by Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:48:54 am
by Ken » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:34:46 pm
by Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:11:44 pm
by Ken » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:33:21 pm
by Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:08:48 pm
Ken wrote:I have been talking to Ralph, but I think he is just yanking my chain on the whole thing, and I reached out to Cochran last night, but I really do not see him giving me any ground. Not that I blame him. I have been putting him on blast at these past few tribals. That has mostly been to get him to show his hand a bit. The way I see it, the more he is in denial about there being a threesome the more he essentially confirms it.
Ideally what I want to have happen tonight is have Carter/Debb vote for one of Cochran/Chad/Ralph and vice versa. Then Mia, JoJo and I can make our move and pick which side works best for us. I am pushing for it to be Cochran. I see him as the glue who holds together his threesome, so if he goes, that leaves a lot of wiggle room within the next round. JoJo, Mia and I may be able to get one of that five out this round, but I think if Cochran is the boot then that helps prevent the 4 remaining from regrouping and going back to booting Hiva Oa members.
by Ken » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:59:19 pm