I think it is actually final 5.
I am so amazed that that actually worked. Why did that actually work? Like that is amazing. I mean I help blindside Cochran's biggest ally, and then he helps save mine a round later. I love this game. I really do. Not very many seasons of Survivor would that ever happen, and I am just so excited right now
Mi and I sort of made a deal with the devil. Now let's see if it actually plays out or not. We promised Cochran final 3, and I actually think I want to go along with this. I know Ralph kinda wants me out of this game, and I don't think Carter will want to work with me much after that. He is probably pissed at me. Although really, I was told to my face my #1 was going to be voted against tonight. We are a pair, and I am not gonna just lie down and let her get voted out like that. She and I did what needed to be done. I hated looking like an ungrateful cunt, but I am also not foolish enough to just let Mia go like that. She will have my back no matter what.
The fact that I have been able to flip flop so much in these past few rounds, I am just in shock at that. I really am. I never expected this. I half expected a complete Pagonging of Hiva Oa. Ideally I would love the next boot to be Carter since Ralph is so much easier to beat in challenges than Carter. I mean, Carter hasn't won many (or any at all?) individual challenges, but I know Ralph's capabilities. He's worse than I am. I gotta get to the final 4 with Mia, Ralph, and Cochran. If the final challenge is counting, that's something I can actually do well.
Part of me expects this to finally go sour for Mia and I, but if we made it this far, anything can happen!