter down the line as far as his relationship with me.

I know that people are telling sarah that they wanted to tell her, which is such shit and I am telling her the truth, hopefully that'll solidify her closer with me if she does actually intend to work with us than solidifying her with Chad and Carter who are just trying to subdue her. If we go to rocks tonight, I have a feeling that we'll see Carter flip shit up thinking he has a better shot than going to rocks, but we'll see how this goes. I haven't heard much today so.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:10:15 am

I think that Mia is working this harder than I thought she'd be able to. Ralph Chad and I are a really easy selling point as far as people to target, and I feel like one of Carter or Debb will flip it up, seeing they are on the bottom, yknow?

I don't feel confident that I have anyone besides the 5 that voted with me yesterday, so you very well might see some rocks tonight, which would just be too fucking much honestly.

If Mia stays around and I do also the I don't know how I'm going to live, especially if that dumb bitch gets some power icon_rolleyes . Ugh. I hope everyone is being legit with me tonight, because we SHOULD be able to just get rid of her easily but NO PEOPLE WANT TO MAKE MY LIFE HARD.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:13:28 am

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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Varner » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:16:17 am

Too late again :/

jk congrats on finding it
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:17:40 am

Jeff Varner wrote:Too late again :/

jk congrats on finding it

I literally cried for a second there Jeff.

Thanks icon_mml
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