Episode 18

Voted Out 3-1

Episode 18

Postby Yul Kwon » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:40:29 am

Congratulations on making the final 5! Another blindside shows the game is always changing and nobody is ever safe (or to be counted out).

Where do you fall now, moving forward?

What is your gameplan to survive the last few tribal councils?
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Ken » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:53:18 am

I think it is actually final 5.

I am so amazed that that actually worked. Why did that actually work? Like that is amazing. I mean I help blindside Cochran's biggest ally, and then he helps save mine a round later. I love this game. I really do. Not very many seasons of Survivor would that ever happen, and I am just so excited right now icon_wub

Mi and I sort of made a deal with the devil. Now let's see if it actually plays out or not. We promised Cochran final 3, and I actually think I want to go along with this. I know Ralph kinda wants me out of this game, and I don't think Carter will want to work with me much after that. He is probably pissed at me. Although really, I was told to my face my #1 was going to be voted against tonight. We are a pair, and I am not gonna just lie down and let her get voted out like that. She and I did what needed to be done. I hated looking like an ungrateful cunt, but I am also not foolish enough to just let Mia go like that. She will have my back no matter what.

The fact that I have been able to flip flop so much in these past few rounds, I am just in shock at that. I really am. I never expected this. I half expected a complete Pagonging of Hiva Oa. Ideally I would love the next boot to be Carter since Ralph is so much easier to beat in challenges than Carter. I mean, Carter hasn't won many (or any at all?) individual challenges, but I know Ralph's capabilities. He's worse than I am. I gotta get to the final 4 with Mia, Ralph, and Cochran. If the final challenge is counting, that's something I can actually do well.

Part of me expects this to finally go sour for Mia and I, but if we made it this far, anything can happen! icon_lol
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:14:53 pm

Can you win this game?
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Ken » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:21:35 pm

Maybe? I have no idea. Let's say I end up in the finals with Cochran and Ralph. I think I have 3 votes on lock with Mia, JoJo and Lisa. That's not so bad. I would just need about 1 or 2 more. Depending on how split the others are between Ralph and Cochran. I assume hey are going to try and split Mia and I up, and she is the bigger challenge threat. So basically in any final 3 scenario without her, I think I get three votes at least.
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:25:05 pm

Ken wrote:..but I know Ralph's capabilities. He's worse than I am.

Also alol at this icon_laughing

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