From Beyond the Grave
Episode 02 - Monkey Trials
Jeff Probst wrote:BEST. LOSERS. LODGE. EVER.
Vitinho wrote:all the nutjobs are here, did you expect anything less?

Stacey wrote:Coming from the mentally ill ape !
Stacey wrote:That awkward moment when a mentally ill monkey calls you crazy...
Jane (to Caryn) wrote:It's a fucking game. Get over it. You're an early boot who the fuck cares what you rip her you were insignificant and didn't even interact with her you dumb bitch
Stacey wrote:Slay a bit miss jane..
Jane wrote:Caryn is just pathetic at this point. Like don't be desperate for attention.
Stacey wrote:I agree. She is desperate for attention, and in general just a very sick person.
Caryn wrote:Continue sucking on several dicks like the whore you are, you cum guzzling little slut. You were a literal JOKE in this game. No one took you seriously cause you acted like a cartoon character the whole damn time with your call-outs and what not. You were BEGGING for attention the entire game.
I'm not even playing around, I will literally hunt you down, and I will slit your fucking throat with a kitchen knife, and I'll do it slowly so you can feel every last ounce of pain. I will watch you bleed out while you cry for help because you're a motherfucking pussy. And then you'll finally be able to rot in hell like the stupid fucking bitch you are.
Stacey, this applies to you to, you fucking yeasty asshole little cunt.
Stacey wrote:U say jane is a joke. Yet she made it further than u.
Stacey wrote:BINCH i am not afraid of u. What are u going to do? Escape the zoo and come kill me??? Or escape the mental hospital and kill me??? Escape the retirement home and kill me? Try u ugly ass animal. Youre pathetic ass low life, broke hoe who likes to think she is intimidating when really shes as intimidating as a leaf. Binch get yo ugly ass outta here
Stacey wrote:Like you literally have the worst description ever. A five year old could describe murdering someone better. Well guess what binncchhh come within fifty yards of me i'll shoot u right between the eyes. And seventeen more times after that just for fun. Lmao run u ugly ogre
Stacey wrote:So. Ur poor.
Stacey wrote:Dirty ass, rat ass , garbage ass binch