Episode 18

Voted Out 3-2

Episode 18

Postby Yul Kwon » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:40:25 am

Congratulations on making the final 5! Another blindside shows the game is always changing and nobody is ever safe (or to be counted out).

Where do you fall now, moving forward?

What is your gameplan to survive the last few tribal councils?
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Mia » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:45:00 am

What happens to people who don't want to make a move with Mia?

They go home. icon_smile
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Mia » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:21:38 am

Sending out heartful, emotional pleas to Ralph and Carter about why I should stay.

For Cochran, I'm tossing in some strategy bits that probably won't work. Idk.

~u can wish hard~

I'm just so fucking thrilled to still be here.
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:16:05 pm

What is the plan of action tonight? Will 'those three' get back together or are they truly divided and ready to be conquered?
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Mia » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:15:07 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:What is the plan of action tonight? Will 'those three' get back together or are they truly divided and ready to be conquered?

They will go for me. Or at least Cochran will. He's sitting high up on a throne of... whatever, but it's fragile. I just have to win immunity, and then I can maybe work up some leverage at the Final 4.

However, I'm not going to just sit back and put all my eggs in the immunity basket. I'm going to appeal as HARD as I can to Carter and Ralph. I've put some thought into what I want to say, and I'm going to be kind of an ass with it, but I'm playing up the "I've worked for this, I have a chance, and I deserve a shot" argument.

Carter has flat out said that he has no chance of winning. Good, great. So give ME a shot. Let this thing end with a bang. Does he hate me enough to just hand the win to Cochran? Maybe, but I'm hoping not. I'm going to ask for just one chance to get to the Final 4. If I get there and can't win immunity, then I'm gone and that was my last move. But I'm going to ask him for the respect of letting me get there (F4). If he can't win, don't hand it to someone else.

Same thing for Ralph. The only problem is that he legitimately thinks he has a shot. Or wants to think he has a shot. I don't know what his deal is. I love him, but he just doesn't want to give me a chance. I'm going to take a similar approach with him as I will with Carter. I'll just play the friendship card here. I'm going to ask him to let me get to the Final 4 AS A FRIEND. And there, if I can't win immunity, I'm done.

Super thankful for Ken through sticking with me through all of this. God, I don't think I've EVER put as much into a game as I have this one. I want it SO FUCKING BAD.
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Re: Episode 18

Postby Mia » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:22:41 pm

I feel really sleazy being reduced to begging lol. I'll just have to win those damn challenges!
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