Pregame Assessment
Ashley -
Ashley was so hard to cast because she really did not want to play against the ever-growing number of enemies that were sure to be in this season. She really did get a raw end of the stick in that a lot of her main allies (sophie, grant, jeff v.) are not playing in this season. On top of that her enemies are playing (mia, chad, katie). However, everyone who knows me knows that I have a hard on for an underdog story. On top of that, I really like Ashley a lot. So I’m really hoping she pulls through and overcomes the odds. I’d really love to see that more than anything. Either way, I’m excited she’s playing and glad she decided to play even with a bunch of haters. Takes guts.
Carter -
Carter is one of the players that I’m taking a risk on. He was kind of meh in his first season and at the end kicked it into high gear. I’m banking on the fact that he learned how to play the game towards the end of the season and that will carry on into this season. My fear is that with all the huge personalities he’s going to be pushed to the back and fall into the same trap of not making a big enough impact.
Caryn -
Caryn is someone that I’m iffy on. I think she could easily do really well here. Especially if she has a lot of friends. In Portugal she was amazing and I really thought she would get to the end and then the situation with Katie happened. I think going into this game Caryn probably has a huge reputation, but that could almost work to her advantage. I think all of the new players want to work with Caryn because she’s so crazy. Whether she scares them off will be another thing entirely. Either way this season should solidify Caryn’s Legend status.
Chad -
In Chad’s season he was a superstar. And then he never came back to play again. i think this is Chad’s chance to steal the limelight yet again. He’s crazy as hell when he’s on, and I’m hoping he brings it. He already is going into this season with a massive beef with Ashley and some friendships with Mia. I think this could be a really villainous Chad that we see here. Either way I’m sure he will deliver in spades. Again, he was very reluctant to play so I’m hoping for the best.
Chris -
Chris is someone who really earned his stripes last season. He was kind of a forgotten All-star. He was really good in Costa Rica, but never could quite get him to play again. Scheduling worked out last season and I think he probably played the game the hardest of anyone. I really see him doing very well here. He’s my pick because he’s just coming out of a game where he’s done really well, i feel like his knives are sharpened and he will make a ton of enemies here. I do think in the end he will be able to sweet talk his way to a victory.
Cochran -
Cochran’s someone who I haven’t really thought about this season. He already gave us a legendary performance in Portugal, so I’m not expecting a whole lot from him here. However, he has a ton of buddies in this and I see him doing very well. I just hope we get to see some egomaniacal moves like we did in Portugal and of course i’m looking forward to the unfinished business between him and Vytas. Probably one of my favorite storylines in the history of Stranded so I’m looking forward to see that fleshed out here.
Debb -
Debb is someone who is a legend in her own right. Not only is the character legendary but the comedy behind it is as well. So when I got someone like Rudy to play as this legendary character it was a huge GET for the series. Unfortunately her comedy kind of fell flat last season and hse faded into the background a bit. That didn't stop her for making a name for herself with her epic poetry and being dubbed the Poet Laureate of Stranded. I think we haven't seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Debb and I'm really hoping she shines in her second go round. She can also thank Jeff for repaying the favor and getting her this last minute spot. I thought that was kinda cool that he could repay her for getting him the win last season. She's definitely someone I'm excited to see play though and last-minute editions have been notoriously successful in Stranded, so here's hoping for the best!
Gina -
I’m taking a huge risk on Gina. The good thing is that I think she knows it and knows she has something to prove. She was fantastic in Venezuela and really for the first 2/3s of Legends was amazing. Unfortunately she sat on her lead and kind of went semi inactive toward the end and earned herself a third place spot. Im taking a chance on Gina because I believe in her epicness. It’s pretty rare that I choose all-stars based on being strategic threats. The fact that she can transcend “strategist” and still be compelling to watch says a lot. She’s got a speciial something and I’m really hoping she can prove herself here. She’s my underdog pick… being incredibly enthusiastic about playing doesn’t hurt.
Jane -
Oh my god, I’ve been wanting to get this hag goddess back into Stranded for SO.LONG. Probably one of my most depressing early boots in that she gave us so much good stuff and went way too soon. I think if she goes again early I will scream. She needs to do well here because it would be a fucking tragedy against the Stranded gods if she didn’t. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how seriously she’s taking this or how well connected she is, but you know she seemed up for it and I’m praying for the best. Nothing would make me happier than seeing her leave a path of enemies in her wake. If anything, seeing her interact with Caryn will be worth it.
Jolanda -
Jolanda is such a unique stranded character. Super likable without being really an underdog or very “nice” In her first season she was kind of dominant and too overbearing. In her second season she really hit her stride and became one of the most likable characters to ever play. I think having her back is amazing, she’s definitely a Legend that should have been back already for her third go, but maybe it’s KISMET. I could easily see her winning here if she can get deep enough without being too big of a threat.
Katie -
Katie is kind of a wildcard. I know she was great in Portugal, she was killing it socially, being a bit of a twat to everyone and kind of a backstabber. The thing is, I’m not sure how many people SAW how big of a backstabber she was. That could lead to some real drama here. She’s earned her all-star status for her controversial exit and I do love a good redemption story. I could definitely see Katie backstabbing some IRL friends leading to permanent feuds. She just seems overall kind of slimey to me and she’s already coming into this with some enemies who used to be friends. That doesn’t bode well. I see her making the merge and pissing off a lot of her close friends.
Ken -
In his first game, Ken went out very early for playing too aggressively too soon. After dominating a ton of online games, I decided to let him play Stranded again and luckily for us he accepted. He came back and made a ton of enemies in Patagonia as he betrayed most players in the game and was generally an ass about it. The good thing is that he has a lot of friends and I think some people may have forgotten just how much he backstabs. I think in this open ID we could see Ken losing a lot of friends in the long run. One thing’s for sure, if he isn’t sussed out as a threat early, he is definitely in this to win it.
Kristina -
Kristina’s one of the players I’m most looking forward to seeing again. I’m not sure how many people will be expecting her back, but she was pretty okay in Stranded. However, when she went on to Isolated she dominated the game. She’s bringing that same dominant attitude into this season and looking to make a name for herself and earn some respect from other players. That’s really exciting for a host like me. I see Kristina really becoming a huge star here. I like her style and I don’t think anyone will see it coming. On top of that she actually has a few allies from Namibia she can call on.
Lisa -
Lisa’s popular and everyone knows it. I think she knows her mistakes from Nepal. However, I think Lisa might over-correct here. I’m afraid she will take a permanent back seat and that’s not going to work well for her. If she can tap into the controlling side of her in Nepal but keep the obsessive side in check, she could very well win. The problem is that I don’t see Lisa being able to control herself and she is going to have a lot of enemies in this from Nepal. Fortunately she’s got a ton of friends, unfortunately that’s going to hurt her too. It’s 50/50 here.
Mia -
Mia’s the biggest threat coming into this game and everyone knows it. So far it’s being billed as the Mia vs. Ashley show. Two sworn enemies with lots of friends. This could get ugly and early. I think they will both end up canceling each other out if they can’t get out of each other’s way. Of course, I’m hoping both can end up making it very far, but thats going to depend on how aggressively they go after one another. I could easily see Mia going too hard against Ashley and making everyone turn on her in the process. Mia’s coming into this with the most friends and unfortunately for her that means she has to piss someone off. Early on in the pickem I could see this being a real problem for her. Later down the line, I would be willing to be money that she makes a permanent enemy out of an old friend.
Papa Bear -
Oh lord. Papa Bear might be the most fascinating player in Stranded history. I’m just going to say it. There is no one that is more fun to watch. The man is insane and in the best way possible. I would have him back every season if I could. I think he will not do well here, but I’m praying he does. It’s like the train wreck that you can’t stop looking at and hoping it never ends. If he somehow miracles his way to the end of this game it will most likely be the best season ever. That’s how entertaining he is. I can safely say that without even knowing how the game would go. Just by his being there it will be great. How long can he be there? That’s another story…
Ralph -
Do people realize how devious Ralph is? Do they care? Ralph is known for being the most likable and adorable player ever. I mean instantaneously lovable, you just want this guy to win. He’s also known for being a bit of a buffoon, or baboon if you will. What he’s not known for and what a lot of people don’t realize, is that Ralph is really devious. He’s not stupid at all and is very capable and willing to backstab his friends at the drop of a hat. That’s going to be delicious to see. I actually could very well see Ralph winning this whole game if he taps into that and lulls people into a false sense of security. Ralph’s already a Legend, everything else he does this season is just the cherry on the cake.
Ramona -
Ramona’s another wildcard pick. I saw something in her in her fight with Jeff, her passion for saving Stacey and going out of the game kicking in screaming that I really loved. I think she has the potential to be one of the greatest players/characters ever and that’s why she’s here. Early in Rai she was the strategic mastermind out of nowhere, she’s likable and fair. It’s just a gut feeling, I could be totally wrong and i’m taking a huge risk in bringing her back, but I just really loved her and I saw something in her that I want to see more of. Here’s hoping she delivers!!
Sarah -
My booboo. I’m of course rooting for Sarah to win. I can’t explain why, I just adore Sarah. I think she’s a legend and one of my all-time favorite players. She’s seriously one of my best friends online and I know she’s shit ass crazy in the game, and emotional as hell but I can’t help but love her for it. She will always deliver an entertaining showing and that’s something every hosts dreams of. I’d love to see her do really well here, she kind of deserves it after getting shit on for two seasons and being completely underestimated / not respected. I don’t think anyone takes her seriously and I’m praying she can take the game by the balls and show people how amazing she is. I have to pick her to win because she’s my boo.
Sean -
Sean is someone I’ve really loved watching both times he played and he went tragically early in Legends. He’s someone that no one knows really well, he doesn’t lurk a lot, he’s not in the community a lot… but he’s smart as hell. He’s a dangerous player with huge balls and that could really do well for him in this season. He’s got a great shot at going far and proving his worth here. He’s definitely one of the best players the game has ever seen and I can’t wait for him to remind everyone as to why. I’ve wanted to see him play again for a while now and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun watching him.
Stacey -
Stacey is someone that i don’t know what to expect of. She was kind of wrongfully hated on last season, but somehow managed to miracle her way through the game. On top of that she had never watched Survivor before and for someone who was universally hated on to make it that far was just amazing to see. She has an underdog star quality that isn’t appreciated until she’s made it a lot further than you expected her to. I would expect for her to be pushed to the background and an easy early boot, but… a lot of people would have said that about her last season and she seems to do the best when she is against the ropes. Should be fun tow watch.
Ted -
Ted’s another person like Gina. Amazing in their first season, then came back to be kind of disappointing. I know he has it in him to be the flip flopping strategic goddess he was in Greece, the center of the universe, the Ted Show™ - Season 3. I’m thinking he will be very underestimated here and will really do some serious damage. There are a handful of other strategic threats that he’s going to go up against and will be serious competition for. Looking forward to seeing some of Strandeds greatest minds battle it out with the crazies peppered in.
Vytas -
Last but not least, probably the biggest GET for this season. The elusive Vytas. He gave me a really hard time about playing, but thank the lord he said yes. Vytas is probably the player I’m most excited about having back. He’s got the best star quality, he’s shit ass crazy and dominant as hell. He will definitely make a great show. His relationship with Cochran is one that will definitely be something I’m looking forward to. Their frienemy status is amazing and I can’t wait to get more of that. On top of that he’s going to be against Caryn and some other enemies that he will drive crazy so it should be a lot of fun to see. Im really hoping he can do well here again and honestly, if anyone could do it even with a big target… it’s Vytas.