Stephanie Valencia wrote:Did anything get revealed at the challenge that will affect your strategy?
There’s only a few rounds left to impress the jury. Do you feel you’ve done enough to have a compelling argument to win the game at this point? Or are you looking at the final rounds as the chance to put your case forward?
What is your ideal boot order from now until Final Tribal Council?
1. Nope. Knew I was disliked and didn't think I deserved to be on this season in the first place. Only thing I learned was that people held Chad in higher regard than I thought, which I didn't think it was possible for him to be thought of more highly
2. Nope, and at this point, I don't think there's anything I can do. People on the jury or still in this game hate me outside of my immediate alliance. I don't care, most of them are pathetic and they're people that I would consider subordinates in the real world, and I'm just here to have fun like I said in tribal, I really don't give two shits about what these random people on the internet think of me. That being said, I'll try to put a case together. I don't know what it would consist of other than being the least of the 3 evils, so that's a work in progress.
3. Mia, Chad, Ken, don't know who would be 4th. I want to be in the end with Debb, but I think if I want to win, I need to be in the end with Cochran. Maybe I'll just be booted 4th again and everything will be made easy again.