Jury Journal

Voted Out 9-1

Jury Journal

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:18:01 pm


Immediately worked with Chad, trusted him implicitly and felt that the trust was retuned.
Worked in "majority alliance" with Chad, Caryn, Cochran and Ralph.
Cochran and Ralph were the least communicative - leading me to believe they probably had the most on in terms of other alliances and were being spread thin.

Drama centred around Cochran mostly - he seemed fidgety and impatient.

Although I was not in an official alliance with Debb, probably found her to be the easiest to talk to and she would drop me nuggets of info that were very useful. I felt Debb was very genuine with me actually, a feeling that lasted throughout the game,

1. Chad
2. Debb
3, Cochran

Didn't really click with anyone left in the game very easily at Refuge. Even Chad, when he arrived, seemed super sketchy and paranoid. Probably my least favourite phase of the game. Would have liked to have gotten the chance to actually go with the Kristina/Jolanda alliance but that got cut off at the knees. Jolanda was easily the best person on Refuge to talk to and she is still in the game so she will take top spot here:

1. Jolanda
2, Chad
3, Mia


Of the terrible trio from Refuge, Chad was probably the one to do the most rehab work on our personal relationship but I honestly continued to feel estranged from them up until my vote off. Since. on my vote, everyone voted the way I did until the revote, it makes it difficult to be bitter with anyone but I probably had the most trust in Debb and Jolanda so would rank the post-merge period where I was still in the game:

1. Debb
2. Jolanda
3. Chad

So, obviously now a Debb/Jo/Chad would clearly be the most difficult F3 incarnation for me to cast a winner's vote. That is so unlikely to occur though so I should find my winner from one of these three I hope.

Probably Out of the Running

Cochran and Ralph - for reasons that don't need explaining. I love these boys so don't want to shit on them but they really need to not be such an obvious tandem as it damages their credibility,

Carter and Ken - for similar reasons. Both kept me at what felt like an arm's length and, despite multiple attempts on my behalf, I don't believe I ever really planned a move or even discussed a game move with either of them

Not Out of the Running

Mia - given the right set of circumstances between now and FTC present her with an opportunity to demonstrate that she is playing this game on more than the singular level of "antagonistic bitch" and provided she delivers a coherent and on-point argument at FTC I could see myself giving Mia a vote to win this game.

My Jury Question

I'm leaning towards something along the lines of asking the F3 what each of them did to help me get to the point of the game I did before I was voted out. Since they are all now wanting my help, I guess it would only be fair to return that help to someone who did a lot with me in the game and this question, if answered correctly by them, should lean heavily towards Debb, Jolanda and Chad if any of them appear in the FTC. Should none of the 3 be there then it will be a clusterfuck and pretty hilarious watching the others try to explain how beneficial they were to me while I was in the game.

More notes tomorrow <3
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