Episode 15

Voted Out 3-1

Episode 15

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:48:54 am

So surely there have to be some cracks about to open up icon_ha The question is, who will beat everyone else to the punch?
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Re: Episode 15

Postby Ken » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:34:46 pm

I certainly hope so. Basically my plan is to appeal to Debb and Carter. They seem to wnt to wait until next round to make a move. If they wait until then, the numbers would be 2 original Hiva Oa that go along with them so it is essentially a 2-2 alliance and no a 3-2. I get it. They don't want to jump from the bottom of one 5 the to the bottom of yet another one. That's just silly. However, I am going to put a very heavy emphasis on just how much Cochran Ralph and Chad will want to make a move on them before they can snatch us in. If they wait too long then they can essentially throw their opportunity away.

On the flip side, I can't be picky about which side of this comes out on top. So Mia Jo and I really have to also get those other three to see that Debb and Carter most definitely do want to make a move within the next round. They have to strike first before it is too late. The end goal right now for us three is survival. We don't actually care which one of that five leaves, as long as one of our three doesn't leave at all. I will be shocked if one of the Hiva Oa threesome leave this round, because that is huge leap of faith on behalf of both sides of Chad/Cochran/Ralph and then Debb/Carter. Both sides should be trying to take advantage now instead of waiting for way too long to snatch the three of us up.

But you know, Jeff, whenever it is just me and 2 others, we tend to be highly successful, so I think that our little underdog threesome will go quite far if we play this just right icon_wink

I may have been seemingly asleep for the first half of this game, but I am really putting in that much needed effort to make a move happen, and I feel like it is paying off finally. All I have to do is keep everyone in that five paranoid that a big move will happen tomorrow if they just keep going with the status quo, and they certainly do not want it to be against them at all, and if they sit and wait too long, it could be.
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Re: Episode 15

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:11:44 pm

So essentially itll be a shoot out for who takes the outliers? If Debb/Carter are aiming at final 7 since it's just two of them, would Cochran/Ralph/Chad then have to jump at 8 to beat them to it? Have you entertained another option aside from Carter/Debb?
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Re: Episode 15

Postby Ken » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:33:21 pm

I have been talking to Ralph, but I think he is just yanking my chain on the whole thing, and I reached out to Cochran last night, but I really do not see him giving me any ground. Not that I blame him. I have been putting him on blast at these past few tribals. That has mostly been to get him to show his hand a bit. The way I see it, the more he is in denial about there being a threesome the more he essentially confirms it.

Ideally what I want to have happen tonight is have Carter/Debb vote for one of Cochran/Chad/Ralph and vice versa. Then Mia, JoJo and I can make our move and pick which side works best for us. I am pushing for it to be Cochran. I see him as the glue who holds together his threesome, so if he goes, that leaves a lot of wiggle room within the next round. JoJo, Mia and I may be able to get one of that five out this round, but I think if Cochran is the boot then that helps prevent the 4 remaining from regrouping and going back to booting Hiva Oa members.
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Re: Episode 15

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:08:48 pm

Ken wrote:I have been talking to Ralph, but I think he is just yanking my chain on the whole thing, and I reached out to Cochran last night, but I really do not see him giving me any ground. Not that I blame him. I have been putting him on blast at these past few tribals. That has mostly been to get him to show his hand a bit. The way I see it, the more he is in denial about there being a threesome the more he essentially confirms it.

Ideally what I want to have happen tonight is have Carter/Debb vote for one of Cochran/Chad/Ralph and vice versa. Then Mia, JoJo and I can make our move and pick which side works best for us. I am pushing for it to be Cochran. I see him as the glue who holds together his threesome, so if he goes, that leaves a lot of wiggle room within the next round. JoJo, Mia and I may be able to get one of that five out this round, but I think if Cochran is the boot then that helps prevent the 4 remaining from regrouping and going back to booting Hiva Oa members.

Have you entertained working wtih Cochran/Chad/Ralph at all?
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Re: Episode 15

Postby Ken » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:59:19 pm

Yes I have. It's not ideally what I want, but if they vote one of Debb or Carter then I will be for that. Debb seems a little wishy washy right now so I might have to. I would prefer Cochran to go, but then again I am in no position to be picky about it.
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