FTC prep

FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:07:55 am

leaving this here will do fallen comrades if I have the time and I'm going honest
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:53:10 am

okay so the starting paragraph is really important and I need to get that to have a basis for the rest.
Tell me which one you like so I can go with taht mood.

" In this game I feel like I have been labled as things I'm not. I do think I played a good game by staying out of the spot light from F 10 to know. I made executive decisions with boots like Debb and Ashley. which are two boots that I think cemented me in this position. I will be going more into detail with that later this is gonna be a big thing. I wanted to say that I'm here to play and I have been since Day 1 my strategy goes from borderline mental to super genuis. the strategy really stems back in Namibia. In Namibia I was straight up bad but I was enough of a Character to be brought back for Portugal. in Portugal I cemented my nice guy persona by playing a good social game but not much else. and I prepared my whole character for An all stars win. Stranded has a lot of winners and it is hands down my favorite org series ever. and stranded as a community needs a " he won that winner" I want to be that winner. Ask any questions I'm here all night and I look forward to the rest of tonight! even if I lose I wish the best to Carter and Cochran man! this season has been so crazy and it's a preveilange to of played with this cast. shout out to my Doom Sqquad. shoutout to Vytas Caryn Kimmi P Bear Hay-train Kristina and man I'll edit this part to get more.
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:56:48 pm

I'm so proud of my Namibia Ralphy making a FTC. <3 Good luck! :D
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:31:21 pm

THank you so much Steph! you've been so nice checking out my Confessionals! I miss namibia man I wish we got Grant up in this I wanted to make fun os him some more apparently that's like an inside joke now. making fun of grant
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:09:55 pm

Pre merge

At the start of this game me and Cochran came in as a known pair with a third member that was kind've a handicap named Papa Bear/Big Papa/Notorious P. Big papa really wanted me cochran all together and we wanted all four of us with vytas just be super duper safe. it ended up working out with me/ p bear/ cochran on one tribe with some friends in Katie/Sarah/Chad/Caryn and some people who we wanted to know better in Debb and carter. Pre merge was a scary time in the sense that we hit TC A LOT of the time. the first boot was P bear and I don't want to say anything about how it shaped my game because it didn't p bear left and I didn't like it cause i like Notorious P as a dude. but he goes in like a 9-1 vote or something and we have a majority going on over there with Gina Sean (OTHER PEOPLE ONE THE OUTS ) on the outs. I was very active day 1 and 2 because after playing a few of these games I've realized first impressions go a long way. so I wanted to seem like my normal goof ball loud trusting guy to everyone around me so I hammed it up hard in the start of the game To CHad/Debb/Carter/ me and Debb made the DALPH alliance after the first boot. I had THe doom squad with me and cochran and then we made another doom squad with Chad after Notorious P left because Doom squad is a great alliance name. I stayed active and tight with people throughout all of pre merge. My biggest worry was challenges since it is easily known that I am not king of the challenges. I have no challenge game. that's why I always get scarred/neurotic in the pre merge because if I were nuka hiva I would've just booted myself early and taken cochran as my NUmber 2. but no body did that and I coasted pre merge with that social game and those connections.

The next boot was Stacey I think. and I wanna take this time to give shout out to Stacey. I think she was the 2nd boot and guess what she Has like over 500 posts. 2nd boot. wtf props to her. But yea Stacey gets the boot moral gets lifted woot we have a chance. an ongoing joke around our tribe was that Hiva Oa was stacked. at least me and Chad talked about that A lot. you remember that Chad-ster? Nothing happened here but some things I noticed where that Caryn pm'd me like once a day and it was a small thing like 'what up ralph' or whatever so i didn't want Caryn around. Me and cochran started to get tighter with Carter and Debb and eventually this would lead into a F4 alliance that obvi didn't happen. but the fact is that c'mon F3 so early and it happened

@response to people saying I was cochrans pet@
- I don't think I was cochrans pet and I know I'm gonna get laughed at or get some icon_lol or whatever for people who are un creative but hear me out. Me and cochran became friends outside of these games at the end of Namibia. we talked on steam for a bit and talked about playing smite together and hanging out and shit like that. then at Portugal we became way tighter in that game and at the end of that we got eachothers skype and always talked about how when we both obvi hit All stars we're going to dominate and kick ass and make that cover together. it was A joke relaly but then when it became a possibility we went hardcore assessing situations and really digging deep and thinking about it. Coming into a game as a known pair was a hindrance but also vastly helped me in this game. If people wanted to boot cochran they'd have to face a sad ralph. I remember back on limici in Portugal people didn't want to Boot Shawn because they were worried what I would do afterwards. and then BAM SHAWN ALMOST WINS THE GAME. I'm not saying my friendship brings you to the end. but it helps. But I got a little sidetracked haha. me and cochran worked off eachother he was tight with some people and I was tight with other people. Mia is someone i consider to be one of my best friends from this game. and mia and cochran had that little feud or whatever. Having a tight alliance really gives you the ability to have some leg room and make moves and that;s what we did! we worked off each other and made it to this F3!
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:18:50 pm

moves I've made

*voting Debb
- the Debb boot was a risky one but If it wasn't made and the Final 4 was me cochran Carter Debb there's no way there wouldn't be a tie. Carter and Debb were also A Known alliance duo and I was willing to go 2-2 vote for F4 if it came down for that and I think carter and debb were as well. The Debb boot might not seem like the smartest one because it left the genius Mia in the game. But as long as mia didn't challenge stomp our plan could still go accordingly and I'd finish with cochran and Carter!. and that's what ended up happening! The Debb vote seemed silly at the time i will agree with Dalph on that one but it ended up keeping me safe at F4 and solidified my place in this F3!

*Voting Ashley
- This was a stictly selfish move but I do think it was the right one. me and Ashley played back in Namibia and recently played another game. btu i won't get into that just incase rules and stuff unless if I can hosts can I get into that?? but anyway me and ashley were tight and obvi you had that friend thing 'cmon lets be friends' type deal. but at the time of voting Ashley she had written my name down twice and tried to boot me twice. The reason I wanted Ashley gone is because I knew she was here to play and I also knew that if anyone could heartfuck the shit out of me it's Ashley. and I also know that Heartfucking is relaly effective on Ralph. That's why I wanted AShley gone and why it was a good move. Ash I hope oyu can forgive me for that move I love you so much as a person and it wasn't a move against you it was a move for me
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:08:08 pm

*The Character
- okay so some of you may not believe this but I'm not like this 100%. I am like myself but I knew that If I was myself in these games I wouldn't have a good time. It's always fun being a character and when I found out I was Ralph in Nambia I was going to be my self ( and I was ) but I also wanted to put on some sort of a show. THat's where this character stems from. and then I took parts of people i know and put it in. it was my baby. MY BEST PERFORMANCE OF ALL TIME. okay i'm fucking with you but anyway. the personality helps me make friends in these games. I was told "you don't want to stick out early on incase of being an early boot" and I feel like most of the time I ahve stuck out but I look at that as a positive thing. people know my name and early in the game I think it's better to be known than be that " you know her Moma or whatever his name is" and the personality really helps with that.

this may make no sense i think i started out with an idea and then lost it
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:48:46 am

Continuing pre merge

I'll make it quick because pre merge was pretty much what Frank taught me at the end of Namibia. Staying Active and showing up to as many challenges as you can. But to continue for those who want the whole story the next boot was Sean. and Sean was apparently real life friends with mia or just friends with mia. because mia was such a threat at this moment i wanted him gone. Naw I'm just fucking with you I liked Gina more than I liked Sean so I wanted to keep Gina over Sean so this whole round was just me saying I want sean gone over Gina. After Sean was Gina and this boot really sucked since Gina was such a cool person. But this was the last easy boot since gina and sean were both out of the @core@ alliance of Me/Caryn/Katie/Cochran/Chad and I think sarah
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:00:00 pm

more pre merge

okay so we left at gina and sean. Really pre merge was just this. The core alliance of five with Sarah as like an acquaintance ( Sarah would've been in it IMO but she was an early refugee pick) i think it might of been Stacey boot she left to refuge? my memory is not the best. Okay so I'ma skip all of the hiva oa stuff because it doesn't really concern me and I doubt me filling you guys in on possibly false information will sway your vote to me. SO I'm just going to cover nuka hiva boots until we get to the pre merge tribe into one thing. Okay so Bam. we left were we left off with the two gina and sean boots. so now IT goes to Caryn. Caryn didn't really talk to me at all. and when we did talk it was small and then caryn was gone because of that cop thing or she went to save her friend or something. but anyway Caryn tried to start a plan to boot me but like everyone who tries to boot me they end up leaving because I'm untouchable. so on the hiva oa's chris leaves cause of idol and then Ramona I think because she was inactive. so now we go to the pre merge merge into one thing. SO it's refuge v.s Tribe people. It's 4v4 on hiva Oa new tribe. 4 Nuka Hiva and 4 Hiva Oa. But Hiva oa Have icon_Vytas and if you remember Portugal Cochran was really tight with icon_Vytas and me and Vytas talked Portugal and still talk today so we felt pretty safe. Although day 1 on Hiva Oa Vytas was very drunk he kept telling me to go fuck myself so that was confusing. but I didn't act off emotions so it didn't really ruin anything but that's something to include in this story. Then we hit the 'JUST DON'T TAKE THE FUCKING THING' immunity challenge. and icon_Vytas takes it woooooooo. So we all go to Tribal council and the plan is to boot Ted. but Ted went with Lisa and Ashley to boot me. This bugged me a little bit because I thought Ashley and me were friends. But Ted ends up leaving and it's all okay since he tried to touch the untouchable and got stung. Now I gotta med those bridges with Ashley and Lisa since they voted for me and that doesn't really bug me but I mean I don't want it to happen again. I was already a little tighter with Ash after the Ted boot and I wanted to get tighter with Lisa! After the Ted boot i think Kristina left which sucks ass because i really like Kristina! She was my first alliance ever! but the next boot is really important. Because it's when Crazy Vytas left and when I didn't start to 100% trust Debb. Vytas don't kill me man. but I'm honestly glad you got the boot since It worked a lot like Chads boot. I wanted to boot Vytas eventually and I'm glad he left pre merge since if he made merge I don't think i'd be here telling you why you should vote for me. After he was booted I trust Ashley less and same with Debb and Carter but I still did trust them since I agree the move made sense.

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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:00:38 pm

okay so pre merge rough draft is done and now i'ma fine tune it after sooner than later and then get to merge
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:47:09 pm

okay so now merge

So going into merge I had a lot of connections which was very nice. not n my tribe I already had connections with Sarah since Nuka Hiva. Same with Chad and Katie. I had the whole Hivaoa/NukaHiva tribe connections. This played a bigger part with mia later but I knew Mia, Ken, Jo, Lisa from other games or just in general outside this game. so just like the deserving winners survivor all stars games. the odds were unfairly stacked in my favour. Yet another reason why I should be the winner. So for this I'm going to just go through boot by boot. CTRl F for your name if yu want to see a specific boot since that name will most likely be repeated a few times.

Okay so the first boot of merge was Katie. and Katies boot episode was by far my worst episode. I was still in school here and it was when it's still serious so i didn't have as much time for this part of the game. but I knew that if I just kept coming off how I did it should all be good so for this episode I pretty much just tried to talk to as many people as I could and get my foot in this door. this later paid off with mia and of course worked with carter and cochran. Sarah was truly the queen of this round. not because I wanted Katie out but because she pretty much saved me and cochran here. if cochran ends up going then my whole game is flipped. I have to personally go heart to heart and Thank Mama S for being such a cool person!

Okay so next was Lisa's boot and I'm gonna dedicate this little section to me and lisa in this game because outside of this specific game I think lisa is on the list of people who can actually make me laugh over the internet. and that list is likeCaryn/Vytas/Lisa/Cochran. so it's pretty fucking prestigious. but me and lisa's pm chain was pretty much " you voted for me" and then explaining why whoever voted for who voted for them. so I wish Lisa could've been in the game longer since i regret not being tight with lisa. I'm tighter with who lisa is like outside the game ( trying really hard not to break the rules rn ) but in this game we weren't as tight as I wanted us to be! so this is another round I laid back and let stuff happen since I wanted Lisa out of the game because we didn't talk as much as I did with other people in the game. So for this boot I knew it was going to be Lisa or Mia since everyone talked about it being one of those two. and Mia and me weren't as tight at this moment as we would grow to be so Lisa ended up going home. It may seem like at this moment I'm doing jack shit but If I were to make moves early on it always ends with that person leaving for being a move maker and a game shaker. you gotta shake the game later on man. that's how business gets done.

Okay so this next one if a big big big huge big one. It was the rocks council where there were 5 votes for me and 5 votes for Mia. Thsi went to rocks because no one was willing to flip and then it lead to a great divide between two groups. One group you have the people who voted for me Mia/Jo/Sarah/Ken/Ashley and the other side you have the people who voted for Mia Me/Cochran/Chad/Debb/Carter. I had complete faith in my 5some so i wasn't worried about flipping but this council was one of the shakers of this whole game and it if went a different way I don't think it's too out there to say this F3 would be different. Looking back at that council to write this paragraph I could feel the emotion. you should go check it out it's actually kind've cool. This council firmly showed me who I could trust and Who i could possibly work with but wanted themselves to win more than me. and that's fine of course because i wanted myself to win more than them. But Wouldn't you rather be around people who want to bring you to the end than people who want to boot you? This started a pangoing for a while which i agree isn't cool but I was all for at the time. look at a pagonging from your side. it's always nice. Sarah ended up getting the rock and That sucked because Mama S could've easily gone on to win the game. The tribes were very divided after this boot and in my opinion I think mama S is one of those people who could get away from all the drama. I don't know maybe I'm way off but with me at least if she came up to me I wouldn't be hurt. After this boot I also got A wave of pms about how people are sorry. and I'm sorry if you actually were sorry this next thing sounds mean but you probably weren't sorry. it's a game man. you're going to have to boot people out eventually. I like the approach of " Ralph it's a game i tried to boot you cause I wanna win" up front man that's how I like it. But I want to emphasize how emotional this boot was. Also after receiving the sorry pms I got a wave of HOLY SHIT PMS from debb/cochra/chad/carter since we were all ecstatic about making it this far as a unit and surviving rocks. it goes to who the different sides of the coin man.
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:59:40 pm

woooo let's keep the train going

Okay so next is Ashley and this is a big round for me. Ashley and me have been friends and I think she kinda hates me know after booting me but you gotta hear the reasons and the story ash because I remember this round pretty well and It'd make a cool story. okay so this is after the Rocks round so right now me and Mia are getting a little tighter. at this moment she sent me a standard pm and then I joked around saying something about not wanting to win and she took it to heart and sent me back a moustache about how she really loves this game and thinks it's stupid to play for someone else to win. and then that shit hit me in the flame man so i sent her back a pm about how I really want to win this game and it was just a joke but how she also made me want to win more. this is in a good way want to win more not in a grr i wanna beat mia way. But after this Me and Mias friendship started to sprout and we talked way more. it was pretty cool man. I think I talked to mia most or 2nd most in this game and I think we both benefited off of this eventual alliance. but this really sparked me to make a move. I assessed the situation and thought about who could heart fuck me the best because heart fucking is something I do NOT handle well. I thought about everyone and new it was ash since we both played a pretty strange game that ended up bringing us closer. I knew Ash was here to play the game she was also great at challenges and could work with Debb/Carter very easily. I'm fairly certain carter wanted to boot Mia this round not ash but me and cochran changed his mind and got this move to work. Because we booted Ash Debb and Carter couldn't flip and had to work with us for a bit more. it worked out man. give the kids some props. i also think Cochran wanted Mia out tbh. so yea love you mia.

okay so this is where the Ashey boot really paid off. The next episode is the Jo boot and this is where If me and cochran were in debb and carter position I would personally of flipped. Ashley was an easy connection with debb and carter and could of possibly gotten them to flip. Eliminating Ashley previously this allowed us to continue steam rolling this game. Cochran me and Chad were a tight alliance at this time and had worked with Debb and Carter since day 1 and I was tight with both of them so i really did not want them to flip. This boot really sucked though because it was after two emotional councils and I mean I like to joke about pagongings but they arn't really fun it's just fun to joke about. like most non fun things. it's like putting a better flip on a sad thing. this is when Jo left and I really regret not working more with Jo. We talked frequently and Jo was someone who was either really good at bullshitting me or wasn't a bullshitter. either or both are very admirable attributes. tldr; this round was more talking to people and seeing if anything needs to be done or if we could sit back after the move made last night. it was the ladder ( the sit back one btw )

Okay so this was the Chad boot and I feel like this was more of A cochran thing than me because I love you Mee Ma Chad-ster. but I did also want you out this round no lie. I pm'd carter and asked him if he would be down to make a move but he never replied so I got freaked out and didn't make the move. but in the end it worked out! cause the move was made and I didn't have to get any of the bloods on my hands. Cochra n sent me a shady pm afterwards though thinking I did it, and that made me realize I made the right choice by not booting chad since this could leave me with a cochran that doesn't even trust me. and that would be a very unfortunate cochran and ralph relationship because it's like built on trust man. This boot was pretty sad since Chad had always been really sweet to me though. Chad was my parental figure on the island haha. could you imagine? I wanted to call Chad mama Chad but I thought that would be weird. i think it would be weird. mama chad. i did it. risky game move right there i deserve your vote for that whoever is reading this right now. okay I'll do tldr; chad got the boot and i wanted chad out but chad and cochran were tight so i got the benefit of chad leaving without having the blood on my hands.
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:17:39 pm

So once again we go into a new era of the game. this era is we have to win this for chad for p bear for vytas for the squad for my mom for the fans. Me and cochran are going hard he has the idol i have the vision he has the challenge skills and i have the social skills all out form here. The first person on the hit list was Debb since she had actually made a resume for herself and Carter was seen more as the goat of the two so if you eliminate the goat owner the goat needs a new owner. or some other expression that works in thsi situation. Dalph had ben a serious force since day 2 and Debb did want me in the end with her or at least I believed she did but I didn't want Debb in my F3 i wanted cochran and carter. carter would prefer Debb over me because they're tight buds but I needed cart-her so Debb was my vote. I want to apologize to Debb for this so Debb i mean i hope you CTRL f'd your name or whatever. I made this move because I needed another one to boost how cool I was at FTC ( since I knew i made it her ) and I knew the move seemed dumb and like we were giving the game to Mia but It was juts a Risky move. and in my opinion risky moves such as this one show that I was willing to make moves in this game to get what I wanted. This kept mia alive for another round which I tried to use to show her how much i trusted her and stuff but I was honest with mia she knew i wanted her out.

Now this is the final stretch with the last two boots in mia and ken. The mia boot was probably my most emotional boot because I grew really tight with mia over the last 5 or so days maybe more I'm very bad with time. for this boot I straight up told mia that I was booting her because I didn't want to lie to her and possibly fuck up a friendship like i did with Ashley. see I can learn as well. I told mia and obviously she was not happy. if you're going to ask me who should of won this game if it was like the whole jury at FTC or whatever the fuck i would say Mia and I think a lot of people would agree with me. mia had nothing but love and respect for this game and played a crazy amazing game. I think everyone saw that early on but she continued up until F5 which really is crazy. The mia boot was a sad one but one that definitely had to happen. mia was the obvious threat and she did say she wanted me in her F3 and i felt like she was telling the truth but i knew mia would stomp all over me if we hit FTC together and I wasn't going to take that chance. I'm really sorry you had to lose mia. I think if those rocks went the other way you have a very good shot at winning this game. This made the F4 me cochran carter and ken so all that had to happen was me cochran or carter winning the final immunity challenge and the F3 made very early on would become a real thing. The ken boot was a sad one but more sad in i was having a bad self esteem day and then ken shit on me. I mean it was a good diss no lie but ouchie ken. me and ken were never really tight in this game i think i sent him a few " we should get tight now" pms but it never really happened. ken has insulted me a few times but I think/hope that it was just for the game. at the start of the game me and ken talked and he was one of the nicest people to me. he came off like a very genuine person and I'd already met ken in a different game and we didn't really get along so I thought it was very nice of him to be so nice to me. later after tribes we never really talked other than the bi game-ly and game-ly pm. and that's something I definitely regret since I would like to of met ken more. my bad buddy I hope there is no hard feelings because I don't have any. The last two boots were just firmly showing how me and cochran owned saftey in this game. we were very rarley targeted and when we were we have enough allies to make the people trying to defeat us fail.

That's why you should vote for me man. i was safe for almost all of this game made great alliance that propelled me through the game. made moves with boots of Debb and Ashley. knew when to make moves and when to just nudge the game or sit back and let other people fall on there face. I know I like to play the goof ball and you can make fun of me for saying this but I believe that I should win this game!
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:30:26 pm

At the start of this game me and Cochran came in as a known pair with a third member that was kind've a handicap named Papa Bear/Big Papa/Notorious P. Big papa really wanted me cochran all together and we wanted all four of us with vytas just be super duper safe. it ended up working out with me/ p bear/ cochran on one tribe with some friends in Katie/Sarah/Chad/Caryn and some people who we wanted to know better in Debb and carter. Pre merge was a scary time in the sense that we hit TC A LOT of the time. the first boot was P bear and I don't want to say anything about how it shaped my game because it didn't p bear left and I didn't like it cause i like Notorious P as a dude. but he goes in like a 9-1 vote or something and we have a majority going on over there with Gina Sean (OTHER PEOPLE ONE THE OUTS ) on the outs. I was very active day 1 and 2 because after playing a few of these games I've realized first impressions go a long way. so I wanted to seem like my normal goof ball loud trusting guy to everyone around me so I hammed it up hard in the start of the game To CHad/Debb/Carter/ me and Debb made the DALPH alliance after the first boot. I had THe doom squad with me and cochran and then we made another doom squad with Chad after Notorious P left because Doom squad is a great alliance name. I stayed active and tight with people throughout all of pre merge. My biggest worry was challenges since it is easily known that I am not king of the challenges. I have no challenge game. that's why I always get scarred/neurotic in the pre merge because if I were nuka hiva I would've just booted myself early and taken cochran as my Number 2. but no body did that and I coasted pre merge with that social game and those connections.

The next boot was Stacey I think. and I wanna take this time to give shout out to Stacey. I think she was the 2nd boot and guess what she Has like over 500 posts. 2nd boot. wtf props to her. But yea Stacey gets the boot moral gets lifted woot we have a chance. an ongoing joke around our tribe was that Hiva Oa was stacked. at least me and Chad talked about that A lot. you remember that Chad-ster? Nothing happened here but some things I noticed where that Caryn pm'd me like once a day and it was a small thing like 'what up ralph' or whatever so i didn't want Caryn around. Me and cochran started to get tighter with Carter and Debb and eventually this would lead into a F4 alliance that obvi didn't happen. but the fact is that c'mon F3 so early and it happened

I'll make it quick because pre merge was pretty much what Frank taught me at the end of Namibia. Staying Active and showing up to as many challenges as you can. But to continue for those who want the whole story the next boot was Sean. and Sean was apparently real life friends with mia or just friends with mia. because mia was such a threat at this moment i wanted him gone. Naw I'm just fucking with you I liked Gina more than I liked Sean so I wanted to keep Gina over Sean so this whole round was just me saying I want Sean gone over Gina. After Sean was Gina and this boot really sucked since Gina was such a cool person. But this was the last easy boot since Gina and Sean were both out of the @core@ alliance of Me/Caryn/Katie/Cochran/Chad and Sarah was in it more as an acquaintance but I don't think she was in the big group pm.

okay so we left at gina and sean. Really pre merge was just this. The core alliance of five with Sarah as like an acquaintance ( Sarah would've been in it IMO but she was an early refugee pick) i think it might of been Stacey boot she left to refuge? my memory is not the best. Okay so I'ma skip all of the hiva oa stuff because it doesn't really concern me and I doubt me filling you guys in on possibly false information will sway your vote to me. SO I'm just going to cover nuka hiva boots until we get to the pre merge tribe into one thing. Okay so Bam. we left were we left off with the two gina and sean boots. so now IT goes to Caryn. Caryn didn't really talk to me at all. and when we did talk it was small and then caryn was gone because of that cop thing or she went to save her friend or something. but anyway Caryn tried to start a plan to boot me but like everyone who tries to boot me they end up leaving because I'm untouchable. so on the hiva oa's chris leaves cause of idol and then Ramona I think because she was inactive. so now we go to the pre merge merge into one thing. SO it's refuge v.s Tribe people. It's 4v4 on hiva Oa new tribe. 4 Nuka Hiva and 4 Hiva Oa. But Hiva oa Have icon_Vytas and if you remember Portugal Cochran was really tight with icon_Vytas and me and Vytas talked Portugal and still talk today so we felt pretty safe. Although day 1 on Hiva Oa Vytas was very drunk he kept telling me to go fuck myself so that was confusing. but I didn't act off emotions so it didn't really ruin anything but that's something to include in this story. Then we hit the 'JUST DON'T TAKE THE FUCKING THING' immunity challenge. and icon_Vytas takes it woooooooo. So we all go to Tribal council and the plan is to boot Ted. but Ted went with Lisa and Ashley to boot me. This bugged me a little bit because I thought Ashley and me were friends. But Ted ends up leaving and it's all okay since he tried to touch the untouchable and got stung. Now I gotta med those bridges with Ashley and Lisa since they voted for me and that doesn't really bug me but I mean I don't want it to happen again. I was already a little tighter with Ash after the Ted boot and I wanted to get tighter with Lisa! After the Ted boot i think Kristina left which sucks ass because i really like Kristina! She was my first alliance ever! but the next boot is really important. Because it's when Crazy Vytas left and when I didn't start to 100% trust Debb. Vytas don't kill me man. but I'm honestly glad you got the boot since It worked a lot like Chads boot. I wanted to boot Vytas eventually and I'm glad he left pre merge since if he made merge I don't think i'd be here telling you why you should vote for me. After he was booted I trust Ashley less and same with Debb and Carter but I still did trust them since I agree the move made sense.


So going into merge I had a lot of connections which was very nice. not n my tribe I already had connections with Sarah since Nuka Hiva. Same with Chad and Katie. I had the whole Hivaoa/NukaHiva tribe connections. This played a bigger part with mia later but I knew Mia, Ken, Jo, Lisa from other games or just in general outside this game. so just like the deserving winners survivor all stars games. the odds were unfairly stacked in my favour. Yet another reason why I should be the winner. So for this I'm going to just go through boot by boot. CTRl F for your name if yu want to see a specific boot since that name will most likely be repeated a few times.

Okay so the first boot of merge was Katie. and Katies boot episode was by far my worst episode. I was still in school here and it was when it's still serious so i didn't have as much time for this part of the game. but I knew that if I just kept coming off how I did it should all be good so for this episode I pretty much just tried to talk to as many people as I could and get my foot in this door. this later paid off with mia and of course worked with carter and cochran. Sarah was truly the queen of this round. not because I wanted Katie out but because she pretty much saved me and cochran here. if cochran ends up going then my whole game is flipped. I have to personally go heart to heart and Thank Mama S for being such a cool person!

Okay so next was Lisa's boot and I'm gonna dedicate this little section to me and lisa in this game because outside of this specific game I think lisa is on the list of people who can actually make me laugh over the internet. and that list is likeCaryn/Vytas/Lisa/Cochran. so it's pretty fucking prestigious. but me and lisa's pm chain was pretty much " you voted for me" and then explaining why whoever voted for who voted for them. so I wish Lisa could've been in the game longer since i regret not being tight with lisa. I'm tighter with who lisa is like outside the game ( trying really hard not to break the rules rn ) but in this game we weren't as tight as I wanted us to be! so this is another round I laid back and let stuff happen since I wanted Lisa out of the game because we didn't talk as much as I did with other people in the game. So for this boot I knew it was going to be Lisa or Mia since everyone talked about it being one of those two. and Mia and me weren't as tight at this moment as we would grow to be so Lisa ended up going home. It may seem like at this moment I'm doing jack shit but If I were to make moves early on it always ends with that person leaving for being a move maker and a game shaker. you gotta shake the game later on man. that's how business gets done.

Okay so this next one if a big big big huge big one. It was the rocks council where there were 5 votes for me and 5 votes for Mia. Thsi went to rocks because no one was willing to flip and then it lead to a great divide between two groups. One group you have the people who voted for me Mia/Jo/Sarah/Ken/Ashley and the other side you have the people who voted for Mia Me/Cochran/Chad/Debb/Carter. I had complete faith in my 5some so i wasn't worried about flipping but this council was one of the shakers of this whole game and it if went a different way I don't think it's too out there to say this F3 would be different. Looking back at that council to write this paragraph I could feel the emotion. you should go check it out it's actually kind've cool. This council firmly showed me who I could trust and Who i could possibly work with but wanted themselves to win more than me. and that's fine of course because i wanted myself to win more than them. But Wouldn't you rather be around people who want to bring you to the end than people who want to boot you? This started a pangoing for a while which i agree isn't cool but I was all for at the time. look at a pagonging from your side. it's always nice. Sarah ended up getting the rock and That sucked because Mama S could've easily gone on to win the game. The tribes were very divided after this boot and in my opinion I think mama S is one of those people who could get away from all the drama. I don't know maybe I'm way off but with me at least if she came up to me I wouldn't be hurt. After this boot I also got A wave of pms about how people are sorry. and I'm sorry if you actually were sorry this next thing sounds mean but you probably weren't sorry. it's a game man. you're going to have to boot people out eventually. I like the approach of " Ralph it's a game i tried to boot you cause I wanna win" up front man that's how I like it. But I want to emphasize how emotional this boot was. Also after receiving the sorry pms I got a wave of HOLY SHIT PMS from debb/cochra/chad/carter since we were all ecstatic about making it this far as a unit and surviving rocks. it goes to who the different sides of the coin man.

woooo let's keep the train going

Okay so next is Ashley and this is a big round for me. Ashley and me have been friends and I think she kinda hates me know after booting me but you gotta hear the reasons and the story ash because I remember this round pretty well and It'd make a cool story. okay so this is after the Rocks round so right now me and Mia are getting a little tighter. at this moment she sent me a standard pm and then I joked around saying something about not wanting to win and she took it to heart and sent me back a moustache about how she really loves this game and thinks it's stupid to play for someone else to win. and then that shit hit me in the flame man so i sent her back a pm about how I really want to win this game and it was just a joke but how she also made me want to win more. this is in a good way want to win more not in a grr i wanna beat mia way. But after this Me and Mias friendship started to sprout and we talked way more. it was pretty cool man. I think I talked to mia most or 2nd most in this game and I think we both benefited off of this eventual alliance. but this really sparked me to make a move. I assessed the situation and thought about who could heart fuck me the best because heart fucking is something I do NOT handle well. I thought about everyone and new it was ash since we both played a pretty strange game that ended up bringing us closer. I knew Ash was here to play the game she was also great at challenges and could work with Debb/Carter very easily. I'm fairly certain carter wanted to boot Mia this round not ash but me and cochran changed his mind and got this move to work. Because we booted Ash Debb and Carter couldn't flip and had to work with us for a bit more. it worked out man. give the kids some props. i also think Cochran wanted Mia out tbh. so yea love you mia.

okay so this is where the Ashey boot really paid off. The next episode is the Jo boot and this is where If me and cochran were in debb and carter position I would personally of flipped. Ashley was an easy connection with debb and carter and could of possibly gotten them to flip. Eliminating Ashley previously this allowed us to continue steam rolling this game. Cochran me and Chad were a tight alliance at this time and had worked with Debb and Carter since day 1 and I was tight with both of them so i really did not want them to flip. This boot really sucked though because it was after two emotional councils and I mean I like to joke about pagongings but they arn't really fun it's just fun to joke about. like most non fun things. it's like putting a better flip on a sad thing. this is when Jo left and I really regret not working more with Jo. We talked frequently and Jo was someone who was either really good at bullshitting me or wasn't a bullshitter. either or both are very admirable attributes. tldr; this round was more talking to people and seeing if anything needs to be done or if we could sit back after the move made last night. it was the ladder ( the sit back one btw )

Okay so this was the Chad boot and I feel like this was more of A cochran thing than me because I love you Mee Ma Chad-ster. but I did also want you out this round no lie. I pm'd carter and asked him if he would be down to make a move but he never replied so I got freaked out and didn't make the move. but in the end it worked out! cause the move was made and I didn't have to get any of the bloods on my hands. Cochra n sent me a shady pm afterwards though thinking I did it, and that made me realize I made the right choice by not booting chad since this could leave me with a cochran that doesn't even trust me. and that would be a very unfortunate cochran and ralph relationship because it's like built on trust man. This boot was pretty sad since Chad had always been really sweet to me though. Chad was my parental figure on the island haha. could you imagine? I wanted to call Chad mama Chad but I thought that would be weird. i think it would be weird. mama chad. i did it. risky game move right there i deserve your vote for that whoever is reading this right now. okay I'll do tldr; chad got the boot and i wanted chad out but chad and cochran were tight so i got the benefit of chad leaving without having the blood on my hands.

So once again we go into a new era of the game. this era is we have to win this for chad for p bear for vytas for the squad for my mom for the fans. Me and cochran are going hard he has the idol i have the vision he has the challenge skills and i have the social skills all out form here. The first person on the hit list was Debb since she had actually made a resume for herself and Carter was seen more as the goat of the two so if you eliminate the goat owner the goat needs a new owner. or some other expression that works in thsi situation. Dalph had ben a serious force since day 2 and Debb did want me in the end with her or at least I believed she did but I didn't want Debb in my F3 i wanted cochran and carter. carter would prefer Debb over me because they're tight buds but I needed cart-her so Debb was my vote. I want to apologize to Debb for this so Debb i mean i hope you CTRL f'd your name or whatever. I made this move because I needed another one to boost how cool I was at FTC ( since I knew i made it her ) and I knew the move seemed dumb and like we were giving the game to Mia but It was juts a Risky move. and in my opinion risky moves such as this one show that I was willing to make moves in this game to get what I wanted. This kept mia alive for another round which I tried to use to show her how much i trusted her and stuff but I was honest with mia she knew i wanted her out.

Now this is the final stretch with the last two boots in mia and ken. The mia boot was probably my most emotional boot because I grew really tight with mia over the last 5 or so days maybe more I'm very bad with time. for this boot I straight up told mia that I was booting her because I didn't want to lie to her and possibly fuck up a friendship like i did with Ashley. see I can learn as well. I told mia and obviously she was not happy. if you're going to ask me who should of won this game if it was like the whole jury at FTC or whatever the fuck i would say Mia and I think a lot of people would agree with me. mia had nothing but love and respect for this game and played a crazy amazing game. I think everyone saw that early on but she continued up until F5 which really is crazy. The mia boot was a sad one but one that definitely had to happen. mia was the obvious threat and she did say she wanted me in her F3 and i felt like she was telling the truth but i knew mia would stomp all over me if we hit FTC together and I wasn't going to take that chance. I'm really sorry you had to lose mia. I think if those rocks went the other way you have a very good shot at winning this game. This made the F4 me cochran carter and ken so all that had to happen was me cochran or carter winning the final immunity challenge and the F3 made very early on would become a real thing. The ken boot was a sad one but more sad in i was having a bad self esteem day and then ken shit on me. I mean it was a good diss no lie but ouchie ken. me and ken were never really tight in this game i think i sent him a few " we should get tight now" pms but it never really happened. ken has insulted me a few times but I think/hope that it was just for the game. at the start of the game me and ken talked and he was one of the nicest people to me. he came off like a very genuine person and I'd already met ken in a different game and we didn't really get along so I thought it was very nice of him to be so nice to me. later after tribes we never really talked other than the bi game-ly and game-ly pm. and that's something I definitely regret since I would like to of met ken more. my bad buddy I hope there is no hard feelings because I don't have any. The last two boots were just firmly showing how me and cochran owned saftey in this game. we were very rarley targeted and when we were we have enough allies to make the people trying to defeat us fail.

That's why you should vote for me man. i was safe for almost all of this game made great alliance that propelled me through the game. made moves with boots of Debb and Ashley. knew when to make moves and when to just nudge the game or sit back and let other people fall on there face. I know I like to play the goof ball and you can make fun of me for saying this but I believe that I should win this game!
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Tahuata Tribe
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:05:23 pm

The Ralph Story


This is my story man. get ready

At the start of this game me and Cochran came in as a known pair with a third member that was kind've a handicap named Papa Bear/Big Papa/Notorious P. Big papa really wanted me cochran all together and we wanted all four of us with vytas just be super duper safe. it ended up working out with me/ p bear/ cochran on one tribe with some friends in Katie/Sarah/Chad/Caryn and some people who we wanted to know better in Debb and carter. Pre merge was a scary time in the sense that we hit TC A LOT of the time. the first boot was P bear and I don't want to say anything about how it shaped my game because it didn't p bear left and I didn't like it cause i like Notorious P as a dude. but he goes in like a 9-1 vote or something and we have a majority going on over there with Gina Sean (OTHER PEOPLE ONE THE OUTS ) on the outs. I was very active day 1 and 2 because after playing a few of these games I've realized first impressions go a long way. so I wanted to seem like my normal goof ball loud trusting guy to everyone around me so I hammed it up hard in the start of the game To CHad/Debb/Carter/ me and Debb made the DALPH alliance after the first boot. I had THe doom squad with me and cochran and then we made another doom squad with Chad after Notorious P left because Doom squad is a great alliance name. I stayed active and tight with people throughout all of pre merge. My biggest worry was challenges since it is easily known that I am not king of the challenges. I have no challenge game. that's why I always get scarred/neurotic in the pre merge because if I were nuka hiva I would've just booted myself early and taken cochran as my Number 2. but no body did that and I coasted pre merge with that social game and those connections.

The next boot was Stacey I think. and I wanna take this time to give shout out to Stacey. I think she was the 2nd boot and guess what she Has like over 500 posts. 2nd boot. wtf props to her. But yea Stacey gets the boot moral gets lifted woot we have a chance. an ongoing joke around our tribe was that Hiva Oa was stacked. at least me and Chad talked about that A lot. you remember that Chad-ster? Nothing happened here but some things I noticed where that Caryn pm'd me like once a day and it was a small thing like 'what up ralph' or whatever so i didn't want Caryn around. Me and cochran started to get tighter with Carter and Debb and eventually this would lead into a F4 alliance that obvi didn't happen. but the fact is that c'mon F3 so early and it happened


I'll make it quick because pre merge was pretty much what Frank taught me at the end of Namibia. Staying Active and showing up to as many challenges as you can. But to continue for those who want the whole story the next boot was Sean. and Sean was apparently real life friends with mia or just friends with mia. because mia was such a threat at this moment i wanted him gone. Naw I'm just fucking with you I liked Gina more than I liked Sean so I wanted to keep Gina over Sean so this whole round was just me saying I want Sean gone over Gina. After Sean was Gina and this boot really sucked since Gina was such a cool person. But this was the last easy boot since Gina and Sean were both out of the @core@ alliance of Me/Caryn/Katie/Cochran/Chad and Sarah was in it more as an acquaintance but I don't think she was in the big group pm.

okay so we left at gina and sean. Really pre merge was just this. The core alliance of five with Sarah as like an acquaintance ( Sarah would've been in it IMO but she was an early refugee pick) i think it might of been Stacey boot she left to refuge? my memory is not the best. Okay so I'ma skip all of the hiva oa stuff because it doesn't really concern me and I doubt me filling you guys in on possibly false information will sway your vote to me. SO I'm just going to cover nuka hiva boots until we get to the pre merge tribe into one thing. Okay so Bam. we left were we left off with the two gina and sean boots. so now IT goes to Caryn. Caryn didn't really talk to me at all. and when we did talk it was small and then caryn was gone because of that cop thing or she went to save her friend or something. but anyway Caryn tried to start a plan to boot me but like everyone who tries to boot me they end up leaving because I'm untouchable. so on the hiva oa's chris leaves cause of idol and then Ramona I think because she was inactive. so now we go to the pre merge merge into one thing. SO it's refuge v.s Tribe people. It's 4v4 on hiva Oa new tribe. 4 Nuka Hiva and 4 Hiva Oa. But Hiva oa Have icon_Vytas and if you remember Portugal Cochran was really tight with icon_Vytas and me and Vytas talked Portugal and still talk today so we felt pretty safe. Although day 1 on Hiva Oa Vytas was very drunk he kept telling me to go fuck myself so that was confusing. but I didn't act off emotions so it didn't really ruin anything but that's something to include in this story. Then we hit the 'JUST DON'T TAKE THE FUCKING THING' immunity challenge. and icon_Vytas takes it woooooooo. So we all go to Tribal council and the plan is to boot Ted. but Ted went with Lisa and Ashley to boot me. This bugged me a little bit because I thought Ashley and me were friends. But Ted ends up leaving and it's all okay since he tried to touch the untouchable and got stung. Now I gotta med those bridges with Ashley and Lisa since they voted for me and that doesn't really bug me but I mean I don't want it to happen again. I was already a little tighter with Ash after the Ted boot and I wanted to get tighter with Lisa! After the Ted boot i think Kristina left which sucks ass because i really like Kristina! She was my first alliance ever! but the next boot is really important. Because it's when Crazy Vytas left and when I didn't start to 100% trust Debb. Vytas don't kill me man. but I'm honestly glad you got the boot since It worked a lot like Chads boot. I wanted to boot Vytas eventually and I'm glad he left pre merge since if he made merge I don't think i'd be here telling you why you should vote for me. After he was booted I trust Ashley less and same with Debb and Carter but I still did trust them since I agree the move made sense.


So going into merge I had a lot of connections which was very nice. not n my tribe I already had connections with Sarah since Nuka Hiva. Same with Chad and Katie. I had the whole Hivaoa/NukaHiva tribe connections. This played a bigger part with mia later but I knew Mia, Ken, Jo, Lisa from other games or just in general outside this game. so just like the deserving winners survivor all stars games. the odds were unfairly stacked in my favour. Yet another reason why I should be the winner. So for this I'm going to just go through boot by boot. CTRl F for your name if yu want to see a specific boot since that name will most likely be repeated a few times.

Okay so the first boot of merge was Katie. and Katies boot episode was by far my worst episode. I was still in school here and it was when it's still serious so i didn't have as much time for this part of the game. but I knew that if I just kept coming off how I did it should all be good so for this episode I pretty much just tried to talk to as many people as I could and get my foot in this door. this later paid off with mia and of course worked with carter and cochran. Sarah was truly the queen of this round. not because I wanted Katie out but because she pretty much saved me and cochran here. if cochran ends up going then my whole game is flipped. I have to personally go heart to heart and Thank Mama S for being such a cool person!

Okay so next was Lisa's boot and I'm gonna dedicate this little section to me and lisa in this game because outside of this specific game I think lisa is on the list of people who can actually make me laugh over the internet. and that list is likeCaryn/Vytas/Lisa/Cochran. so it's pretty fucking prestigious. but me and lisa's pm chain was pretty much " you voted for me" and then explaining why whoever voted for who voted for them. so I wish Lisa could've been in the game longer since i regret not being tight with lisa. I'm tighter with who lisa is like outside the game ( trying really hard not to break the rules rn ) but in this game we weren't as tight as I wanted us to be! so this is another round I laid back and let stuff happen since I wanted Lisa out of the game because we didn't talk as much as I did with other people in the game. So for this boot I knew it was going to be Lisa or Mia since everyone talked about it being one of those two. and Mia and me weren't as tight at this moment as we would grow to be so Lisa ended up going home. It may seem like at this moment I'm doing jack shit but If I were to make moves early on it always ends with that person leaving for being a move maker and a game shaker. you gotta shake the game later on man. that's how business gets done.

Okay so this next one if a big big big huge big one. It was the rocks council where there were 5 votes for me and 5 votes for Mia. Thsi went to rocks because no one was willing to flip and then it lead to a great divide between two groups. One group you have the people who voted for me Mia/Jo/Sarah/Ken/Ashley and the other side you have the people who voted for Mia Me/Cochran/Chad/Debb/Carter. I had complete faith in my 5some so i wasn't worried about flipping but this council was one of the shakers of this whole game and it if went a different way I don't think it's too out there to say this F3 would be different. Looking back at that council to write this paragraph I could feel the emotion. you should go check it out it's actually kind've cool. This council firmly showed me who I could trust and Who i could possibly work with but wanted themselves to win more than me. and that's fine of course because i wanted myself to win more than them. But Wouldn't you rather be around people who want to bring you to the end than people who want to boot you? This started a pangoing for a while which i agree isn't cool but I was all for at the time. look at a pagonging from your side. it's always nice. Sarah ended up getting the rock and That sucked because Mama S could've easily gone on to win the game. The tribes were very divided after this boot and in my opinion I think mama S is one of those people who could get away from all the drama. I don't know maybe I'm way off but with me at least if she came up to me I wouldn't be hurt. After this boot I also got A wave of pms about how people are sorry. and I'm sorry if you actually were sorry this next thing sounds mean but you probably weren't sorry. it's a game man. you're going to have to boot people out eventually. I like the approach of " Ralph it's a game i tried to boot you cause I wanna win" up front man that's how I like it. But I want to emphasize how emotional this boot was. Also after receiving the sorry pms I got a wave of HOLY SHIT PMS from debb/cochra/chad/carter since we were all ecstatic about making it this far as a unit and surviving rocks. it goes to who the different sides of the coin man.

woooo let's keep the train going

Okay so next is Ashley and this is a big round for me. Ashley and me have been friends and I think she kinda hates me know after booting me but you gotta hear the reasons and the story ash because I remember this round pretty well and It'd make a cool story. okay so this is after the Rocks round so right now me and Mia are getting a little tighter. at this moment she sent me a standard pm and then I joked around saying something about not wanting to win and she took it to heart and sent me back a moustache about how she really loves this game and thinks it's stupid to play for someone else to win. and then that shit hit me in the flame man so i sent her back a pm about how I really want to win this game and it was just a joke but how she also made me want to win more. this is in a good way want to win more not in a grr i wanna beat mia way. But after this Me and Mias friendship started to sprout and we talked way more. it was pretty cool man. I think I talked to mia most or 2nd most in this game and I think we both benefited off of this eventual alliance. but this really sparked me to make a move. I assessed the situation and thought about who could heart fuck me the best because heart fucking is something I do NOT handle well. I thought about everyone and new it was ash since we both played a pretty strange game that ended up bringing us closer. I knew Ash was here to play the game she was also great at challenges and could work with Debb/Carter very easily. I'm fairly certain carter wanted to boot Mia this round not ash but me and cochran changed his mind and got this move to work. Because we booted Ash Debb and Carter couldn't flip and had to work with us for a bit more. it worked out man. give the kids some props. i also think Cochran wanted Mia out tbh. so yea love you mia.

okay so this is where the Ashey boot really paid off. The next episode is the Jo boot and this is where If me and cochran were in debb and carter position I would personally of flipped. Ashley was an easy connection with debb and carter and could of possibly gotten them to flip. Eliminating Ashley previously this allowed us to continue steam rolling this game. Cochran me and Chad were a tight alliance at this time and had worked with Debb and Carter since day 1 and I was tight with both of them so i really did not want them to flip. This boot really sucked though because it was after two emotional councils and I mean I like to joke about pagongings but they arn't really fun it's just fun to joke about. like most non fun things. it's like putting a better flip on a sad thing. this is when Jo left and I really regret not working more with Jo. We talked frequently and Jo was someone who was either really good at bullshitting me or wasn't a bullshitter. either or both are very admirable attributes. tldr; this round was more talking to people and seeing if anything needs to be done or if we could sit back after the move made last night. it was the ladder ( the sit back one btw )


Okay so this was the Chad boot and I feel like this was more of A cochran thing than me because I love you Mee Ma Chad-ster. but I did also want you out this round no lie. I pm'd carter and asked him if he would be down to make a move but he never replied so I got freaked out and didn't make the move. but in the end it worked out! cause the move was made and I didn't have to get any of the bloods on my hands. Cochra n sent me a shady pm afterwards though thinking I did it, and that made me realize I made the right choice by not booting chad since this could leave me with a cochran that doesn't even trust me. and that would be a very unfortunate cochran and ralph relationship because it's like built on trust man. This boot was pretty sad since Chad had always been really sweet to me though. Chad was my parental figure on the island haha. could you imagine? I wanted to call Chad mama Chad but I thought that would be weird. i think it would be weird. mama chad. i did it. risky game move right there i deserve your vote for that whoever is reading this right now. okay I'll do tldr; chad got the boot and i wanted chad out but chad and cochran were tight so i got the benefit of chad leaving without having the blood on my hands.

So once again we go into a new era of the game. this era is we have to win this for chad for p bear for vytas for the squad for my mom for the fans. Me and cochran are going hard he has the idol i have the vision he has the challenge skills and i have the social skills all out form here. The first person on the hit list was Debb since she had actually made a resume for herself and Carter was seen more as the goat of the two so if you eliminate the goat owner the goat needs a new owner. or some other expression that works in thsi situation. Dalph had ben a serious force since day 2 and Debb did want me in the end with her or at least I believed she did but I didn't want Debb in my F3 i wanted cochran and carter. carter would prefer Debb over me because they're tight buds but I needed cart-her so Debb was my vote. I want to apologize to Debb for this so Debb i mean i hope you CTRL f'd your name or whatever. I made this move because I needed another one to boost how cool I was at FTC ( since I knew i made it her ) and I knew the move seemed dumb and like we were giving the game to Mia but It was juts a Risky move. and in my opinion risky moves such as this one show that I was willing to make moves in this game to get what I wanted. This kept mia alive for another round which I tried to use to show her how much i trusted her and stuff but I was honest with mia she knew i wanted her out.

Now this is the final stretch with the last two boots in mia and ken. The mia boot was probably my most emotional boot because I grew really tight with mia over the last 5 or so days maybe more I'm very bad with time. for this boot I straight up told mia that I was booting her because I didn't want to lie to her and possibly fuck up a friendship like i did with Ashley. see I can learn as well. I told mia and obviously she was not happy. if you're going to ask me who should of won this game if it was like the whole jury at FTC or whatever the fuck i would say Mia and I think a lot of people would agree with me. mia had nothing but love and respect for this game and played a crazy amazing game. I think everyone saw that early on but she continued up until F5 which really is crazy. The mia boot was a sad one but one that definitely had to happen. mia was the obvious threat and she did say she wanted me in her F3 and i felt like she was telling the truth but i knew mia would stomp all over me if we hit FTC together and I wasn't going to take that chance. I'm really sorry you had to lose mia. I think if those rocks went the other way you have a very good shot at winning this game. This made the F4 me cochran carter and ken so all that had to happen was me cochran or carter winning the final immunity challenge and the F3 made very early on would become a real thing. The ken boot was a sad one but more sad in i was having a bad self esteem day and then ken shit on me. I mean it was a good diss no lie but ouchie ken. me and ken were never really tight in this game i think i sent him a few " we should get tight now" pms but it never really happened. ken has insulted me a few times but I think/hope that it was just for the game. at the start of the game me and ken talked and he was one of the nicest people to me. he came off like a very genuine person and I'd already met ken in a different game and we didn't really get along so I thought it was very nice of him to be so nice to me. later after tribes we never really talked other than the bi game-ly and game-ly pm. and that's something I definitely regret since I would like to of met ken more. my bad buddy I hope there is no hard feelings because I don't have any. The last two boots were just firmly showing how me and cochran owned saftey in this game. we were very rarley targeted and when we were we have enough allies to make the people trying to defeat us fail.

That's why you should vote for me man. i was safe for almost all of this game made great alliance that propelled me through the game. made moves with boots of Debb and Ashley. knew when to make moves and when to just nudge the game or sit back and let other people fall on there face. I know I like to play the goof ball and you can make fun of me for saying this but I believe that I should win this game!
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:09:30 pm

I made a few other things out of like the story so here it is if you want to read it

In this game I feel like I have been labled as things I'm not. I do think I played a good game by staying out of the spot light from F 10 to know. I made executive decisions with boots like Debb and Ashley. which are two boots that I think cemented me in this position. I will be going more into detail with that later this is gonna be a big thing. I wanted to say that I'm here to play and I have been since Day 1 my strategy goes from borderline mental to super genius. the strategy really stems back in Namibia. In Namibia I was straight up bad but I was enough of a Character to be brought back for Portugal. in Portugal I cemented my nice guy persona by playing a good social game but not much else. and I prepared my whole character for An all stars win. Stranded has a lot of winners and it is hands down my favourite org series ever. and stranded as a community needs a " he won that winner" I want to be that winner. Ask any questions I'm here all night and I look forward to the rest of tonight! even if I lose I wish the best to Carter and Cochran man! this season has been so crazy and it's a privilege to of played with this cast. shout out to my Doom Sqquad. shout out to Vytas Caryn Kimmi P Bear Hay-train Kristina and man I'll edit this part to get more.

@response to people saying I was cochrans pet@
- I don't think I was cochrans pet and I know I'm gonna get laughed at or get some icon_lol or whatever for people who are un creative but hear me out. Me and cochran became friends outside of these games at the end of Namibia. we talked on steam for a bit and talked about playing smite together and hanging out and shit like that. then at Portugal we became way tighter in that game and at the end of that we got each others skype and always talked about how when we both obvi hit All stars we're going to dominate and kick ass and make that cover together. it was A joke relaly but then when it became a possibility we went hardcore assessing situations and really digging deep and thinking about it. Coming into a game as a known pair was a hindrance but also vastly helped me in this game. If people wanted to boot cochran they'd have to face a sad ralph. I remember back on limici in Portugal people didn't want to Boot Shawn because they were worried what I would do afterwards. and then BAM SHAWN ALMOST WINS THE GAME. I'm not saying my friendship brings you to the end. but it helps. But I got a little sidetracked haha. me and cochran worked off each other he was tight with some people and I was tight with other people. Mia is someone i consider to be one of my best friends from this game. and mia and cochran had that little feud or whatever. Having a tight alliance really gives you the ability to have some leg room and make moves and that;s what we did! we worked off each other and made it to this F3!

*voting Debb
- the Debb boot was a risky one but If it wasn't made and the Final 4 was me cochran Carter Debb there's no way there wouldn't be a tie. Carter and Debb were also A Known alliance duo and I was willing to go 2-2 vote for F4 if it came down for that and I think carter and debb were as well. The Debb boot might not seem like the smartest one because it left the genius Mia in the game. But as long as mia didn't challenge stomp our plan could still go accordingly and I'd finish with cochran and Carter!. and that's what ended up happening! The Debb vote seemed silly at the time i will agree with Dalph on that one but it ended up keeping me safe at F4 and solidified my place in this F3!

*Voting Ashley
- This was a strictly selfish move but I do think it was the right one. me and Ashley played back in Namibia and recently played another game. btu i won't get into that just in case rules and stuff unless if I can hosts can I get into that?? but anyway me and Ashley were tight and obvi you had that friend thing 'cmon lets be friends' type deal. but at the time of voting Ashley she had written my name down twice and tried to boot me twice. The reason I wanted Ashley gone is because I knew she was here to play and I also knew that if anyone could heart fuck the shit out of me it's Ashley. and I also know that Heart fucking is really effective on Ralph. That's why I wanted AShley gone and why it was a good move. Ash I hope oyu can forgive me for that move I love you so much as a person and it wasn't a move against you it was a move for me
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:31:08 am

Okay so I know I've been called a goat and a goofball and a knuckle head mcspazzatron. But let me tell you one thing. no one seems really happy with this F3 no one at all. And if it really came down to it we hit F3 these guys and we're on the show. I get at least one or two 'Friend Votes'. All I'm asking is that you really take this vote seriously and I know that might sound like a joke coming from me but vote who you think should win. take yourself out of the internet and pretend that we're in Nicuragua or some place and that you lost your chance of 1 mil to these three losers up here. who would you vote for then and write that name down man. I hold no hard feelings from tonight or from any nights before. I'm just gonna jerk myself off for a bit since I have some time. I made relationships in this game got shat on but I had a good time. I hope everyone has a good sunday night man! I know I will after this!
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Re: FTC prep

Postby Ralph » Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:52:10 am

is al done
i did it
i finished a season
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