Welcome, Ashley!

Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:39:37 am

:'( An angel has fallen. But at least you are in good company here :)
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Lisa » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:45:15 am

Quitting jury, brb.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:47:16 am

Boo - you whores.

Hey chick, it was fun playing together while it lasted. I know Jury Ashley is the best Ashley like Malibu Barbie is the best Barbie so I'm sad to see you out but also glad we get Jury Ashley <3
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sarah » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:48:44 am

Hey boo! I'm sad we didn't really talk a lot here. <3
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:19:42 am

Well shit.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:46:32 am

The Goss

~by Ashley Underwood.

How did I think this guy deserved to win in Portugal? I COMPLETELY understand how he lost now, it makes total sense. He is absolutely unbearable and self-righteous. You vote differently to him - not even for him, and he is saying "you voted against me" like calm down Dictator, not everything is about you.

Gross. He is a goat, through and through. Apparently he thought pushing my vote would make him less of a goat - wow good job targeting the one player who very clearly had no allies and was the easiest target. Congratulations Ralph. Big move. He swore on his whole family he wasn't voting for me and even swore on my jury vote and you ladies better believe that'll be all I say to him if he gets to FTC.

Super fake. Told me to vote for Ken, so I ask Cochran and he responds to me as if I've just said something super shady - "that's not what I'm hearing".... well thanks for the heads up icon_rolleyes Him and Debb are just as bad as Cochran and Ralph in all honesty. They just shit talk Cochran behind his back and at the least Cochran doesn't do that to them.

Fake as fuck. Like disgusting. Lie to your face, tell you how they want to make a move but "we just have to wait" and is at the same time telling everyone else you're targeting them when she's the one pushing the idea onto you. She didn't even talk to me after the challenge, it was super obvious I was leaving, yet she still went for them jury points telling me she was "doing her best" to save me. Sure girl. Right before tribal she was telling me to convince Mia/Jo/Ken to vote for Cochran icon_rolleyes probably to like prove to Cochran she was right about me or something.

Mmmmm..... I think Jolanda is the only person in the game I'd be okay with winning, so I hope she gets to the end. We weren't close by any means, she just seemed to be the most well-positioned of the entire remaining group, no heat ever on Jo and Debb and Carter are gagging to work with her. So I am hoping she gets there, it'd be pretty good.

Didn't speak to me ever unless it was a group chat or about Lisa, or some other bullshit about "playing with friends and keeping them safe because I'm not the kind of player to do that to my friends" and then proceeding to vote them out. Had a pretty fake emotional cry after your boot Lisa btw, but whatever it's your friend.

Didn't speak to me the last two rounds, is completely wedged up Cochran's ass, I asked him about how people consider him, Coch and Ralph a trio and he tried to deny it because he's not close to Ralph and then said "If people think that with their incorrect information, it's their problem".... while clearly being attached to Cochran's hip.

Literally the definition of fake. Who's surprised though? Any takers? She was telling me on skype after votes were due that she'd voted with me. "Ken and Jo voted for Carter, I voted for Ken 100%" when all I asked her was if she'd voted for me and to be honest. What was I going to do about it? Votes come, oh what a shock. Thanks for being hone---oh wait, you lied on skype after the votes were already cast and then tries to sell me some bullshit about having no choice because you couldn't change anything and "I was hoping you'd find the idol so someone who didn't deserve to go would be voted out instead" -- like get fucked with your pandery bullshit, please don't talk to me. I am sure Katie has some understanding about how I feel about people who lie about votes when it's literally too late to do anything about it.


You'll probably see in my confessional after the game, if anyone looks - that I knew well ahead everyone was probably voting for me, Probst kind of told me to fight at tribal as well but I'm not desperate for my 15minutes in games like other people, and it wasn't going to change anyone's mind anyway.

Lisa, sorry for not flipping and voting Mia on the re-vote. I honestly didn't think it would matter and she was skype-begging me not to change. Katie, sorry for giving Lisa the idol and not telling you to vote Cochran, I didn't know if I could trust you - I played pretty shit from the merge, the game could've looked so different if I hadn't done that.

I'm kinda relieved to be out though. I lost 99% of the investment I had in it when Ted left and he was the one who convinced me not to drop in the end. :( A few of the hosts even told me off about it because I basically said I wanted to quit. I'm not even like interested enough to be a bitter bitch or anything, it's just... I don't like most of these people and it's a relief not to deal with them anymore.

Sorry you left as well Sarah - you were a bitch and I hated you from the minute you threw me under the bus on Hiva Oa, but you were pretty well set up to win and I was waiting for you to flip and vote with Debb and Carter like they were wetting themselves for you to do. You and Jo were probably my bets to get to the end.

P.s. Stephanie - seriously girl, you are so insecure and desperate to assert dominance you post that in my tribal? ooh burn I'm hurt. Really, it stings. icon_rolleyes
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:50:32 am

Okay you've had Jury Ashley now, tell me when FTC starts.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Katie » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:04:17 pm

This bitch gave Lisa the idol that got me outed from the game.... Well, now I consider us mega-even for (Almost) Stranded and my conscience is clear.

Lisa, you didn't tell me that when you got to Ponderosa?? That's the kind of shit us fellow jurors need to be telling each other! If Ash had made it to the end on the back of that move it may have drastically altered the likelihood I would vote for her to win (probs in a positive way since it was pretty boss).

No more secrets jurors.

Stay off Skype too bae - that'd drive me bonkers having people lie to me on an IM since it would feel like it was coming more from "them" and not their rep and I think having that buffer is important.

I'll let you know when to get your vote for Jolanda in. Fingers crossed!!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:28:34 pm

I should probably clarify I'm not all that mad at Ken - he didn't even vote for me in the end, I am just like wanting to wash my hands clean of them all since not a single person left in the game didn't actively target me at one point. Sucks not to have allies there. :(

Helping Lisa make merge was a highlight though - only took both of my idols lul but you were worth it in the end, sorry again that I fucked it up. =[ I think she didn't tell you because you might hate me lol she was being a friend <3

+ thanks Katie. You know where to find me!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sarah » Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:36:20 am

Ashley, I'm just gonna go ahead and say what we're all thinking. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself. This is a game, nobody is out to get you. Nobody here hates you. I like you a lot but you ARE north of 25, you are not a teenager so please stop acting like one. I get that you're sensitive but you really need to get thicker skin and stop being such a sore loser. You're not God.

I love you and this is meant with love, but you really need to brush your shoulders off and move on.

Thanks for saying I was in the best position to win though!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Lisa » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:21:35 am

lol yeah, I was keeping that a secret since you seemed super bitter about it. Yeah, pretty much Ashley gave me all the idols and I just got them played on me just in time lol
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Katie » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:39:21 am

Sarah wrote:Ashley, I'm just gonna go ahead and say what we're all thinking. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself. This is a game, nobody is out to get you. Nobody here hates you. I like you a lot but you ARE north of 25, you are not a teenager so please stop acting like one. I get that you're sensitive but you really need to get thicker skin and stop being such a sore loser. You're not God.

I love you and this is meant with love, but you really need to brush your shoulders off and move on.

Thanks for saying I was in the best position to win though!

icon_rolleyes Get off your high-horse Sarah, I mean really. You've been unbearable with your constant lectures and telling people how they are allowed to feel when you yourself were such a miserable person to be around for 3/4 of the game. You are NOT north of 45, stop acting like everyone's mother and let them feel the fuck however they want to feel without your tiresome diatribes.

I love you and this is meant with love, but you really got to stop acting like you're better than everyone and move on.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sarah » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:42:11 am

Katie wrote:
Sarah wrote:Ashley, I'm just gonna go ahead and say what we're all thinking. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself. This is a game, nobody is out to get you. Nobody here hates you. I like you a lot but you ARE north of 25, you are not a teenager so please stop acting like one. I get that you're sensitive but you really need to get thicker skin and stop being such a sore loser. You're not God.

I love you and this is meant with love, but you really need to brush your shoulders off and move on.

Thanks for saying I was in the best position to win though!

icon_rolleyes Get off your high-horse Sarah, I mean really. You've been unbearable with your constant lectures and telling people how they are allowed to feel when you yourself were such a miserable person to be around for 3/4 of the game. You are NOT north of 45, stop acting like everyone's mother and let them feel the fuck however they want to feel without your tiresome diatribes.

I love you and this is meant with love, but you really got to stop acting like you're better than everyone and move on.

I am better than everyone so..
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sarah » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:44:32 am

I can be the picture of moral superiority if I want to be.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Katie » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:53:57 am

ok bae - you run with that if it's your thing, that shade of righteousness actually suits you anyway
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sarah » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:57:56 am

Okay, but I wasn't the one who tried to justify my being a paranoid bitch by continuing to be a paranoid bitch. I also didn't cheat and get removed from my season.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Katie » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:07:15 am

Sarah wrote:Okay, but I wasn't the one who tried to justify my being a paranoid bitch by continuing to be a paranoid bitch. I also didn't cheat and get removed from my season.

lol - I didn't try to justify my paranoia. I knew I was being super paranoid but that's part of the game. You were just sour because I wasn't being a doormat for you and because I kept pointing out massive holes in your dumb-ass plans.

Oh, and good try with the "cheater" thing. Keep singing that song boo because, if I had unequivocally cheated I trust Poody would demonstrate the integrity to not have invited me back so I've explained myself to the people that matter in that situation and you were not one of them.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sarah » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:11:52 am

Katie wrote:
Sarah wrote:Okay, but I wasn't the one who tried to justify my being a paranoid bitch by continuing to be a paranoid bitch. I also didn't cheat and get removed from my season.

lol - I didn't try to justify my paranoia. I knew I was being super paranoid but that's part of the game. You were just sour because I wasn't being a doormat for you and because I kept pointing out massive holes in your dumb-ass plans.

Oh, and good try with the "cheater" thing. Keep singing that song boo because, if I had unequivocally cheated I trust Poody would demonstrate the integrity to not have invited me back so I've explained myself to the people that matter in that situation and you were not one of them.

Actually, no, because unlike you I was actually playing the game and forming plans with other people than you. I was the one with the full picture, not you. icon_rolleyes I didn't want a doormat, I wanted someone who would actually listen and not try to debunk actual solid plans and sabotage them without hearing the full story.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Katie » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:16:28 am

Also, I love how you played the cheater low-blow in the same thread where Ashley outright admitted nearly everyone left in the game are talking over Skype. Yeah, I'm the cheater for sending an ill-thought out PM IN THE GAME when I could have just cut corners and contacted people over Skype...

Yeah, fat lot of good your "playing the game" and "full picture" did you when you literally went out right after me. So superior.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:17:35 am

Sarah I am South of 25, tyvm. I'm also not being a sore loser? All I wrote in here is what is written in my confessionals, you can go read them after the game if you like. My opinion of people didn't suddenly change because I got voted out. And I'll tell you what I told Teresa when she tried to have a go at me in my confessional as well - everyone in ORGs knows what kind of player I am and weirdly enough as much as they bitch about me most hosts tend to like the fact I get so invested - sticking your beak in to make a comment on something everyone already is familiar with is a pointless exercise. If it makes you feel edgy and cool, go for it - but it's not something that's going to change how I play.

This weird fight in here though?... ok. icon_rolleyes If Poody was still against Katie about the incident in Portugal she wouldn't be in All Stars at all, and that's kind of all that needs to be said. Bringing it up as a dig in light of that is kind of stupid.
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