Voted Out 5-3


Postby Jolanda » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:44:21 pm

Hey guys, first off congrats on being the final three! It's a really big accomplishment, especially in a 23 person all star game, so you should be proud of yourselves for that icon_wub

Also, I had another speech written out but the freaking board died before that, so this one probably won't be as near as spicy as the old one was. Or ya know, it will be. Wish me luck!

First, I just need to have a disclaimer: nothing I say in this speech (hell even in this game) are against any of you as a person, I love everyone here as people and would be more than willing to chat after the game is over. However, these opinions are about you as a PLAYER in THIS game, so don't be so salty if I piss you off. Ok? Ok :)

Now, I just want to point out how terribly unexcited I am about the three of you being the final three. I'd probably honestly rather vote for anybody in the jury rather than voting for any of the three of you, honestly. I just feel like you're all very lucky to be here.

Cochran, I'll start with you. Of the three sitting here, you've probably played the strongest game, at least from what I can see. However, I don't think you have played as good of a game as you've thought you did? I mean, I knew from way before I even met you that you were just trying to mastermind this entire game, and that you wanted to be in control of everything. At the time of typing this, I haven't read your opening speech yet (obviously) but I can't help but get the feeling you're going to try to say that you controlled this game (now if I'm wrong than I apologize ) There was no one person in control of this game at any point, it's really just a combination off good positioning and luck that got you here. That, and the fact that you had a little puppy dog Ralph by your side the whole time. But true mastermind controlling the game? Lol, this game was too unpredictable to have one of those, so there was none. Sorry. The reason I'm having trouble voting for you, is because 1) You are VERY lucky to still be here. Had rocks gone differently, you wouldn't have been here right now, and if Sarah didn't have a vendetta against Katie and stray voted her, then you wouldn't be here right now. So those two magnificent strokes of luck got you here over anything, don't deny that. And 2) I, along with everyone else, saw straight through your bullshit from the very beginning. Like I said earlier, you were so blatantly trying to play the middle and control the game. I'd respect it if it were a little more discreet but.. meh.

Ralph, you really did nothing to get yourself here, did you? From the very moment this game started, I knew that you and Cochran (and Vytas but RIP him) would be close allies in this, and great job at getting to the end with your favorite person in the game. But, through this whole game, Jeff has been telling us to play for the WIN. And honestly, I don't think you were playing for the win AT ALL. I think you were just playing to get to the end. If you were really playing for the win, then Cochran, someone who is FAR stronger than you wouldn't be sitting here with you, instead someone else would. So, I'm having trouble wanting to vote for you because I feel like you did nothing, and people who did something in this game (Aka everyone on the entire jury) are more deserving to sit there than you, someone who has just chilled out the entire game and was just a number for Cochran and co.

Carter, you tried to play and UTR game, and it clearly succeeded because you are sitting here. Most of the time, I really like seeing UTR games and I'm inclined to vote for them at the end. This time, however, I'm really not feeling it. I feel like an UTR game means you are getting closely connected with everyone in the game, so that nobody will bring your name up for elimination, and you'll just slide on by through social relationships. But, at least with me and I know with a few others, you never really tried to build too much of a social relationship. You just felt like being quiet at Tribal, and sending vague responses to people warranted as UTR play. Honestly, I'd much rather vote for Debb than you in this.

So, I have no idea who to vote for, my vote's up in the air tonight i could be voting for any of you.

Something I like to remember is that the game isn't over during the FTC. The FTC isn't a time to just reflect on what you did. There are still time to make moves to get jury votes, and with my tasks I'm hoping you are going to make some good moves, because this game ain't over and I want people to compete for my vote.

First task, shit on your other two opponents. I don't want to hear ONE positive thing, and I DON'T want to hear anything uncertain like "Well I guess he..." or "he did this good but a problem I would have is..." NO. As soon as I see ANYTHING like that, you lose my vote, no question about it, i don't care how good everything else is. Be ruthless and mean. This is a game remember, you play to win games, not to make friends. I'm sure everyone will be fine and dandy after the game, so rip their gameplay to SHREDS. Be rude. Be nasty. Be spicy. Basically, pretend you're Mia and say why other people are shit and you're the best.

Second task, I like to talk about myself, and I never really got a good explanation over why i was voted out over Mia (no offense Mia but uk I wanted to keep playing <3 ) I don't want to see any answers like "oh well you were asking us to flip to a tight threesome" or "You were too social" or any bullshit like that. That's not the question. The question is why was I voted out over Mia, after ALL DAY everyone was going to vote for her (including myself). So why did things change? Also, don't say "because someone told me to" because that's a pussy ass answer. Be real. I deserve it.

THIRD TASK. I want you to make a list of all the jurors, and next to them, write ONE positive word that describes them in this game, and ONE negative word that describes them in this game. No explanations needed, just do it like this:

Cochran: strategical, overbearing
Ralph: funny, follower
Carter: nice, forgettable

Alright that's all for my speech, I hope it was as spicy as it was the first time (first time was much worse, trust me) Again good luck in the FTC, don't get hurt feelings, and we'll all talk after the game icon_wub

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