Episode 14

Episode 14

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:31:35 am

How does this idol figure into things.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:51:50 am

Cochran wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Cochran, as a result of repeatedly discussing other games outside of the Stranded universe you will have your PM privileges revoked for the next 24 hours.

Your next penalty will not be as lenient.


What PM did I send today that had anything related to outside games in it???

I was really careful, is this still for the other day?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:01:43 am

Still from the other day
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:03:36 am

Jeff Probst wrote:Still from the other day

Thanks for holding it off until the weekend. I have been good about it sense, and you know I won't let it happen again, it was just out of Anger.

I promise you I'm not Katie icon_razz
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:56:55 am

Congrats on the idol! <3 And your first individual immunity. :)
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:34:33 pm

Most of it is just people trying to fuck over their enemies but... We have to penalize rule breaks or everyone would just do it anyway.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:22:24 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:Most of it is just people trying to fuck over their enemies but... We have to penalize rule breaks or everyone would just do it anyway.

Completely understand it. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's gotten a warning in this, and I did blatantly break the rule the other day when I was riled up so it's deserved. When are they back on? 11:30est tonight or whatever?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:23:20 pm

Stephanie Valencia wrote:Congrats on the idol! <3 And your first individual immunity. :)

Thanks Steph icon_wub

First of both!!! And well, first time getting penalized also icon_lol Breaking all of these records for myself in one day.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:40:50 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:How does this idol figure into things.

I don't fucking know icon_laughing . I think that I might be in trouble soon, especially with Debb and Carter having the Chad, Ralph, and Myself trio being a huge thing shoved down their throats. I know that Debb is way to smart to just let herself be lead to the slaughter. My hope is, they let me get a vote off on Mia on sunday, and then they try and make their "big move" at F8, and I can hopefully make them chose a target that isn't me. At this point, I am ok with losing one of my trio. I would much rather make the end game with Ralph and Chad sitting next to me, but I think that having one of them hit the jury would A. Help me in the end, because everyone knows Mia is going to be at my fucking throat, making up all the bullshit she can to try and get me to lose to even Ralph in the end. I would prefer that person to Chad, because I obviously have a better chance of beating Ralph, and Chad is definitely more outspoken, and would probably give some sort of a fight for me to win, at least I think. Now, that being said that two of them will never be receiving a vote from me to boot them, so it would have to be from the others teaming up.

I think I could beat Carter or debb in the end when it comes down to it, I'd obviously need to present myself right and not go crazy the way I did during Portugal, but I think I would have support from the Jury side, ESPECIALLY the fact that I am on rocky ground with Ashley right now, so if I get rid of her it won't have to be some sort of hurtful blindside on her. However, it's going to be hard to position myself in a way where I can make this happen, and I will have to lie hard to Carter and Debb if they do blindside one of my allies, because I obviously won't be happy about that.

The idol? I don't know yet. If I think that things are getting crazy, and I get paranoid then I'll play it, but I really just have to play it by ear. I am going to try my best to get on the inside of the other tribes dynamics (using chad/Jo) so that I'll have a good idea, but I am about 99% positive that Ashley knows I have it. We'll have to see I guess.

I'm gonna drop a tribe ranking at some point, even though it's pretty cut and dry lol but I have the time so.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:46:26 pm

Do you feel as though this game is moving at a pace that is one step ahead of the obvious? I was just considering that with the Lisa vote off, it seemed as though there was a blindside to prevent another blindside (that wasn't even happening). Do you expect more players to act ahead of an obvious move and if so, what's the next obvious move that you see in the future, and what would acting ahead of that be?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:07:03 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:Do you feel as though this game is moving at a pace that is one step ahead of the obvious? I was just considering that with the Lisa vote off, it seemed as though there was a blindside to prevent another blindside (that wasn't even happening). Do you expect more players to act ahead of an obvious move and if so, what's the next obvious move that you see in the future, and what would acting ahead of that be?

Yeah, Jeff the main reason why I was so paranoid about the whole Lisa thing and it being a big blindside was that her going home seemed too easy, exactly and I wanted to plan for it just incase. But, even though I'm not positive that I confessed about it then, I saw some merit in getting rid of Mia before Lisa, ESPECIALLY if the rest of those guys were voting for Lisa to go home. I know they would have felt played, but Lisa was more of a free agent, while Mia is firmly with the side that she is on, so even if Lisa didn't have the idol (which obviously she didn't) it SHOULD have worked to my benefit in that sense also.

I think that the obvious move for my group to make would be something simple, like voting out Mia because that'll obviously be my push when I get pm's back on. As far as what people could counter to that, I am positive that Carter and Debb are going to be approached by everyone to make some sort of move against ralph chad and I, but I don't expect them to take it this first vote. That wouldn't make much sense, because the numbers would then be 4 per side once again, and they if they get rid of the other two in our group, then they will be 5th and 6th place respectively. My thought is, they are going to try and make a move at F8, not necessarily on me but on the group. How do I want to combat that? I don't really know if I do. I mean, I will try to solidify shit with them and all of that, but I feel like they will much rather try to get rid of Chad or Ralph (Chad for being a pretty big threat at this point, and Ralph for being less active) and keep me around, because they know that I am not able to work with the other side, especially if Mia doesn't go on sunday.

I think all I can really do is solidify my relationship with Debb and Carter as well as I can so that when they do inevitabily make their move it won't be on me. I don't know if that really counts, but I also have no idea what people talked about yesterday and today so that could easily change icon_laughing
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:46:38 pm

With it being a mia vs. cochran set up, are you scared that you are now seen as the leader of your alliance and with Mia being on the run with less numbers, you are in essence in control of the game?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:56:49 pm

Your PMs go back up at 9:45:00c/10:45:00e
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:09:05 am

Jeff Probst wrote:Your PMs go back up at 9:45:00c/10:45:00e

Awesome, thanks.

Jeff Probst wrote:With it being a mia vs. cochran set up, are you scared that you are now seen as the leader of your alliance and with Mia being on the run with less numbers, you are in essence in control of the game?

I think that after Ken's rant yesterday, people are a little bit more worried about Chad than they were originally, but I do think that I am going to be getting some heat for being in "control" of my group for sure, while Mia is getting the same for hers. The thing is, I think I have a target on my back at this point, especially for fighting with Mia, but I feel like people in this game know I'm not a threat to get to the end, if that makes sense. I mean, with out my social game I'm pretty much nothing, I don't have the ability to win any challenges unless it happens to be by circumstance like last night was, so if they cut off allies of mine like Chad and Ralph, then all I am is this big target that can't do anything, and is keeping flack off of others because of it. I'm a meat shield, but I'm even better because they can cut me at any point pretty much do to me sucking in challenges.

To really answer your question, yeah, I think that to the opposition that is what they are seeing, and I think that the people on my side are starting to realize that, and will hopefully use it to their advantage, not knowing that I have an idol to save myself.

This also won't be my only immunity win this season, I can promise you that.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:53:23 am

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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:03:57 am

I'm starting to lose it.

Chad is running the show, Debb and Carter are tight and I am going to have literally no support on the jury no matter how I swing it, who I blindside who I vote off whatever. Only way I win this game is in a F2 (which it won't be, I'm not hopeful) against Ralph, which is bullshit because I think I've played particularly well.

I am trying to distance myself from Ashley so that when I vote her out she won't be mad because I lied or anything, but hopefully I'm not isolating her too much because I want her vote obviously. I just sent a message out to Carter trying to let him know I want to go to the end with him, we were together since day 1 and all of that shit, hopefully he will buy it and want to work with me going towards the end. Or, he'll just tell Debb and I'll goo home pretty much immediately.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:44:56 pm

Sent Carter a PM painting Chad as an uber threat who is "leading" our alliance, and saying that when it came to it we shouldn't really bring him to the end.

I don't know if I said this here? But I think that Carter is my main chance at winning. I don't think Ralph will get any votes at this point unless he does some crazy shit at FTC, but I need to think about it and Carter will probably get quite a few votes, but will the rest respect him?

I think that, no matter what, I don't get Mia and Ken's votes. Ken never PM's me and is up Mia's ass, and Mia, well, yeah.

Vote split at FTC if it's me Carter Ralph

Carter- Sarah, Mia, Ken, Debb? Chad? Katie? Ash?

me- Lisa Debb? Chad? Jo? Katie? Ash?

Ralph- Jo? Ash?

He has Sarah/Mia/Ken down, which means he only needs two more votes. I feel like Debb and he are close enough for her to get her vote regardless, even though I feel like I'm playing a better game than he is? I just feel like he's in Debb's shadow. Which means I need the rest of the votes lol, but I think I can snag Jo's vote easily. Chad is going to be hard because I would have just voted him out, but I don't plan to blindside him, I am going to tell him at F4 that is Carter wins immunity I am voting with Ralph for him because I won't vote for Ralph so hopefully he has time to calm down, even though I doubt it. Ash is a wash, if she isn't mad that I voted her out then she will vote for me, or him fuck idk. Katie? Who fucking knows. She respected me last time (was the only one lol) so hopefully she will be able to talk highly of me come jury time. I have a feeling Lisa votes me out of that trio. idk why.

It would be tough, but fuck I don't know who else I would be able to beat. Ken gets everyone on the fucking Refuge side, and even if I got the rest of those votes how do I plan it so that he makes it to the end with me without a tiebreaker win at F4, yknow?

Mia will get all the votes, no matter how much of a goat she says she is I don't see a way I lose to her. Plus I'd probably off myself before I talk to her for another two weeks.

Ash has the odds against her right now, no real alliance apparently, and had options and shit and if she makes the end I don't see a way I beat her either because I would have had to let her in there.

Debb is another option, kind of. I feel like people may see her as trolly, but she has a lot of game behind all of that, and definitely is and has been a force in this. She decided the Mia vs Lisa vote by herself, and has a good following here and probably would make a move or two before the end.

Jolanda wins against anyone -Ashley and maybe Chad.

Chad is doing a lot of behind the scenes shit. He has voted against Refuge every single round minus the round of the merge and they still think that he is on their side, or that he could be. He really is dictating a lot of what everyone does, has everyone talking to him and is just an all around threat. The thing is, I can't vote for him. This game is important to me but Chad and I are good friends and fucking him over is not something I can do because contrary to popular belief I actually have some morals. He also is a particularly bitter juror icon_razz but that's not a big part of it. I think he wins against me, possibly unanimously.

So Carter it is. I don't think he knows how to hold himself in an FTC, and I have one epic fails worth of experience so hopefully that will give me the edge there also.

This can all change by tonight, obviously :)
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:57:32 am

Send a message to Ashley implying that she is getting the votes. Expect fireworks at tribal, hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me :)
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