Episode 16

Voted Out 3-2

Episode 16

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:42:23 am

Final 7!

Did anything get revealed at the challenge that will affect your strategy?

There’s only a few rounds left to impress the jury. Do you feel you’ve done enough to have a compelling argument to win the game at this point? Or are you looking at the final rounds as the chance to put your case forward?

What is your ideal boot order from now until Final Tribal Council?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:45:23 am

Gurl I deserve better questions than this.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:46:38 am

Mia wrote:Gurl I deserve better questions than this.

Gurl, I heard what you were saying about recent winners in this series! icon_mad

But congrats on your best Stranded performance. <3
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:18:58 am

Stephanie Valencia wrote:
Mia wrote:Gurl I deserve better questions than this.

Gurl, I heard what you were saying about recent winners in this series! icon_mad

But congrats on your best Stranded performance. <3

Just trying to make a point to keep me alive gurl <3 you know how I feel about you lol.

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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:22:05 am

Okay so here's where we stand:

Mia: I'm a huge cockraoch that everyone is fucking fed up with

Ken: "goat"

Chad: Probably basically invisible, everyone is looking at Cochran/Ralph and Debb/Carter and he's not going a goddamn thing about it

Debb: Literally pussies out on every move. We've hammered that one into the ground.

Carter: Worse than Debb, but not by much

Cochran: Shitty and sneaky, people hopefully hate him too

Ralph: For some twisted reason, somehow the most likely to win now?

What kind of twisted season IS this?

Also, NO men on the jury. How unjust.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:36:11 am

I didn't realize how much losing Jolanda would make me lose all my heart, drive, and passion in this game. The wind has been taken out of my sails bigtime.

Double that with being ignored so fucking much and it's almost unbearable. I'm just really defeated right now. But thankful to still be here.

I need to find a way to get my drive back. I will somehow. It's my turn for immunity. I'm going to go practice that stepping stone grid challenge thing.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:01:28 pm

Ralph was trying to get Carter to flip or something, and surprise, that failed!

Now Ken has been pretty diplomatic towards Debb, who is asking me not to fuck her over with this vote "because she has a lot to lose." I mean yeah, if you call playing a horribly boring, weak, and uninspiring game a "lot to lose," then yes, she has a SHIT TON to lose. But if she offers this and is legit, I'll humor her to keep both Ken and I in the game.

Meanwhile, I decided to just fuck it and lay it on with Chad. He's been just as boring as Debb and Carter, and I can see through his pandering. Like, every round, it's the same, if not worse. "I don't know what's going on yet, but I'll tell you as soon as I do!" And he usually does, but like, CLEARLY you're not making your own moves or path through the game. So I told him that and I told him to cut the shit and make riskier moves for bigger payoff, otherwise, I'm not giving him my respect at the end.

Anyways, Cochran or Ralph going wouldn't be TOO bad. If Ken and I stay together, we just need one vote to go to rocks again. And if Cochran goes, Ralph gets pissed, jumps with us, and there you have it.

I'm practicing for tonight's immunity challenge. Last season, Carter did it in 4 minutes. I need to beat that. And if it isn't the rosetta challenge, whatever, I'll still win immunity tonight.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:03:00 pm

Really though, HOW have I survived until now? I mean, I know I'm good at keeping myself in a game longer than my allies, but this is madness. I should not still be here right now.

I'm forever indebted to the people that lost so I could still be here. Even Lisa. But Sarah... Ashley... Jolanda? I feel so bad that they went to rocks and are all gone now. None of them deserved that, and here I am, being a raging bitch ass cockroach fighting for more days in the game. I'm gonna fucking pull this out in the end.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:58:52 pm

How does Debb get to the end, and win?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:33:16 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:How does Debb get to the end, and win?

I mean, she could still win. But I'll have a hard time voting for her. She'll need Chad in the Final 3 with her, and probably Carter too. God, I'm so inconsistent with who I'm hating on in this game. But I mean, I wouldn't be playing like myself if I didn't rush into something headstrong without all the facts or full picture, soo.... icon_razz

Tonight, IF she's going about things right, I think she's going to get a huge target on her back for making a big move. Unless I'm being duped, Chad and Cochran are 100% being schmoozed into believing that I'll go. And I very well might, but Debb is insisting that she's going to do this move tonight, and now is the perfect time for her to do it, because they literally don't suspect it.

So if tonight works out for her, she just has to bet on the fact that Ken and I won't be able to flip someone. I HOPE it's Cochran that goes because that would be so sweet. And even Chad going would be sweet because of the disgusting PM he just sent me. He's claiming that he had a lot of swing behind the scenes with Lisa and Katie going and whatnot, etc etc. Well of course he was involved in those moves, but that early on, NOBODY is solely responsible for something like that. I'm having flashbacks to Costa Rica when he had the same, delusional, entitled attitude about how much gameplay he actually carried out. He wanted a Final 3 of Tom and Kim where he would have landed in 3rd. He's got about the same chances here. He's not as polarizing as Cochran, not as slimy and smart as Debb, and not as sweet or lovable as Ralph. He's got nothing going for him. He's the perfect goat that nobody will suspect.

I just hope Debb is being legit. She needs to be, because if she doesn't have the idol and Chad or Cochran or Ralph do, she's up shit creek and she knows it.

I've also been practicing the immunity challenge for tonight, assuming it is what I think it is. Let's hope I can pull it out.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:17:58 pm

Debb says we should do Chad. Cochran going would be better but I'm not going to be choosy. I could always rat her out but I feel like it wouldn't take hold after the way I've been behaving.

The only downside is if Carter isn't on board.


Ralph just let me know that he would want to do Chad. So I may tell him to try bringing it up with Debb and it can be done. Please let this work.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:18:27 pm

I've been slimy, sleazy, shitty... all of the above, but I'm proud of the fact that I've stayed in this game. Let's hope that's still true tonight.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:01:11 am

PLEASE god let Chad go tonight. PLEASE. Him going out like this is going to be so amazing. Six seasons later and our relationship is coming back to the very thing we first fought about. It's too poetic and amazing and I can only pray that I get the upper hand this time. Sweet revenge <3
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:54:19 am

Chad wrote:Mia, with all due respect. You didn't show up until last week, so you couldn't have really cared that much about this.

How DARE he question my dedication to this game. This just confirms how fucking pathetic and wrong he is.
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