Pre-Season Survey

Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:53:39 am

I'll be posting the pre-season interviews with the cast to give you an insight as to how everyone will play and your first introduction to the All-star cast :)

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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:03:30 am


Stranded in Venezuela * Stranded with Legends

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

My plan is to be less of a hot mess than Ashley and Mia. No but really, my plan is to not do what I did last time by just playing to be liked. My plan is to try to make some friends and use the ones I already have to my advantage and hopefully prove myself as an actual strategic and social player because I definitely have a lot to work on. But like I said, as long as I don't suck as hard as Mia and Ashley, I'm calling this game a success.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

My mistake both time was being batshit insane. Simply put, I love attention and that doesn't really make for a good game player. I also feel like I didn't really bother to get to know people or incentivize myself to them.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

I'm going to definitely try to make more genuine relationships this time and not just rely on being too dumb to be a threat. :x I will be the smartest All-Star EVER

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I don't know, I think I probably got gayer.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Probably all of my co-hosts from the previous seasons of Stranded. I'm really worried about the inevitable Mia and Ashley feud and knowing me I'll end up in the middle of that shit.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

I'm worried that Gabriel, Patricia, Lex, or Gina will be in the game. None of them liked me the first time except Gina and I don't really like her anymore after she fucked me over two Strandeds in a row.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

I think that Cochran and Ralph will be a lot of fun, and I really wanna help guide Ramona to the light. This next one might be a long shot but I'd love to play with Stacey because she's fucking insane and so much fun to watch.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

I'd like to be remembered for deeming myself as a strategic but still fun and memorable player.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I'm really confident that this time I can get beyond 8th place. I mean, matching that placement for the 3rd time wouldn't be too bad but I don't wanna be another John.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?
A hella lot binch!!!!!!!
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:07:53 am


Stranded in Costa Rica * Stranded in Portugal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

I'm going to suck & fuck my way through these contestants. I've been off my meds for months now, plus my Xanax addiction is getting to an extreme level. I'm a crazy fucking bitch who isn't afraid to cunt punt these fuckers.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

I had no mistakes. People were just jealous cause they'll never be as awesome as me so they all banded together to vote me out. It didn't surprise me though, both of my seasons were filled with low life losers trying to make a name for themselves.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

Great question!

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I'm officially sexually active again, so them boys better hide their cocks cause if I see one then I'm going after it like a rabid dog.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Caryn has no friends. Friends disappoint her.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

There's a shit ton of people I don't want to see for personal reasons. If PDC is on my tribe I'm most definitely voting her out first, same thing goes for Tracy or that fucker Marty Yurkowski.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Bitch please, I'm CARYN. If anything they should be looking forward to playing with me.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

My probation officer says I can't answer this question due to legal reasons. Sorry.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

First boot because people aren't gonna like the way I'm gonna play this season. Just how it is, honestly.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

Let me put it this way: I'm looking more forward to what new STD I'm gonna contract tomorrow then I am to this game.
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:10:39 am


Stranded in Nepal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

Start out the same way as last time, trying to make friends (or at least get acquainted with) all the members of my tribe and give myself plenty of options. The main change I wanna make is not letting this happen around me, but rather making things happen around me. And yes, I know how stupid and cheesy that sounds.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Being naive and overly trusting of others, and then going back to them even after they had gone against me multiple times.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

I certainly hope it will be. I'm not just gonna sit back and rest on my laurels thinking that because I have a few allies, I'm set for a while. I'm gonna try and stay in the loop with everyone, not just certain people, and try to constantly put myself in the best position possible.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

Uh....I wear glasses now. Other than that, not much.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Maybe, but I highly doubt it. Lisa and I were very close during Nepal's pre-merge, and we were arguably the pair that was running our tribe. Angie and I were very tight, especially after the merge up until she was voted out, although I doubt she'll play.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Stacey. Dumb bitch. She tried voting me out at our first tribal after the swap and failed, and then became the most insufferable person that I've ever associated with.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Ralph sticks out, mostly because we're very similar players, based on the research that I've done. I'm also excited to see people like Cochran, Ashley, and T-Bird (among others) all together and against each other.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

As the winner, obviously. More specifically, as someone who had a big say in every vote off that I participate in, was still very good in challenges, and who maintained good relationships with everyone I came in contact with.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I'll either go very early (as in first boot of my tribe) or at least make the merge. If I can get my foot in the door with a good amount of people at the start of the game, I'll be fine. If not, I'm absolutely screwed barring a miracle.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I am so freaking excited about this season, it's been at the forefront of my mind for the greater part of a month now
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:13:55 am


Stranded in Portugal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

start chaos. try to piss off as many people as possible

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

shutting my mouth around the merge. i should've call becky a shit-eating whore

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

i'll try to have fewer breakdowns

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

no change that will impact my game. i'll go nuts again, lol

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

i don't want friends, i want fans

from my season - cochran, ralph, katie... hayden?

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

from my season - anyone else. maybe minus ibrehem

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

i heard about grant being the most hated in his season. i'd like to meet him.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

"vitinho... fuck that douche"

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

in the game i'll probably do bad LOL. i think i'm going home pre-merge, i won't be able to invest as much time as in portugal. and i'll try to start more drama, maybe even in public. i have pre-merge boot written all over me.
now, for my goals, i think i'll do fantastic.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

i'm only playing for poody
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:17:15 am


Stranded in Namibia * Stranded in Portugal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

Same game plan as always, a little tweak this time because there are some newer players, and it's open ID. Get in to everyone's plans, make sure everyone loves me so that I don't have any body coming after me. This time though, I'm going to work really hard on some of the noobs. Yeah, they had to deal with Papa Bear last time but theres no way that they are going to suspect that I'll be doing what he did but just so much better.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Bitter Jury syndrome, and not being able to see what the Goats actually were. I mean, I was a fucking train wreck and the fact that some people still think I should have won shows that I really didn't do much wrong. Maybe not PM the whole tribe something? I don't fucking know.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

It won't be different really. I mean, I'll be more experienced but it'll still be the same shit. I mean hell, it worked, didn't it?

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I am more experienced, I am a better PMer, better bullshitter, and a better all around player than last time. I have improved in everything, even challenges which may help me in the early stages. I learned something from every game I've played in since then, and it will all come together here.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

I have all of Namibia, playing that season bond hard. I have all of Portugal, playing THAT season bond hard. I have Nepal, playing the fact that I hosted, which even though I wasn't really active, it's a lot of their first games, which makes me seem like a god of sorts.Other than that, Mia I know for sure, and the rest I have no fucking clue.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

All of Portugal lol. Should be interesting and I hope I don't get fucked for it.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Yes. Two people actually, Jeff and Angie. I think Jeff will be fun to play with, and I plan to make a close bond with him because of how dominant he was last season. Angie is a social force, and I think she'll be fun also. Both noobs so expect me to try with them hardcore.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

The winner.

More importantly, A legend. I am not holding anything back this time.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

Win because a lot of people don't know me, or what to expect. those who do, I have patched up with most of them. You better believe I will pull the friend card to not get booted here. This is my win and I will not settle for any less.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

so fucking much,
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:19:28 am


★ JANE ★
Stranded in Patagonia

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

I don't really have one. I think based on the stigma of who I am alone will probably cause people to target me or want me out. I don't take crap from stupid people and sense they know that might ad well give them what they expect. If they want an over bearing bitch and will vote me out regardless of what I do then why not make them suffer. Maybe something will open up.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

I don't even remember. I can only imagine it involved up tight humorless assholes. I think I pegged that Spanish chicken yes or whatever her name was as the winner when I was booted and I was right. Grab that pop Tart and stuff it up your snatch.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

No. I despise Jane with so much passion. When I was assigned her I had a mini meltdown and hated everything around me. I still do. If anything I will turn the avi feature off this time.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I'm a bit more social and less trusting. Before I would ride or die with an ally til the end. Now after constant betrayals by them and after the game their hate of me has changed. I will align with people but don't expect me to be tied down. Going into this adventure I don't care who I hurt. Grab your towels because there will be blood.

As far as host favorites goes I don't care what you all feel about somebody and their game. If I get far enough and they're a threat to mine #byefelicia you can all console each other in a host blog while I gloat.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Uh no. Half the people at orgy hate me because they're ugly while the other half think I'm crazy because I have no qualms about telling somebody they're a pathetic idiot.

I don't like people who suck in all aspects of life. Who then come online and act like a bad ass and try to emit the shit they get in life on others. For starters you're probably ugly and you're pissed you can't fix your face without a mirror breaking. Not my problem. Or you're so atrocious dogs howl and babies spontaneously combust. Again not my problem. It's also not my problem that people walk all over you, use you, make fun of you or throw sticks asking you to fetch because you look like a stray dog. So I really hate it when those people treat others like shit and group up with similar people to justify themselves and make themselves feel valued.

This isn't the Breakfast Club and that mentality needs to stop. But I expect these people to team up and put a win under their belt so they can feel fulfilled. They can gloat to their goat.

And these people are mostly the Daz, ILT, Cards, that other douche, they associate themselves with. It's like this big group of lame fake butter. So those are the assholes I know will target me. Just because I'm me and they are them.

If I have any friends maybe Yope, plum, rdn, uh blueberry if he's not a gamebot. Anyone with a passable face. :)

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Yes look above. ILT is kinda crazy. She blames me for all her failures or his. We played Bachelor Pad and things were ok til jury and this bitch tries to fit in so she bases me. For starters this isn't an 4XL shirt that she can barely fit in and should go a size up. It's a game. But I'm semi cool but on orgy this idiot has harassed me and has obsessed over Elizabeth. Like lose weight and find god.

Daz is somebody else. We use to be cool til he played as a bad girl in blue stars and thought he was her. Like he was mild mannered and friendly now he's a sack of peroxide bleached shit. His attitude and demeanor is where our fight from. He can give shit to people but can't take it back. Plus he has all these people who fight his battles. Sad. I still like him somewhat because beneath his online fake persona on org lays the person I initially liked. He's just around bad influences and he's more of a follower. But he hates me.

Cards. He hates me too. I don't know why. I call him ginger because he is and he has bad hygiene. Somebody on org I thought Eyka but I could be wrong showed me a photo of Cards like 2 or 3 years ago and It was bad. Could be ssomebody on sucks when I was at mafia. Anyways I got a few messages once about cards that makes me not like him. He's dirty from what Eyka (I don't know why I thought it was him) made it sound. He doesn't shower a lot and punched a parrot once or another flying animal.

Taterman. I don't know why he hates me or who he is in context to games we played. He's basic

T18. I don't know his hate either during odyssey 3 he was a host and didn't say nice things. I'm not one to be shocked by I was by his hate of me. He is a groupie somewhat even back during Paris Pointless Board but he should like me. I would defend his boyfriend.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?


8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

As the winner. This question is stupid lol.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

Probably first boot. Anything outside of that exceeds expectation. People just won't give me a chance.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

I'm sure there will be. I hate twist though. They are so tiring and expected plus some are lame or overrated.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

Time will tell. As long as friends are cast in an open id format
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:23:19 am


Stranded in Costa Rica * Stranded in Patagonia

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

My gameplay going into the season is to make as MANY friends as possible, because the more friends that I have the more chance that people will want to take me further. However, I'm not going to try to be all in your face about how many friends I have. Like I don't want people going around telling everyone that Jo is their favorite in the tribe (which, let's be real, will happen) because then everyone will be like "oh shit Jo is really well liked we should do something about it" and then poor me is eliminated far too early.

But really, all I want is ONE person to stick by my side, and be a secret ally. I don't really care who it is or how they are, I just want someone by my side sticking up for me no matter what happens, if i have one person telling everyone they don't want me gone, then I should be safe.

Also, my plan is to just do well haha. I'm not really big on pre game planning because you don't really know what the hell is going to happen until you actually see who you are going to be playing with.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Costa Rice- Oh my god, there are too many darn mistakes in that. First one I came off as too big of a challenge threat in the ONE pre merge challenge a tribe that I was on won, so they got rid of me. And I was also annoying as fuck and was like "OMG I'M GONNA VOTE YOU OUT CUZ YOU AREN'T ON MY TRIBE LOL" like damn I was ballsy good thing they voted me off when they did because Jo needed a freakin wake up call.

Patagonia- This game i did much better in, and I don't think i have as many regrets. I would say that I was too much of a threat in the end here too, and I just got unlucky with the numbers BECAUSE I was a threat.

So overall, coming off as too much of a threat is something that has been a problem of mine, in here as well as in other games.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

Do I want my game to be different? Yes. I don't want to come off as threatening in challenges or socially or whatever. Do I ~think~ I will actually change and my game will be different? Lol nope. I'm just going to do the same thing I do every game and just get game eyes, and not see all the options around me and not notice how much of a threat I'm coming off. But, if I try not to be a threat and tone it down in games, I suck and am boring/bored as hell. So, I'd rather go in and have fun and entertain people rather than toning myself down. So it probably won't be different and I'm hoping for a spot at least in the jury, that would be nice :)

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I feel like I've gotten a lot more game-botty to be honest. After playing in Stranded I played in a lot of different games, and those games were all about "who can be the biggest gambot" and like that's cool, but I eventually fell into that trap and forgot about having fun with it. But, since then I've been learning about how to have more and more fun with games rather than just letting them stress me out and only thinking about winning. I'd rather have fun with these things than anything else, so as long as i have fun I'll be good. I'm not sure if that really answered the question but like yolo.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Ibe- We were BEST friends in Costa Rica, and we still keep in touch sometimes. I haven't played with JJ/Ibe since Costa Rica, but Ibe DID go on to win which made me SO happy when I noticed that, so I'm really hoping that Ibe will be in this game because he was my first ever friend in an ORG :')

Mia- Mia and I weren't really good friends in Costa Rica, but after the game ended we connected really well. We haven't actually been able to connect as ~perfectly~ as I would like for us to, but if we know who we are going into it, I think that we can get something going and I hope she is in this. If not then she's probably a co host in which case hi Mia!

Holly- Holly was literally the best ally i could have ever asked for in Patagonia. She was a beast in the challenges, so I could easily hide behind her, and she was great to talk to strategically. If JoJo HoHo could come back together i would be the happiest person ever.

They are the three that I would LOVE to see come in here, but hopefully I'd be able to work with anybody.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

I wouldn't say that I have any stranded enemies. I mean people like Tom and Ken have done me wrong in the past Stranded games, but I've even gotten to know them better since then and played in games with them and everything has basically been forgotten about, so I don't think I have any enemies. I mean, i did somehow make it to the top 30 of ORGYvivor of like 170 or something, and I didn't strategize or anything, so people don't know me enough to hate me :p

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

i didn't really follow too many stranded seasons since I've stopped (sorry but I always happened to be in another game while I should've been lurking D: ) but from the limited I've seen from other seasons, I would like to see Sarah and Lindsay (from season 19) in the game, and I would also like to see Jeff from the most recent season, because he is someone I can see myself working with.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

I'd like to be remembered as that bitch who just kept on trucking no matter what happened. I REALLY would like to win Stranded one day, so if I could go down as the greatest winner of the greatest season in Stranded history, that would be pretty cool. But as long as people remember me positivley and see that i have fought for my life in all scenarios, then that's all I want.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I think I will do okay. To be honest, this season came during a really busy semester for me, so I don't know if i'll be able to give this my all like I did with my other two seasons of stranded (back when I was in high school lol omg that was so many years ago) but I've always somehow been able to manage ORGs, social life, and schoolwork in the past here at college, so I'm hoping that it won't be a problem here. And if we are going for an honest placement, if I can put my all into it i'll probably end up in 6th-10th, because that's how I normally do in these games. And if I suck then I'd expect me out pre merge. I've only sucked and not gave my all in one game ever, though, and that's because I was playing two other games at the exact same time, so I DOUBT that will happen here.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

I'm expecting a huge twist that I've never seen before, and I'm really excited and scared for it. I'm sure it's going to be something to do with past relationships or something. Or this game could have the new modern twist of having no twists at all! Wouldn't that be something?!

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I'm looking forward to this so much, I've bee signed up for this since god knows when and I've been wanting to play my favorite series, Stranded, ever since I was booted in Patagonia <3
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:25:34 am


★ KEN ★
Stranded in Greece * Stranded in Patagonia

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

My game plan is to run bitches over while winning. Play the social game in the way I know how.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

I was so flawless in Patagonia. Haters gonna hate.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

It will not be different at all. When I do my thing it works well, and I left a wake of jealous bitches behind me. I will be doing that again :')

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

Ken now prefers to be refereed to as Barbie. That's how I've changed.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

I hope for some reason Yve comes back <3

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Probably Holly if she's there. Or Tyrone, eww.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

I think I have actually already played with most people from Stranded so probably no.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

As a winner

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I will do amazingly, because I'm awesome.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

I think it could be rivals. That would be a hot idea, and Stranded has had some pretty hot rivalries.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I'm about as excited as a hipster at a vintage clothes store.
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:27:29 am


★ LISA ★
Stranded in Nepal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

This season, I'm going in with a bit more of an open mind. I know that I made mistake in my last game, and I got too focused on specific people. I plan on looking at the game more as a whole rather than focusing on taking out a single person . I want to be able to look out on the game and try to figure out who could possibly be aligned and who wouldn't be. I did well with this last time, but I was screwed over by my own doing.

Of course, I'd like to have the opportunity to really get to play with my friends, and I'd like to do as well as possible. I've found that I'm far better at open-ID games than I am at playing closed ID games. It helps too that I feel like I'd have some friends who pretty much WANT to play with me.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

MY biggest mistake.. isn't it obvious? Going after Papa Bear and Stacey and not paying attention to the game around me. I was dumb to let those fatties get the better of me, and I'm really hoping that I can learn from my mistake and really take my game to the next level.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

I don't want to get hung up on a single player, that's the main thing. Like I mentioned earlier, I had issues focusing on the whole game, and I feel like I want to have a more introspective role. Last game I was ambassador and making all the decisions for my tribe. This time, I'd like to sort of step back and let people do things and let them have the target. Does this mean I want to be UTR? Not exactly, but if I have to, I will.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

Since I've played Stranded I was in a few more games where I placed semi decently. I played in Ashley's game (Solitary) a game solely based around challenges and got 3rd out of 27 people. I'm very certain that she'll be playing so I know that at least she'll know how I am when it comes to challenges.

I guess I've also become a slightly more self-aware person. With all my games, I notice what made me win or lose and then I try to capitalize on my issues. Of course, I can't let my head get TOO wrapped around this issue, but hey it's nice to know where my strengths and weaknesses are, right?

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

I do feel like I'm in good with a few people in this season. I know that Ashley's probably going to be playing, and it wouldn't surprise me (if the rumors are true) if people from as far back as Costa Rica are coming back. I'm hoping to see Mia because I KNOW I want to work with her, and I think I'd like to try something with Chad. Both of them ARE players, but they're also some pretty good friends of mine. Mia and I have been friends ever since my first game (Crashcourse Barbados) and I've helped cohost her series ever since my season. Chad is someone who hated me last season, but I know that outside of the game Chad and I are friends and stuff.

In addition to those Costa Rica people, I'm 100% certain both Cochran and Ralph are going to be playing. I HOPE Vytas isn't playing, but knowing the hosting staff, I wouldn't be surprised to see him coming back too. I wish Marissa was playing because she and I would be tight as hell <3

From Nepal, I'm expecting Angie and Kimmi for sure, and maybe Carter and Papa Bear. I'd really like to play with Angie again since she was a star in our season, and Kimmi and I are really good friends too. And, I'm pretty sure Jeff isn't playing, so I won't have to deal with him.

As for the other people, I'm sure I've got friends in the cast, I just have to sort of work around any biases I might have with ID. That's the biggest thing in open-ID game. I know that I might be a possible target since I have quite a few friends in the ORG world, but we'll see!

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Papa Bear is like the only person I hate. Him and Stacey, and even then, my hatred for them is kind of one sided. Honestly, I can't really think of anyone I've really pissed off. I'm probably forgetting someone, but I guess it's better than having EVERYONE hate me.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Yes! Like I mentioned earlier, I'm really looking forward to playing with Chad and Mia. I've played with Mia once before, but it wasn't really that much since we were on opposite tribes and I got eliminated premerge. I've seen both of them play quite a few times, and I really just want to get to play with them!

In addition, I've played with Ralphie maybe once, and I just want to actually play with him for real. Same with Ashley, though I don't really know what I want to do yet. I figure I'll see which tribe I end up on and work from there.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

I want to redeem Lisa. I want to be seen as someone who had the potential back in her original season that managed to tap it and be an allstar of the allstar season. That's just the basic goal in my mind. Really though I want to be seen, not as a threat as much, but I don't think that's gonna be happening. I just want to be remember as a respectable player who made some sort of impact on this season.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

Wow, if this isn't the most loaded question. If I answer that I think I'll do well, then I just set myself up for failure if I leave early. BUT! If I say I think I'm going to do horribly, then why the hell am I even playing this game? But, I guess I'm thinking I'll do decently well. If I won it would be cool ,but I'd be satisfied for with redeeming Lisa more than anything. I think to do that, I'd have to be someone that was really well liked and at least make the jury or whatever. I really don't know much else to say though, lol.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

There's always going to be twists in Stranded... though I wonder what it could be this time? Y'know what would be funny? If the twist this season was that there AREN'T ANY! Actually though, I have absolutely no idea, and it's probably better to just not guess since I know I'm gonna be wrong. That being said, I hope it makes the game like super awesome and fun and stuff!


* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

Let's put it this way. If I wasn't excited for this game, I wouldn't be playing in it. Think about that, and let it sink in for a while.
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:29:54 am


★ SEAN ★
Stranded in Venezuela * Stranded with Legends

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

My plan is to play hard, make big moves, and play like this is my last time playing. I know in the beginning I am going to lay a bit low and liver people with ore existing rivalries take eachother out. Find my one true ally and then do some scheming. I find it hard to predict how exactly I'm going to play, but I think I play best when I'm in do or die situations.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Think my biggest mistake in my first season was playing too hard early on that I aim elated a target on my back the size of Africa. In my second season., I was in a really good position until the tribe swap. My biggest downfall was letting people who I knew tell me not to worry when I knew in my gut I was in trouble. This time I'm going to play my own game and listen to my head. I knew I should have played my idol, but trusted Mia that she knew how other would vote better then I knew. I play for myself this time.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

yes, I will be the winner this time.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I think I've matured a bit more. I've started grad school and haven't kept as up to date as I would like with ORGs and stranded. I might be a little rusty, but I imagine I'll get back into the groove within the first round

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

I don't know. Should I know who else is playing?? I would say maybe whoever is from my season and maybe Mia I she's selected since I know her in real life. But then again it's been so long since I've talked to them I might not have any ally's coming in. Could make me and easy target and that scares me a little. I might have to work a little harder then others to find my spot.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

If Rudy is playing he may be. But I like to bury the hatchet, new game new slate. But if they can't let things go, then I'm for sure going to reopen old wounds and make a move to take them out.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

naw. It's hard to tell who you like when you don't even know them.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

A strategist, big moves, genuine, manipulative, and the winner.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I plan on winning. I don't like to imagine anything less then that. Why? Because I'm the idol king, and I will always find a way to flip the game on its head if need be.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

of course, you are the king of twists...I would expect nothing less. I don't have anything particular in mind since I won't wan to plan on something and have something completely different happen...

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:40:37 am


Stranded in Nepal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

My plan going into the season is for all the all-stars to love me and think I'm a weak player (when I'm not) and for them to think they can use me or whatever (they can't), but yath that's it. I also want to play really nice and stuff.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

I don't believe I had any mistakes last season. I guess being myself was my mistake because that's why I was hated. Other than that, I guess that's it... everyone hated me for being better than them. #jealousy

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

My game this time will be different because there won't be new people, which means ((hopefully)) most of the people are smart, and if they're smart they'll keep me and so yeah!

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

Since the last time I played Stranded, I've changed... um,... I actually didn't change. I'm still the same so I mean ya um? honestly? you snatched my wig on this one... hmm

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history? None of my friends were allstar worthy... except Ramona and Hayden. So actually, hopefully they are. My only friends were Ramona, Hayden and Jenna. But let's be real... Jenna isn't coming back for allstars.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Yeah. Everyone except Jenna, Ramona, and Hayden. Especially those ugly people, what were their names again???Collin, Annie and what not??? Yeah I don't really know them but ya.... also not many people like me... but anyways ... also that bitch??? Timmothy or teresa? I don't know, but it was JANELLE. Basically, she tried to be all nice. Then I scalped her of her wig and she got all defensive,,, like chill bitch do you not remember you hating me in Isolated? anyways,, i have a nice little collection of her wigs that i've ripped off her head... she also seems like she smells. ok anyways.?

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before? I literally have no idea who anyone is. Except. Ashley UNderwood, Marissa, Courntey and a few others if theyre players..

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

As a bad ath binch who won the season and scalped every bitch on the island................ as an amazing indivual

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

By being myself. I have a very contagious (in a good way) personality. people ((allstars)) love me.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

Uhm ya. I don't know. Maybe making me have a special power.Thanks!!! =)


* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I am looking forward to this season kind of. On one hand I'm excited to play... on one hand I don't wanna be pre-jury..... so at this point I'm a bit wig-less.
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:49:18 am


★ MIA ★
Stranded in Costa Rica * Stranded with Legends

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

I don't make plans. Or I don't make solid plans, I guess. I will probably go team up with my friends and be sassy and annoying, as usual. From there I will make sure the boring players that aren't actually all-star material (i.e. the ones that poody is obsessed with for whatever reason) are taken out first, as long as I can help it. Also apparently I have huge enemies in Caryn/Vytas/Ashley that will have to be dealt with, but they aren't really on my radar because I don't really care about them, so we'll see what happens.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Costa Rica? My biggest mistake was flashing the idol. I thought I could pull a Malcolm a la Philippines, but that was dumb because it had just aired on TV so it only served to make me a vote magnet. I would have been done for soon after, even if I did play it, so I'm not to bent out of shape about it. I was playing a great game that wasn't going to get me the win anyways, but I was having a hell of a time.

Legends? Biggest mistake was running to immediately work with Sean, who I know in real life, rather than teaming up with my Stranded BFF Ami and Teresa.goddess. I should have joined the cover because life would have been so much easier. I sucked up to people that Shitty Fat Patricia and boring Cirie when I could have played the game with the catty bitches that were much more my style.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

I've done open ID in stranded before and failed, so the pressure is off. I don't care how I place. I'm playing this for poody that's it. Also, I'm here to play with Ami again, because I know she's playing. That will be worth it no matter what.

So I guess this means that I'm just here to be here. I'm not going to worry about the pressure or how I do.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

How have I changed? If anything, I think I've become ~worse~ when it comes to being a bitch and destroying other players. It's a little alarming. When I come unhinged, I REALLY come unhinged. I think that's a huge possibility in this game.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Um hell yes. I know Sean in real life. Ami was my first ever ally in Stranded and I'm in love with her. Chad and I are good friends, but I know how insane he is so I'm going to try to keep my distance. Jolanda's ass better be here because I love the shit out of her. Lisa is playing because she made about a million pre-game alliances, and I love her too, but I'll be wary. Who else? Chris and I get along well... Ralph is a good friend, but he's friends with EVERYONE so yeah. There are a shit ton more so we'll see. This will either help me or hurt me. Probably help me at first, then hurt me.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Caryn, Vytas, and Ashley all have irrational hate for me. Ashley thinks I sent pictures of her around on the internet when I didn't, Caryn is aparanoid and thinks I'm a bully when I never lashed out at her until she just assumed I was being a bully to Ashley, and then Vytas is a complete ass and I told him that so whatever. Actually I don't even think Ashley will play anymore, I think the pressure is gonna get to her and she will drop, if she hasn't already. I'm kind of banking on that because everyone expects this huge showdown, and it's not gonna happen.

Oh yeah- Cochran will be here and I'm not wild about him. And Grant is an entitled piece of shit, and if he's here, he's done for.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Idgaf about the Nepal players. Or the Namibia ones. Or the Portugal ones, really. I don't think any of them stand a chance, just like the newer seasons didn't stand a chance in Legends. There's too much backstory, too many friendships, and too much other shit for many of them to do well. And if I don't know who a lot of them are, that means they were probably boring, which means I'll be going for them first. I'm not going to sit back and watch a few boring ass gamebot players sneak through. Not gonna happen.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

It doesn't matter. I'm always memorable, so that's enough for me.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

Again, I don't care. If I do well, it's because I'll be playing it well. I think I have the skills to do that, but probably not the time. I'm applying for grad school right now and trying to finish up a research project IRL, so this comes second. But Stranded will get the same old Mia, that's for sure.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

I know Poody was toying with re-doing Refuge, but I've also been told it's "new" and "alright" so I'm not expecting too much. Idk. I trust poody to come up with something that isn't complete bullshit *I glance at Aussie Stranded*. We'll see.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I'm not looking forward to this at all. At this point, it's a chore, but I'm here to play hard like always. Too much enthusiasm is gonna kill a lot of these players.
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:51:10 am


★ GINA ★
Stranded in Venezuela * Stranded with Legends

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

My position coming in is really unique because I'm not a regular ORG player, I've only played Stranded... I'm not in this community at all. If I get a bunch of old-timers who've played together in ten games on my tribe, I'm going to be screwed. But if I've got a few people on my tribe who are like me, or if there are old rivalries I can exploit, then I'll have something to work with. I think the biggest hurdle for me will be the first vote. If I'm on a tribe with a bunch of friends, I'll be an easy target. I'm gonna have to put in the work to get my claws in.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

Ugh. Not sure where to begin. In Legends, I severely underestimated people like Ami and Teresa, and I wasn't able to participate in challenges or a lot of camp discussion because of my work schedule. I also got really disheartened and fatigued from the game as my tribe kept winning and the other tribe voted out people I considered friends and allies- Sean, Christy, Mia, Patricia, while a ton of super aggro CPN5 characters made it deep. I like one or two of those, but a merge with 4 or 5 is gross.

In Venezuela I played a solid newbie game that's biggest flaw was that it required me to win the FIC to win the game. My biggest mistake that game was playing my immunity idol on Sean, after I had voted for him, only for the five minute window the idol can be played to run out right before I played the idol. Still embarrassed by that one...

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

I will immediately vote out anyone who plays as an obnoxious character or anyone who posts real housewives gifs all the time. You're welcome

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

The biggest change is that I've got a new job that will actually allow for me to make tribal councils and challenges regularly.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Not sure if winners will be back but if they are, I expect to see Lindsey. I was really close with her on Venezuela, but I don't think we could work together again.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Frank is the obvious one. We spent a good portion of Legends as allies, but by around final ten or so I had a final three deal with Cirie and Rudy, and his increasingly aggressive, erratic behavior turned me off of working with him. The three of us severely underestimated his challenge ability, and he nearly immunity'd his way into the finals. I'm hoping this season we can bury the hatchet, and then I can vote him out again.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Only read bios for the last season but Angie seems awesome.

I'm looking forward to playing with Ralph and Ashley.

Wary of Sophie and Katie.

Already annoyed by Vytas.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

As a mix of Monica Culpepper, Katie Gallagher and Dan Kay.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I'm either going to be my tribe's first boot or I'll make the finals.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

After Legends brought out every twist in the book I really don't know what to expect. I'm hoping there won't be redemption island or a bloated cast. If the twist this season is that there is three tribes of ten or something ridiculous, I'll kill myself.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I'll tell you when I see the cast
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:27:05 am


Stranded in Costa Rica * Stranded in Nepal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

Well, as BORING as it might sound- I don't have a gameplan. I feel like I would need to know the cast or my tribe to have even the slightest idea of what to do. I remember during Stranded Legends that there was like a returnee every 5 seconds and people getting swapped left and right so it's all about positioning myself. I'm good at keeping good enough tabs to slip by but not making too much of a fuss to get booted. It works, and I usually don't fuck up til the end game. The only problem would be people assigning me as a threat, but I truly believe that there would be bigger fish to fry here.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

My biggest mistake in my first season was paranoia- plain and simple. Nothing good comes from overplaying.

My mistake last season was being too concerned with getting to the finals with the right people, and not getting to the finals. I shut myself off to the opportunity to blindside Jeff at the Final 5 just because I thought I HAD to get to the end with the two "goats". You can't predict jury perception.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

My game this time will probably be a little more active. I'm on a consistent schedule with my new job. When shit starts going down and people can't get plans together, especially in All-Stars seasons, they'll spit out the name of the person everyone can agree on. I don't want to be that person.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

Um I got a new job so I won't be like logging on every 5 days and try to fit in all of my gaming in a span of an hour.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

I don't really think I have any friends persay. I doubt Tina will be here, not that she would last very long tbh, but I know Carter will be. Carter and I had a strange relationship but I can't see us targeting each other. I never fully cliqued with him. I would love to see Kimmi, Ramona, or Hayden.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

So I know that people who would connect Stranded Chris to Leslie CrashCourse might come after me. Every game I play in now someone seems to bring that up. Lisa last season was very skeptical of me because she watched me play as Leslie.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

Uh, not really tbh lol

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

Hmm. I would like to be a dynamic person who has a change of character each season. A lot of time passed between my first two, and not so much with the third- so I think I want to be remembered as a snake in the grass who avoided getting stepped on.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I think I will be out pre-merge, and that is not me being arrogant or humble. It's just a gut feeling. I think there will be a lot of people HERE. TO. PARTY. and that has never been my style.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

Has Stranded done a store before? If not that could be funzies. I wouldn't bet on anything and pretend I did.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

It's hard to really evaluate excitement until things start becoming tangible. Kind of like when you've got a big trip coming up in a few days but it's like ~lol i just wanna watch veronica mars~. you know.
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:09:21 pm


Stranded in Nepal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

My plan this time is to really connect with the other players. Although I liked how I played last time, I feel as if my social game fell through when the merge came. I want to avoid that. I want everybody to like me and to have real life conversations with these people. Last time I felt like I only talked game and some small talk here and there. I want to keep my strategic side from Nepal and hopefully my instincts are still good as well.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

My biggest mistake was letting my head get to big and to think that other people would play the game my way. It screwed me over after the merger, and I lashed out and revealed all the information I knew when I should have stayed calm and collected and used my info to get revenge.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

My game will be different in the sense that I'm not going to be so naïve and sheltered. I know how this game is played now. I realize that people are cutthroat and disloyal. I knew that the first time around but now that I've experienced it for real, I can hopefully overcome those obstacles. Like previously stated, I'm no longer going to be under the impression that people will play for me and do what I say because everybody has their own agenda and pathway to get them to the finish line, and my demise is somewhere in their plans. Also, I think I'll be more accepting of my mistakes and be able to realize I was wrong.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

Other than the fact that I've gained experience and have my past mistakes that I can use as guidelines, not much has changed. I hope I still have good instincts like I did during most of Nepal, I can still be a bit of a hot head, and I'm still pretty observant (unless I'm completely delusional by believing I am these things).

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Hayden for sure. Stacey. Angie I could probably talk to. Everyone else from my original season is a maybe except for Jeff and Debb, who I'd be shocked if I found myself aligned with them again. But Hayden was my best friend in Nepal and one of my very first allies. Stacey was like my little home girl who I wanted out in the beginning of the season then saved her life by swapping her to the other tribe which cost me an ally in Sean? Lol. And Angie and I became decent friends while in Ponderosa together and she's someone I wish I had worked with my first time around.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

Jeff and Debb. I was stupid to think they'd vote out one of their own and it cost me the game, but I knew they were slimy players and if they're out here on this island with me again, maybe I can patch up the old relationship but I'll always have a plan to fuck them over like they did to me. Unless I genuinely think I can trust them this time.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

I don't know the cast but no not really. I feel like all the Alumni/Hosts that observed Nepal have had a lot of time to realize their mistakes and gain experience so I think I'm at a disadvantage in that aspect. Aside from the fact that they seem fun to talk to and hang around (Ashley and Marissa in particular), I'm kinda worried/nervous and need to find my footing quickly after the launch. I will literally kill myself if I have to play with Caryn. Fuck that.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

I want to be seen as entertaining and a risk taker. I want people to root for me. I want to be the Jeff of my season where all the Alumni are making love threads for me and rooting for me hard (did I really just say I want to be like Jeff...lmfao). I would like to be a hero, but I wouldn't mind being a villain if I at least played a great game.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I have this itch that I'm going to go pre-merge this season. I don't know why, I just think I'm not going to fit in. I can use that as motivation to get farther and to keep going, though, which is what I'm planning to do. But I'm still not going to go out without a fight, obviously.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

Yes. There will be something. Even having no twists would be a twist at this point. And no. I'll look like an idiot. I could have never predicted the Ambassador twist from last season.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I'm looking forward to it! I'm playing with some of the best and I want to see how I can do playing with some big league players. I'm excited! Please have Hayden on this season <3 <3 <3
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:16:42 pm


Stranded in Namibia

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

to try, and inevitably fail, at being calmer. playing more of a 'come to me' game. establishing goof friendships/solid connections, and having people come to me for alliances. in stranded and isolated past i've always been too aggro with my alliances and it has wigged people out. can't do that anymore.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

see above. add a dash of stubbornness as well.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

yes, of course. who the hell says no to this? no, i'm going to do the EXACT same thing as last time because i was so happy coming in 7th or 8th place, whatever it was.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

since namibia, and isolated i've become a lot more aware of when people are putting on a front. not that i'm perfect at it by any means, but better. it's hard to do when you can't directly interact with people. i'm very good at reading people in person, body language, words between words and whatnot. it's been a harder skill to acquire online through these games were i can't directly interact with people.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

i'm not really sure that i do. i apparently upset a lot of people in isolated, and if people follow all the aspects of reality games forums, that might carry over. even still, ashley and soph were not the biggest fans of me in namibia. and pretty much everyone in isolated but luke hated me. maybe cochran? as e in isolated we were good friends, but i don't know if he's coming back since he already played a second time in portugal. ralph would be great too, but he played portugal as well. i might just be shit out of luck. i'm definitely going into this season alone.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

yes...see above.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

anyone? everyone? i'm just excited for this adventure damnit!!!

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

i just want to come out feeling like i did better than last time. that doesn't even necessarily mean i have to place higher, i just want to play better. asses situations better, make smarter decisions. and i want to make the fucking banner this time cause i got royally screwed out of it in namibia, and even other cast members agree with me on it.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

i want to fucking win of course. but realistically, i let my paranoia get to me in these games easily. wouldn't be shocked if i'm an early jury boot again. i can do well in challenges so i think people will want my help and keep me around early, but if my massive alliance weaving from namibia and isolated comes back to bite me, yeah, could easily be early jury member.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

yes. no. bring it.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I can not describe how much I'm looking forward to this, for numerous reasons. i'm honored to be selected to come back as an all-star. that some people would even think me that level is humbling. i fucking love these games, just the excitement of playing's the closest i know i will ever get to actually playing survivor which is one of my greatest life passions. and the biggest reason i'm excited is because, win or lose, this will most likely be my last season of stranded. never say never of course, things could always change, but as of now, that's how i see it. i accepted a new job while playing isolated and i have moved up already enough that my responsibilities have no 'on call' so to speak 24/7. being able to maintain constant commitment to these games is what makes this fun and my new job makes it tough. not that i can't make it work, it's just tough, especially because my wife and i are trying to start a family. also, and this shocked the shit out of me, as much as i love survivor and big brother both i love survivor way more. BUT, it's the reverse here. i love both stranded and isolated, but i found myself loving isolated a lot more. of course this could change during all-stars here, but i really enjoyed isolated, and making my 'clownie'/rex character. in the future if i was to continue doing this i'd probably want to keep doing isolated over stranded. again, i don't want this to be misinterpreted, i love both, and never say never, but, for now, i foresee this as the end of my stranded career. plus, it'd be nice to ride off into the sunset on a high note, what better way to do that than an all-stars season. SO. FUCKING. STOKED!!!
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:03:45 am


Stranded in Namibia * Stranded in Portugal

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

#doomsquad all the way baby. I'm just gonna be as active as i can be. Show up to challenges and then ride some dick to the end of the game well talking shit the whole time. this isn't normal Ralph. this is going to be one of the last games i play at least for a while because i'm busy as fuck right now so I'm going all out.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

In namibia it was activity. and in Portugal it was not talking enough game. Yog was the man telling me about the whole don't talk so much fluff thing cause it's true. I talked more rap and stuff than game.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

Probably not. Just gonna keep pissing in this toilet till the water is yellow enough.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I do weed know
that might be it

I like rap music more

and I understand these games just slightly more
but don't get your hopes up

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

YEA! COCHRAN-AN-DO BOOOI! love that kid to deat! #Doomsquad. if cochran goes down I go down! love that kid he's gonna be there with me man if he wins i win if i win he wins i will make sure i vote for him this time no fucking jury is gonna bust me over

Ashley and me are tight. but I don't trust her 100%. she's more of a till we both make merge then part thing

P BEAR! love this dude! he can be in DOOMSQUAD! me him cochran F3 get ready.

Shawn ( if he's in )
Vytas ( if in )
Steph kinda
Julie ( if in )
a bunch of other people i'm a pretty cool guy

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

idk. I don't think Sophie really likes me. but that might be it. I got along with most people pretty well. Maybe Grant as well but he's cool so whatever. also it'd be funny to see grant do bad. idk why i just htink that'd be funny

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

I think me and angie will be boys so that looks fun. other than that not really.

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

boi the legacy has wrote itself. know all i gotta do is put a THE END at the end of it and call myself a genius

i'm a fucking genius

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

6th place glory boot with pbear going out 6 round before me and Dom winning the whole things. DOOMSQUAD

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

the one where if you go out your not out and your still in but your STRANDED on an island and then more people come to your island like that movei castaway. you get all your wilsons. and then you go crazy and other tribes pick you up.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

legit 100% i don't even know the date and I pray my life shit doesn't get in the way of it

also i'm gonna say shit i missed here.
I'm in it to win it legit. it might not seem like it but a stranded win would turn me into a dick and i would always bring it up and wag it in peopls face like " stfu dumb bitch i won all stars" so that'd be cool

If I don't win I want someone i like to win. or Jeff. jeff shoudl win again back to back and be the sandra

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Jeff Probst
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:47:13 am


★ TED ★
Stranded in Greece * Stranded in Patagonia

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

Form a showmance with Ashley Underwood, play a low-key pre-merge game, and dominate the shit out of post-merge. I'll stay social early on, and ramp up the strategy as the game gets going.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

My biggest mistake in 15 was letting myself be seen as too much of a threat. I started winning challenges and becoming the obvious swing vote, which made it too easy to see that I needed a blindside, and as such I didn't play my idol. Biggest mistake in 18 was a lack of communication - I let a plan to save me get wrecked by trying to make things go my way rather than let someone else make the call and follow their guide.

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

This time I'm going to work with people more for them to achieve their goals. Playing Open-ID may make it a little trickier? But I think I'll be able to do it. I am determined to be a big player.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

I have a real life job now. That's probably going to be a killer to my game. I will have the time to socialise, but if work clashes with event times, that's going to be an added difficulty that I didn't have the first two times around. I think I am just enjoying a lot of real life progress, in general, though, so it could have a positive effect on my game since I have more self-confidence.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

PDC <3 I actually don't know anybody else in this cast, so I can't really answer this. I doubt Chase is playing, lul. If anyone from Patagonia is around, sure. Maybe Penny? idk, I haven't played with her recently.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?


7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

GET READY FOR #TEDSHLEY2015. Also is Lisa playing this season? Because Voltage and I could really make this place a steamy island <3

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

I will be remembered as a passionate lover that loved his way to victory.

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

I'm going to win, it's a foregone conclusion.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

I'm expecting twists that let us test our social skills with everyone in the game, and see how we work within the whole group, and not just our tribes.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

I'm looking forward to reminding everyone why Greece was The Ted Show.
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Pre-Season Survey

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:52:32 am


Stranded in Namibia

1. What is your game-plan going into this season?

Don't expect to get too far, don't take it too serious, just be happy with whatever luck throws my way.

2. What was your biggest mistake in your previous season(s)?

F4 challenge </3

3. Will your game be different this time? How?

I want Ash to still be positive and liked enough, but I want Ash to be more dominant.

4. How have you changed since the last time you played Stranded?

Played a lot since then, gained a lot of enemies, better in challenges, worse at social game then I used to be.

5. Do you think you have any friends going into the season? Who and what’s the history?

Most of my friends aren't playing :( I am hoping I will have Ralph, Cochran and Vytas as allies, idk about Katie, Mia definitely not, ummm.... yeah.

6. Do you have any enemies? Who and What’s the history?

This question... :P I have some haterade-filled ORG people that will probs come for me.

7. Are you looking forward to playing with someone in particular whom you haven't played with before?

TED! TED! TED! ^_^ Katie a little bit but she'll knife me if she gets the chance :( I wanna play with Marissa but she ain't in it :(

8. How would you like to be remembered this season?

Either disgustingly robbed by the haterade-drinking bitches pre-merge, or as a *star goddess* merge angel like in Namibia ^_^

9. How well do you think you will do and why?

Not really since I know some of the cast legitimately hate me :P I already got this heads up so.

10. Are you expecting any twists? Care to make any predictions?

Probably there'll be hella twists but I don't care to speculate.

* How much (if at all) are you looking forward to this season?

Infinitely less than I was before knowing who is and isn't playing, but it'll be nice to play with some of them.
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